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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I have come across the game on more than one occasion and it just came up now. I'm going to try and look into the game to see if it's something that I can get into.
  2. When they don't do ether of those gamers, they are just willing to throw their money in the wind, if it comes with good thing, it's fine and if not, it's still fine for them.
  3. What's the best thing that you love so much about the open world game Skyrim? The dragons and summons are my get go in the game.
  4. As far as new games are concerned, it's always difficult to start playing any of them when it comes to my own experience with most games I have today.
  5. Exactly, it's what the reviews are set up to do and when they fall at doing it, it makes the reviewers work a useless one.
  6. The learning curve of FIFA Games isn't that too difficult because it's most likely you are repeating the same thing over and over again. It's why I leant how to play it real fast.
  7. I have actually seen some gamers here on this community that's got over 1000 games backlog. So, mine that's still in hundreds isn't big at all.
  8. When I end up exhausting my other options and don't see where these pro controllers are sold cheaper than what's on Amazon, then I will have to buy from them.
  9. Yeah, it was a very big lesson for me which I learnt in a very hard way but at least it opened up my eyes to what's going on with fake stores now.
  10. I'm always happy to help you out with some games that you are new at when I have already played it. My inbox is always open.
  11. Exactly, making use of just strong password wouldn't be enough to keep them at bay. But the use of 2FA will definitely stall them.
  12. Personally, once I get to fix my gaming hardware once, the next thing to do is plan on having it replaced with a new one.
  13. Sadly with what's been going on with the game Assassins Creed recently, it seems to be dropping its popularity and fans appreciations.
  14. It's a very good game. My favorite among the Final Fantasy series is FF7 and the remake.
  15. There are excellent open world games that offers lots of fun now like Ghost of Tsushima. Developers should just stick on that and make other new games.
  16. Boblee


    This is something that's paying a lot of people good amount of money and it also makes them very popular as well.
  17. I'm actually very good with playing video games with my smartphone. Most of the times, I play at least 3 times in a week with my shooters.
  18. Tomb Raider puzzles are very interesting. It teaches a lot of things when it comes to what's going on with how to solve problems if you can fix the puzzles.
  19. Well, if the money they are going to be paying me for doing extra jobs is worth it, I wouldn't think twice about taking up the offer.
  20. Most horror games are quite traumatic for me with the likes of Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Until Dawn, Evil Within and so on.
  21. Although, I find playing puzzle games very challenging but I'm looking forward to playing Opus: Echo of Starsong but since it's only available on PC, it's going to affect most people playing it.
  22. The AI backups in the Sci Fi game Destiny 2 are incredibly cool. They are part of why I enjoyed playing the game at all.
  23. I know how to play piano now all because I was actually able to get the game help me master how to play it in real life.
  24. If I'm not too busy for my gameplay, it's definitely going to have me investing more of my time in the church member.
  25. Although we are talking about EA games series, but I'd like to chip in how good Square Enix Final Fantasy series was made.
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