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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I'm definitely going to get it for you once I get to see it again. I will easily drop in your private message to give you the update.
  2. Yeah, it's exactly the same it happened to me. Although I tried as much as I could to stay away from playing with pros in the game to avoid massive humiliation.
  3. I would very much never purchase anything that's not a brand new product especially when it's anything that's electronically related.
  4. For the likes of us that are too shy to get into game streaming, we are only going to keep enjoying the good work you guys do by making something educative.
  5. Maybe it's a good game for him but for some reasons it's not among his favorites for the year 2021. It's something that have happened to me as well.
  6. The Last of Us Part 2 is still a Playstation 4 exclusive game which is very interesting on the console but I would like to play it on PC as well.
  7. VCD device? I have never heard of any kind of games on VCD device before. Would you care to explain more?
  8. Exactly, I'm an enclosed gamer. It's more peaceful for me in that way because I really hate all manner of distraction when gaming.
  9. Personally, I can't because it's very frustrating for me especially when the bugs are too much to deal with. It's why till date, I can't get back into playing Cyberpunk 2077 all over again.
  10. I was supposed) surprised you said you never played the game because it's a very popular game back then and even now still.
  11. The role playing in Final Fantasy games is what I really find interesting in the game genre. Most games don't offer what you get in Final Fantasy.
  12. I have never played or heard about Beyond the Beyond till now. How wad the game play like? I suppose it's on PS1 you played?
  13. Most people wouldn't be able to see or have that amount of money till they get their hands dirty but if it's something that can come from gaming, it's going to be interesting.
  14. Well, you can easily take your time off a game and prepare a far better strategy of how you're going to approach the game and mostly likely going to get past it.
  15. Yeah, and I don't fault the repair shops for existing because they are meant to be in business by doing their jobs.
  16. Yeah, to some extent, they are cool to just watch for fun. I can remember how much I loved watching the launch trailer of Call of Duty Vanguard.
  17. Scarlet Nexus is another game among the best 2021 games. On top of the list of best JRPG games where you get to fight in thrilling combat system to protect your planets from mutants.
  18. I also do enjoy playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's a modern fast paced military shooting game that gives the kind of combat system fight I like a lot.
  19. I have reasons to believe that he's that extra rich and not from our work pay but other means that he didn't disclose to me.
  20. Actually, some gamers like to wait in order to make sure that the game isn't too buggy.
  21. Exactly, longer games are more satisfying for me. At least, playing for anything not less than 2 hours isn't bad for me.
  22. If you know very well how to go about getting your game reviews, you can easily come up with something that's worth it to help you make the best gaming decisions that will make you love whatever you play.
  23. Well, the bugs in the game was what killed it off for most gamers. Even now it's out again, most gamers have given up on the game.
  24. Boblee

    Sims Games

    Games playthrough on YouTube are always helpful especially if the games are your first time. You are bound to pick up few things from it as a guide.
  25. You just must be very good at solving them puzzles for you to go at it without using a guide at your first playthrough, if it's me, I wouldn't make any progress.
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