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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What are the dumbest video game bans by regulators you’ve heard of? I disapprove of all video game bans, but I remember reading once that a Fallout game was banned because of chems, which I thought was extra ridiculous.
  2. I just read a report that originally, Jack in Mass Effect 2 was being written as pansexual, not straight, which makes sense given her threesome reference in dialogue, but they caved under media pressure and made her straight. Seems like such an odd choice to me given FemShep can romance Samara, Morinth, Liara, and sleep with Kelly as well--I wonder why Jack was "too much." In any case, that's the explanation, in case anyone else found this as weird/disappointing as I do.
  3. What do you expect the next Mass Effect game/series to be like? What would you like to see happen?
  4. How many games do you currently have installed on your console or computer? How often do you have to remove games to free up space? I have not had to do this yet, because I just don’t have that many games installed.
  5. What are some RPGs I might enjoy as a fan of Dragon Age and Mass Effect games?
  6. What is a fantastic game that you feel has a boring opening? I think I would fit pretty much any Bethesda game under this.
  7. What game would you want to play if only you found it more approachable? I would want to play Dark Souls, but … nope. Too much.
  8. What are some games that feature highly adaptive enemies?
  9. What is the single most challenging thing about playing video games for you? For me, it is my executive function issues causing me to hit the wrong buttons when building items or switching weapons in combat.
  10. What opinion do you have that you think is your most controversial about gaming? Mine is probably that politics in my games is fine if it’s done honestly and openly.
  11. What items/abilities/followers do you like to get as early as you can in a Skyrim playthrough? For me: Dawnbreaker Sanguine Rose Forsworn armor from Forsworn Conspiracy quest Ice Form Clear Skies Arvak Any dog Mjoll
  12. Sunlight sets off my migraines. And drains the world of ambiance.
  13. Same! But more IRL than in video games for some reason.
  14. Aside from subscribing to updates from vendors, does anyone have any tips for keeping up with console restocking?
  15. No, but they were those kinds of people. Destroying property is terrible parenting. The message it sends is, "You and the things you care about are not safe. And oh, by the way--this kind of behaviour is okay, so feel free to do it to others."
  16. When playing someone less skilled than you, do you go easy on them or not? If it is a friend, I usually will reduce my skill to just slightly better than theirs to try and help them learn without frustrating them.
  17. Do you usually find yourself more into the main quest line in an open world game, or the side quests? I almost always seem to find the side quests more interesting.
  18. @Withywarlock and I both dislike Skyrim's gray color palette, and feel it is a significant detractor. Anyone else also get fatigued with all that gray?
  19. I keep trying to do the RDR Undead Nightmare challenge where you kill 5 burning undead in 1 dead eye meter, and for the life of me, I can’t do it. I’ve been trying bait/holy water/dynamite, and it often looks like I get 5, and then I don’t. Anyone have any tips?
  20. I think it is a huge graphical leap forward over Oblivion, but maybe (for me) not an aesthetic one. As you said, it is very gray. Using Clear Skies a lot helps with this, but the palette is actually bleaker than Fallout's in some respects =D I think the biggest strides they made were in making proper mountain/stone textures, and cool weather systems.
  21. I like that Ace Attorney line! And YES, the repetition of the ladder line was so annoying. I almost started over to pick a new character voice just to get her to stop saying it hahah. But I guess it wore me down. So, to cope with my annoyance, I started saying it.
  22. rofl. I swear I have said half of these exact same things myself so many times. Yes. I also can dig puzzle games. But it's like ... I hit a puzzle in DA or Skyrim or whatever, and I'm like "This isn't what I signed up for!" It massively disrupts the flow. I want to be stomping bad guys, not trying to get to them.
  23. Almost every puzzle in Dragon Age games ever.
  24. What to you are the most fun weapons in any games you have played? For example, I will never tire of the explosive red mist from the Blunderbuss in RDR: Undead Nightmare.
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