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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Not with my aftermarket controller, ugh. RDR is so sensitive that I ride in a zig-zag, lol. The main difference seems to be that when you turn the horse in Skyrim, it moves forward and goes in a sort of circle. In RDR, when you turn the horse sharply, you need to do it in place and then go on your way. I think the second movement is probably more lifelike/realistic.
  2. To those who live in small homes/apartments... I live in just one room. It’s a tiny space which has my entire life in it—living room, kitchen, bedroom. I keep my PS3 under the desk which has my TV on it. To those of you who likewise live in tiny spaces, how many consoles do you own? Where do you keep them? Any advice for conserving space with multiple consoles?
  3. What is the absolute worst behaviour you have witnessed in an MMO? In one game alone, I witnessed: Admins cheating players in events An admin banning a player for protecting another from sexual harassment Destruction of real-life relationships to achieve in-game aims Pretty lousy stuff. Anyone have stories to tell?
  4. Yeah, exactly. It isn’t as bad if they have a LAN and single player mode that keep functioning, but it still sucks. The other thing that scares me on a related note is purchasing games online. Technically, you don’t “own” anything—you have a kind of “indefinite rental.” If the company goes under, the contract evaporates, and you can lose everything. This applies with movies/TV as well. I feel like it’s becoming harder and harder to actually own any sort of watchable or playable content.
  5. What's funny is ... now I've gone back to play some Skyrim, and now I can't turn the horse in there, hahah. My muscle memory has now ingrained the RDR turning movements.
  6. It's been ages since I've been to an arcade, but I loved them when I was younger! I can't remember the last time I've seen one, but I'm in a rural area. I used to like playing at the ones where you could win vouchers back and claim a prize.
  7. I’ve played DDR, and I am beyond terrible at it. I have no physical coordination. There’s too much executive function involved.
  8. @skyfire I just found out about this game the other day, and the art style alone makes it look pretty fascinating.
  9. I always go double-handed on Warrior classes with light armor. I prefer the faster movement with the blades and the armor. It’s interesting to me you pair up double-handed with heavy armor for that reason.
  10. After enduring one too many glitches, my friend rage-quit Skyrim a few months ago and hasn't touched it since.
  11. Okay, I've actually got one now in answer to my own question. I finished Bioshock 1 the other day, and the section where I had to escort Little Sisters while they harvested was SUCH a pain. I could save Little Sisters before ... but with my 25% damage resistance, I just could not keep them alive in the Big Daddy suit. Oh, the irony.
  12. I've never actually been one to try for trophies or achievements, but your story made me laugh =D
  13. @skyfire @The Blackangel I feel kind of the same way about industrial and noise music (especially the more old-school variety, i.e. Boyd Rice, Skinny Puppy, Coil, etc.) as @The Blackangel does about metal. My third year college roommate and I would sometimes leave our favorite albums on loop all day, especially the more "abstract" sounding ones, and use them in place of ambient noise. They produced what I can only call a sense of "comfortable unease" for us. Some of the background sounds in video games, especially like Bioshock Infinite for example, or The Pitt in Fallout 3, put me in sort of a related headspace, and I love it.
  14. That’s a good point. I can say the same for my MUDding days, albeit not the same types of issues. It was more just that people would act on their worst impulses to lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, betray, and so forth. They’d shrug and say “It’s only a game,” but with the massive hours people clocked in that game, that wasn’t really a valid excuse. It functioned more as a meta-verse, and its social ills were very real.
  15. Aww, likewise! You're fabulous!
  16. I probably didn't sink enough time into it then heheh
  17. "Further still, much of the artwork interconnects in consistently surprising ways, a little like an interactive MC Escher lithograph." That may hit the nail on the head for why this game concept fascinates me. I do get an Escher vibe in terms of cleverness here. Nice review!
  18. What are your favorite/least favorite crafting systems in games? What do you look for in a crafting system? How much do you make use of them?
  19. Thought I would share this. I see a lot of people complaining that it looks like a combination of New Vegas and Bioshock. Funny, because that's exactly why I am excited by it. I love the aesthetics, and NV in my opinion plays better than most of Bethesda's games, and it seems clear that Obsidian is what made the difference.
  20. 1. Yes, they seem good how they are. One thing I’ll say please don’t do is that thing that happens on other forums where there is a Single thread for all eternity on a specific game, and everything just gets tacked onto it. There’s no way to tell at a glance what people are talking about, and the thread of conversation wanders more aimlessly. I much prefer the system as we have it here. 2. Not off the top of my head. 3. That sounds cool! Maybe we could list our Discord IDs as well? 4. Yes, especially the colors. 5. No issues. 6. Yes, this is one of the best things about VGR! I feel like people here are more positive and constructive, and more focused on what they love than on what they hate. That is super refreshing!
  21. I blame a lack of balance and perspective for social ills, not gaming. From gaming in my youth, I learned valuable people skills which serve me in business. I’ve learned how to type quickly, which also is vital for me at work. I’ve learned about personal strengths and weaknesses. I also discovered other interests from playing games. There was a year as a teen that I had low grades because I was so committed to an MMO. But in the long run, honestly, the things I learned that year from the game about social situations have been far more valuable to me than Algebra I has been :/ As an adult, gaming helps me regulate my OCD and sleep better at night. Games which involve decision-making and social approval systems (i.e. Dragon Age) have also helped me to be more assertive in real life when I have to make unpopular choices. I think ultimately, whether the upsides outweigh the potential downsides of gaming comes down to how you balance your life and how you choose to let gaming change you as a person for the better. As the Rapture Reminder says, “We all make our choices. But in the end, our choices make us.” 😉
  22. My all-time favorite game soundtrack is Skyrim. It impresses me because it achieves its purpose so well. It is atmospheric and fits well with the landscapes and the sense of “journeying.” It is interesting and memorable, but it never is “annoying” or intrusive. Even though I have heard the songs over and over and over, they do not get stuck in my head, which I really appreciate.
  23. I live out in the country, and it can get to be dead silent at night. So the ringing in my ears can drive me crazy without some kind of sounds playing.
  24. I recall finding that game fairly challenging, hahah.
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