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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Of course yes, they can definitely meet our demands and wishes but they won't do it because they wouldn't want to spend so much resources in doing that.
  2. I'm looking any not spending anything more than $50 to $70 maximum.
  3. It's quite good way to test out how gamers make their decisions psychologically. I just posted my own result on the test now.
  4. Here my own test results, I'm a very good socializer. The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology You are 67% Explorer What Bartle says: ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence. You are also: 60% Achiever 40% Killer 33% Socialiser
  5. When the framerates of new consoles keeps getting higher, it makes the new games graphics look more realistic and with a better smooth play.
  6. I'm of the opinion that the best strategy to make use of it is stop playing for a while and heal up before you continue all over again.
  7. That was a very good game then and for the fact that you can play with friends online through Facebook makes it all better.
  8. I really had serious problems with playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 after its purchase. I tried few times to get into it but no way.
  9. How can you play for fun and not want to complete any of the games that you got into? I find that weird.
  10. There are some different softwares that can help you to adjust your screen brightness automatically, that way you can easily worry less about doing it yourself.
  11. Not any as of recent but there was one shared here by @Withywarlockwhere the survey helps to show your personality or something.
  12. I really love what you can be able to do with characters in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Warframe, Black Desert Online, and Cyberpunk 2077.
  13. All Super Mario games, Contra, WWF, Super Sonic, The Punisher shooting mission game sums mine up.
  14. If the helmets are in the game and for character's use, they are there to secure the character, so I'm definitely not turning them off.
  15. Most, it's the character's customization that I fancy most in RPGs games. I love it when my characters are exactly how I want them.
  16. Personally, I can't play games that are poor in graphics now. It's a big turn off for me when it comes to playing any games for me.
  17. I'm still struggling with the use of analog in all generation of consoles that I have played on. It's more like they should exclude analog for me.
  18. I know that there is going to be a possibility of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord being played by another player. It's a 1980 single player mode role playing game.
  19. Exactly, and when it's on PC that you get to be playing Skyrim, which supports all kinds of modding you're in for a whole loads of fun.
  20. Will I ever get enough of Ghost of Tsushima? It's a game that wakes me up from sleep only to play for few minutes and go to sleep again.
  21. There are some levels of destruction that would leave me speechless and in shock. Take for example, what happened in Spec Ops : The Line with the killing of innocent people using White Phosphorus.
  22. Odd facts you say? How about that games are used in some medical cases to treat psychological disorders in patients?
  23. It's something that happens to me once in a while and it's especially with games that I have already completed and started to replay again.
  24. Does it really matter the kind of personality the protagonist carries? As long as he or she was about to do what's supposed, I'm good with it.
  25. Seriously, autosaves sucks most of the time for me especially when it messes up my gameplay. I prefer manual saves.
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