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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Do you have fond memories of gaming from your childhood? If so, what are a few of them? I didn’t really get into gaming until I was a teen.
  2. We see lots of complaints about offensive content in video games nowadays. Has anyone here ever been truly offended by video game content they encountered? If so, what was it?
  3. What is your favorite mount in any video game? I don't think anything could beat Death in RDR: Undead Nightmare for me. Watching heads explode on impact will never get old.
  4. I’ve been having a new bug in Skyrim where the game freezes if I hit the PS button and circle button at almost the same time. Has anyone else had this?
  5. @The Blackangel mentioned in another thread having an empty feeling sometimes in games after characters change a great deal from who they were. I've had this experience as well a few times. It can be true to life, but sad too. Have others felt the same way?
  6. Spec Ops: The Line has a dope soundtrack with Jimi Hendrix, The Black Angels, Deep Purple, Bjork, and more 🙂
  7. Not off the top of my head, but the next time it happens, I will tell you 🙂
  8. Ah, actually, it isn't that--it's literally just the stories of the side quests in some of these games I have a hard time following. For example, the quest triggers, and the game assumes you read something you didn't, and proceeds. Or you do read the thing, but someone left out a key detail, and you can only find it in the quest instructions in your journal/quest menu.
  9. Sometimes I really struggle to keep up with what is happening in a game. In some cases, it is because the developer has either failed to fill in all the gaps, and/or did so in a non-obvious way (I’m looking at you, Bethesda and BioWare). Other times, I think there is just so much sensory input that I am having a hard time processing it all. What about you?
  10. Do you like when the player character is voiced when you select dialogue options in games, or do you prefer no voice? I see some pros and cons either way.
  11. I’ve heard some people say they find it annoying when video game characters share their thoughts aloud, but I don’t think it has ever bothered me. I like learning more about them through their thoughts. What about you?
  12. Are there any open world games you would want to remake as linear games instead? Likewise, are there any linear games you think would potentially work as well or better as open world games?
  13. Is anyone here a modder? If so, can you link us to the mods you have created?
  14. Have you ever neglected important responsibilities because of gaming? Which ones? I got low grades one year in high school because of gaming, but otherwise, it’s never been a problem for me.
  15. Are there any games you have played that fall into the category of “so bad they are good?” What makes you see them that way?
  16. When starting a new game, how much hand-holding do you like/dislike? How much direction do you feel is too little or too much?
  17. I’m not sure if any of us here are parents? If you are a parent, what are your rules regarding what games your kids can and can’t play and how many hours a day they can game?
  18. You know how some games have little DLCs you can buy with cosmetic and item upgrades for a few dollars which are not in any way essential to the game? Does anyone actually buy these things?
  19. What game soundtracks do you listen to the most when not playing? Mine would be Skyrim and Spec Ops: The Line.
  20. If you could spend a day as any video game character, who would you pick and why? I think I’d pick Origins-era Leliana, because I feel like I could learn from her journey toward uniting the disparate elements of her personality.
  21. @killamch89 mentioned Bethesda owing a lot of its success to its modding community. What are some other video game publishers/devs that likewise lean heavily on modders for success?
  22. I don't know this item/ability! Also, weird I forgot to put the White Phial on my list.
  23. Does anyone else ever feel this weird sense of emptiness/putting off a death after completing main quest lines in open world games that let you keep playing?
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