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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Yeah, you have been complaining about that for long now and it seem like there is nothing you can do about it especially with the constant updating of some of these games you already have.
  2. Why not? They are put up to informate anyone who takes the time to read them and understand what they need to know about the games they are interested in.
  3. There are about 3 games on PC that I truly enjoyed at its best. They are ; The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt, GTA 5 and Skyrim.
  4. Watching the YouTube gameplay of both games will give you more experience and explanation about the game more than just reading about it on Google.
  5. Even if the weather is hot outside, my house indoor is always cool because I always have my air conditioning systems running in hot temperature. So, the hot weather doesn't affect my console.
  6. Bloodborne is one game with great character customization that you will definitely be lost at how it allows you to turn the character into something that's not easily spotted.
  7. I had that same confusion you did with trying to understand where the question was driving at because they never merged.
  8. I don't see anything stopping me from playing games both online and offline till I'm old right now unless my health changes in the future.
  9. I happen to like Division 2 which is an online multi-player role playing action game that took place in Washington DC. It's a good one from Ubisoft.
  10. Mass Effect Legendary Edition being the May game of the month in 2021 says a lot about how good the game came up this is with the rating of 4.5 star.
  11. I believe that it's those gamers who are streamers that already have their streaming platforms monetized that are really having their gaming career shaped for the good.
  12. I think I'm coming down with a flu or something and it's most likely going to affect my gaming time in order to take care of myself.
  13. Gameboy was released around 1989 and most people had started playing games at the time. 2001 isn't that too early if you ask me.
  14. I read up somewhere that there are some shady sellers listed on ebay that scam people, I'm not sure how true that is. Have you heard anyone who's got such experience?
  15. As for me, it's a spending that's not worth it as far as I'm concerned with gaming in mobile. There are some games on PS Store as low as $10.
  16. It's one of the things that keeps you hanging on with such games that are boring to some extent. If you are able to find a task that can shift that boring session, it helps.
  17. Definitely, at first it's not going to be easy ride but with more time on the game, it gets familiar and not so difficult unless it's one of those games that are horribly difficult.
  18. If you can get a PC for yourself, it's definitely going to be worth it. I have both PC and PS4 and I'm enjoying both of them. If you are good with playing on PC, you should consider it.
  19. The thing is that once you are still an active gamer, there is no way you wouldn't be adding more games to your backlog. It's not possible not to keep buying.
  20. Here is all of the trailers of supper Mario from 1985-2021. I hope it helps with your remembering it.
  21. It's not just the depression that killed some people during the lockdown. Some people died of hunger too when they couldn't get out to fend for themselves after losing their jobs.
  22. It's never really easy for one who's the outdoor type to be looked in doors for months as a result of the pandemic of coronavirus. Some people died of depression then the virus.
  23. Super Mario is one of the games which I played as a kid. I'm really surprised that you didn't play any of it or unless you had forgotten. I will look for the trailer.
  24. PC is the best gaming platform that you can ever play as far as gaming is brought up. It's why I'm trying move up some of my PS4 games to PC.
  25. As for racing games, I'm very sure that the use of analog would be the best fix but I'm not sure about soccer games.
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