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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. There is no way you would expect to have a perfect reaction all the time with your gameplay. When things doesn't go well, it's supposed to suck for you.
  2. There is no justification for allowing that to be removed because it's going to make it useless having it in the game in the first place.
  3. Definitely a quick play through is going to be the best option for one who's not really chanced to go all in the game, it's more like rushing the game.
  4. There was this cartoon back in the days called Samurai Jack, it was a very interesting cartoon that could make a good video game.
  5. Do you mean like crossovers of retro games into popular games series that are played now?
  6. A friend of mine actually stopped playing completely when their new baby arrived. The wife wouldn't have it at all.
  7. I do always have a gaming objective when I get into a sandbox game. So, my objectives decides what I do in the game to meet my goals.
  8. I believe that a good prequel should throw in a complete detailed explanation on what's led to the events in the original story.
  9. Most games - open world games with vast maps all does something like that when it comes to offering non-repeatable experiences with some locations in the game.
  10. Most of them sequels that I have played seems not to be that great with the way they are made not to offer more on the real story which begs the question for me why they make it when it's not going to push the main story forward?
  11. Haha, you already know exactly what's going to happen when you're on the edge of line. I wouldn't want to find myself off the cliff into the ocean.
  12. Who was the runner up in the last month own again? I think it was @Heatman, I would have to nominate him again 😂 😂.
  13. I later realized that's the same case with me because the first experience I had with trying to lose mine didn't end well for me or the console controller.
  14. Exactly, that's how it works. If you waste all of your resources when you are supposed to have more, it's definitely going to cost you more in the game.
  15. Yeah, that's more like it from all possible considerations. Plague Inc was the highest when it comes to being close to what we experienced with the pandemic of coronavirus.
  16. Yeah, that happens once in a while with a lot of people. It's happened with me but it's not related to playing video games by the way.
  17. Wow, how did I get to miss that one out? If I still had my Playstation 3, I'm definitely getting the game. Looks like I'm going to look for a friend who still plays on PS3.
  18. Just like the same way when it comes the video games that you have on Heavy Metal as well as Need for Speed right?
  19. To a reasonable extent, the new trends are what's supposed to be followed in a way to keep up with what really matters to gamers in most cases. Capcom is definitely going to exploit that.
  20. How long did it take you to break that mark in your Assassin's Creed Odyssey gameplay?
  21. I figured as much that it's something that's most likely to be the same thing with what they used to make. EA is just lost with some of their games.
  22. Definitely there are great gaming companies that are capable of making such a game of that nature. I believe that Xbox can actually do it looking at the number of studios they have under their banner.
  23. I don't really feel that kind of emotion when it comes to playing racing games as well. I might be frustrated for losing a race but not feel too bad.
  24. So it would mess up with their own real life perception based on what took place in the game 😂 😂..? Don't mind me, I'm just kidding around!!
  25. You would definitely find it very difficult to get into playing any of the Dark Souls series games.
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