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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I can see how that'd make you hyper vigilant. Your nervous system is trained to be on alert for danger.
  2. Have you ever thought that a particular play style a game allows for might be really ineffectual, and then been surprised to watch someone execute it really well? Like for example, I always assumed archery in Skyrim was a bit of a joke, but I’ve been watching someone else play incredibly effectively with it. It turns out I’m just a terrible aim.
  3. I am very lucky in that my partner seems to actually fall asleep better at night while listening to me game. But I can say that if someone is gaming while I am trying to sleep and I can hear them, it keeps me awake, because I’m following along with what they’re doing. If someone else in your household games while you are falling asleep, how do you feel about the noise?
  4. Between Dragon Age and Mass Effect games, I think I’ve counted at least four actors who appeared in Star Trek: TNG or Voyager. Does anyone know why so many Star Trek actors appear in BioWare games? I mean, there are a ton of sci-fi TV actors in general who do voice acting in video games, but I wondered if there might be some kind of professional connection between someone at BioWare and Star Trek.
  5. I’m playing Mass Effect 2 right now, and hypothetically I could get away (I think) with having a fling with another character before rekindling with Liara, but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it, even though these aren’t “real” people. I don’t think it’s weird to me not to want to harm my NPC buddies, but I do find it funny and odd I feel actual guilt over the prospect of cheating on Liara, just like I would if this were a scenario IRL. Has anyone else ever felt genuinely guilty over something like this?
  6. I want to grab a deal on The Outer Worlds PS4 version, but the thing is, I want to play it on PS5. Has anyone here by any chance had a chance to try playing The Outer Worlds on PS5, and if so, how did it work out for you? Looking for experiences, not the generic “most games will run on PS5,” which I already know. Thanks!
  7. I treat my OCD and insomnia by gaming. It has been more successful than anything else I've tried. A friend told me her therapist actually recommended gaming for OCD too, so this is a thing.
  8. Considering how angry I get when a giant tries to kill my chickens, that may not be awesome. I've stopped getting chickens.
  9. I have to admit at times when I can't be fully present in the moment or enjoying something, but can still partially do it, often what pushes me to do it is the fact that I can at least go through the motions and half-enjoy the thing, and were I in your situation, I couldn't 😞
  10. I'm 13 years in with that journey. And I am beyond grateful to say I do have a half-life now. It's miles from what I had when I was young, but it is infinitely more than when I had a living death. Thank you for your words of encouragement 🙂
  11. I wish I could say the same; I feel more like a part of me is dead/in cold storage, and what is left is more vulnerable to every bump in the road. Although if it ever miraculously goes into close or full remission, I might feel differently.
  12. That was my guess. I've never understood why people with illness or injury related pain are somehow treated differently from victims of intentional torture--as if torture is any less so because it spawned in our bodies. My chronic pain is often life-eroding and is routinely full-on torture, and for the initial months, it was intractable. I got so pissed at all the "You'll get used to it," "Be more positive," etc. I'm sorry you went through what you did; it sounds nightmarish. But I am relieved that it ended.
  13. Oh weird, I was trying to quote @Reality vs Adventure .
  14. I am curious, if you feel comfortable sharing.
  15. MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW for original Red Dead Redemption ***************** ***************** Ignoring anything pertaining to dramatic exposition in the original Red Dead Redemption, what is your theory about why Ross didn’t kill John immediately, and instead waited however many days or weeks to return and do it later? All I can come up with is either 1-he did it just to be even more of an arsehole, or 2-he was going to let John go, but the governor told him to finish off the gang by taking down John, so he was forced to change his mind.
  16. I've been debating grabbing the digital version of RDR II while it is on sale at the PlayStation Store, but I've heard horror stories about how long it can take to download it, so maybe it is better for me to buy a disc. I am curious for those of you who have RDR II, how long did your download take if you got it digitally?
  17. I am really interested in this game, so I'd love to hear if anyone here plays it.
  18. I recently found out that a lot of gamers habitually invert the Y-axis on their controllers for all of their games. At first I found this counterintuitive, but then I thought about flight simulators, and it made sense to me. Does anyone here prefer this?
  19. Which games have you played that you felt did a great job at creating an atmosphere of ominous foreboding? For me, Bioshock Infinite has done a remarkable job with its massive buildings and statues that loom over you and the uneasy ambient sounds in the environments.
  20. On a thread about Fallout 4, @Crazycrab mentioned tedious work, and @m76 mentioned not being forced to do tedious work. I haven't played Fallout 4, but I can relate to the whole issue, being as DA Inquisition is quite similar with respect to this issue. While I know I can ignore a lot of the tedious fetch quests, as even a mild completionist, I find it hard to do so. Who else here has a hard time ignoring optional busy work in games, and in which games?
  21. You'd feel okay about being unable to move, communicate, or make a choice for the rest of your life, even to end it? To each their own, I suppose.
  22. I actually think I'd like the settlement building, but then, I spend a lot of time messing with my houses in Skyrim.
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