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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I'm just playing my standard rotation right now, but the next game which is new to me that I'll play will be Bioshock 2.
  2. The scrolly thing on my touchpad is always getting activated by mistake, and it isn't ergonomic, so I'm a mouse person.
  3. I know that stories aren't everyone's cup of tea, as I've known people who just don't connect with them. It does make me wonder why they'd play TLOU in the first place being as that game is obviously very story/character-centered. I'm not irritated when people phrase their complaints with precision, i.e. "I didn't like TLOU because I am not into stories," but I get really irritated if it's just "TLOU isn't a good game." The latter is both vague and a false objective statement (It may not be a good game to them, but that does not make it a "bad" game objectively as it is phrased). Regardless, the same things draw me to a game as do you, and TLOU is--to me--bloody amazing as well :)
  4. That's really helpful advice, especially since it builds off of what I've been figuring out. Thank you!
  5. Good points. I also enjoyed your detailed analysis of Starcraft. I think that with multiplayer games, this is an entirely different (and more problematic) issue than it is with single player games. I suppose that's kind of my point, ultimately. A single player game is essentially a single-person experience--if we let what other people are doing bother us, that is our problem, because that is within our control. A multiplayer experience is shared, so adjustments in these areas impact everyone.
  6. Exactly. I've actually read that the sheer volume of quests in NV is apparently larger than Fallout 3, yet the game does feel much smaller and tighter to me. I definitely prefer it, even though I think 3 is a great game.
  7. I can empathise a bit with where you're coming from with this, but this too seems like an example of irrational thinking (not by you, but by the players you are talking about). Players who mock others for playing for achievements or content that they have paid for simply have a different value system. They do not see the hard work as an achievement, thus they do not pursue it. But this does not in any real sense undermine the achievements of hard-working players who do value struggle. Those players need to learn to assert their own definitions of achievement, rather than allow themselves to feel their accomplishments are reduced because others do not share their ambitions. I guess I feel like they are ultimately undermining themselves.
  8. I know almost nothing about the blades game.
  9. Rofl! That is a very good point. The sheer amount of cheese he can carry is also most fearsome.
  10. Ah, but of course. Excessive exposure to radiation would turn a dragon into a fire-breathing chicken. How could I miss it? Then again, depending on the exact form of radiation, a fire-breathing duck is also a strong possibility.
  11. @skyfire @killamch89 Wouldn't cleaning a laptop with a vacuum cleaner have the potential to generate damaging static electricity? It seems so ... uncontrolled.
  12. Me too. I was really surprised by how well they maintained the quality of NV despite how large that game is. Then again, they scaled down on quantity in other respects (i.e. fewer companions, but more substance to them).
  13. I thought I'd start a thread for sharing research studies and academic articles pertaining to video games, for those who are interested in the academic side of things. Today I read this article about a study using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) while playing violent video games. The article reports, "Overall, the results show that in violent video game players cortical stimulation over the rVLPFC reduced unprovoked aggression. The findings suggest that by controlling the activity in an area of the brain crucial for regulating negative feelings and impulsive behavior, the link between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior can be broken down." This seems to imply to me that poor emotional self-regulation as well as high levels of impulsiveness are the perception/behaviour-modifying factors which cause some people to be adversely influenced by video games (and other content, I suspect), but not others. This would seem to be useful guidance for parents making decisions about whether to let their kids play violent games. Those who are extra-impulsive and/or poorly self-regulated perhaps should be kept from playing them until they are able to control their emotions and impulses better, but those who are well-regulated in this regard should be able to play violent video games without exhibiting aggression IRL. Any thoughts or studies you want to share on this or other video game related topics?
  14. I finally think I'm starting to get the hang of combat strategy in RDR (in my case, stay on my horse, snipe people from a distance, reposition, do it again). I was wondering if anyone else has any combat tips to share?
  15. I second this! The gaming world needs more professionalism, and you're off to an awesome start here!
  16. That’s really cool. That also led me to reading about this mouth-controlled joystick: https://www.quadstick.com/shop/quadstick-fps-game-controller. Fingers crossed from me as well. I don’t mind telling you that if I had your condition, it would scare the hell out of me. I hope that slow drip is as slow as possible. Playing Dark Souls as a form of self-punishment is a running joke pretty much everywhere. I also find it strange that there is so little talk about how gaming might reduce violent behaviour by offering a safe means of catharsis as well as a generally relaxing outlet each day.
  17. That pretty much sums up my view of this issue. I also think that there is a nuance in this topic which we keep bringing up, but not necessarily pointing out, which is a difference between "difficulty" and "accessibility." I mean, even on an "easy" mode, Sekiro/Souls/etc probably would never really be playable/accessible for me because the entire structure and play style of the game doesn't suit my abilities. Both my executive function and performance anxiety will always get in the way along with my general personality. I don't think a dev can do anything about that--that would be one of those impossible challenges @DylanC mentioned. But I still don't see a problem with providing an "easy" mode so that those who could feasibly get something great out of playing a game like Sekiro or Souls on a lower skill level can enjoy it. I also don't think it should be a requirement, but I see no good reason not to do it. Mostly, I am bothered by arguments which boil down to, "My enjoyment of this hard game is contigent upon others not being able to beat it on their level." It seems most sensible (and decent) to derive enjoyment from one's own experience, not from another person being deprived of their lower-skill equivalent of that experience.
  18. I can (as usual) relate. I also vastly prefer physical over digital in principle, but my lack of physical space and occasional impatience (and nice deals online) mean I have a fair amount of digital content as well. I do recommend popping in at local used video game stores now and again if you have any nearby! This saves money and gets you around shipping and impatience. You drop in, see something you want, and play it that night on a physical disc!
  19. All of that ... shouting ... is making people nervous!
  20. That was such a gray area in the MMO I used to play. I mean, the guy I knew who got banned for protecting my friend in the game was a homophobic bully himself. My friend was a lesbian, and he ended up losing his character to defend her from harassment. A lot of people were willing to overlook the admin's actions because he was such a pain in the ass himself. It didn't make the admin right, but I did see where they were coming from. The joys of the internet ...
  21. To say I'd be furious would be an understatement.
  22. Sounds like me growing up. Did my homework on the weekdays so I'd have my weekends free.
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