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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. How do you unlock your fingers? RSI = Repetitive Stress Injury.
  2. @skyfire @SpaceExplorer Great picks! I was going to mention Bioshock 1 as well
  3. @UleTheVee Nice flow chart, thanks for sharing this! Nothing like a graphical representation of a concept to really get a point across.
  4. That is true! With some games, I try to imagine movie adaptations, and then am like "What's the point? It'd be really hard to even match this."
  5. I can't say I can relate to that, but I'm so far behind the current generation that I find out a great deal about the games I play well before I play them. Thus I've probably done a pretty good job steering myself toward games with proper stories. There are some benefits to being slow :)
  6. Interesting! What are some other rare games you liked on NES?
  7. @The Blackangel I haven’t played FF8, but after looking up FH, I can see why it has such a draw on you. It looks very atmospheric. @Alyxx Yes, you’ve seized on part of why the topic fascinates me. When I’m in Rapture, Columbia or Fallout’s universe, I feel like I’m seeing our world redesigned already, in a way—like what it might be like if those Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Streamline Moderne styles had stuck, or had become ubiquitous rather than just appearing here and there. The streamlined forms of those styles really appeal to me more than many of those which have followed. I never heard of Grim Fandango, but going by screenshots, I can see why you’d choose it. It looks pretty awesome! The Curse of the Monkey Island art has a whimsical, storybook flavour and is also very cool. @DylanC The pastel colours in Breath of The Wild are appealing. LIMBO and INSIDE do indeed have very cool art styles. Couldn’t be more different than Breath of the Wild, lol. @LadyDay Nice choice! Ancient styles have always appealed to me as well. There was a sense of majesty in those days.
  8. Is there anyone you particularly admire in the video game industry, be it a developer, journalist, or someone else?
  9. Have you ever played a game which you really got into and remember well, but never actually managed to beat? I imagine this was pretty common back in the olden days before there was extensive help on YT and other sites for beating games.
  10. Would you mind waiting longer for games if it stopped crunch time? I know that some people are not bothered by the existence of crunch time. I personally am. I can say that to me, it would not matter knowing I would have to wait another year or 2 for a game I was excited about if it meant working conditions would be better. What about you?
  11. I am totally stuck in Dragon Age II right now on the fight with the Arishok. I have the game on casual mode and I still keep dying repeatedly. As I search for strategies to deal with it, I’m wondering what you all you usually do if you get ridiculously stuck in a game. Do you take a break for a few days (or weeks)? Do you keep at it until you have gotten past the obstacle? Do you look up written strategies? Watch videos? Ask your friends how they beat it? Lower the difficulty mode?
  12. What are (or were, if you don’t have your NES anymore) your favorite games on NES? Mine was Solstice. I never beat it, but I loved everything about it. At the time, being able to move in three dimensions totally blew my mind. I also loved the colors, music and atmosphere, which was quite unique.
  13. That sounds very much like my preference as well. Though it annoys me when my party members (and the devs who wrote them) have clashing ideas with mine in terms of pragmatism.
  14. It sounds grind-y from what I've heard about it, but I've thought about getting it on sale just so I can explore.
  15. @UleTheVee What is the first video game you ever played?
  16. You mentioned something about being "asperger-y" in another thread. Do you have ASD, if you don't mind me asking?
  17. I can't imagine who you heard that from ... =D
  18. I've been reading the same thing. Following the press for the game leading up to its release though, it seems like the reviews are basically a confirmation of what people were anticipating--and therefore potentially influenced by it. I know a lot of people are also bemoaning "another zombie game." I think I'll just watch and wait and see how the game holds up over time.
  19. I do think that goes a long ways. It's refreshing, and the game's weird sense of humour allows it to express itself through striking visuals and also lets the devs play around with some surreal events and features each season.
  20. @The Blackangel Never played that game (or heard of it, actually). I found most NES games pretty hard though. I don't know if that is because games back then were simply harder, or if I was just too uncoordinated as a kid to play them well. Or it might've been the gamepad--I still think that thing would give me grief today.
  21. If you could redesign RL in the aesthetic style of any game ... We’ve already talked about “If you could live in any game universe/city,” I think. Here’s a related question. If you could simply take the aesthetics from any video game and make-over the place where you live now visually in that style (without changing anything else about the place), what game/location would you pick? I would pick the aesthetics of Columbia or Rapture as my top choice (big surprise, right). As my second choice, I’d go with Fallout’s streamline moderne style. Tagging @DylanC, @LadyDay, @Alyxx because I'm curious of your answers.
  22. I sometimes get RSI in my wrists from my job. I thankfully haven’t had a flare in a while (knock on plastic), but when I do, it can make gaming a little awkward. Mouse use usually is right out, and keyboard use isn’t great either. DualShock isn’t too bad—mostly—but it can still be a bit much at times. I wondered if anyone here has issues like this, and if so, what you do for them? I use some soft wrist braces which help out a lot.
  23. What do you look for in terms of features when you are playing a space game? Hoping @SpaceExplorer will weigh in.
  24. Sometimes I see people complain about what they perceive of as a game being “more of a movie than a game.” I suppose I can see the complaint if a movie-you-play-a-part-of simply isn’t what one is looking for in a game, but often disdain is expressed at the entire concept. I rather like the “game as a movie.” To me it is just another way to tell a story, and it can potentially create a stronger empathetic link than a passively-viewed film. Thoughts?
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