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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. I think Sony are aiming for a $99.95 price point. Pretty steep. It needs a great roster of games at that asking price.
  2. Yep, Counter Strike is pretty damn addictive, for sure. Played it a ton back on X360.
  3. Super Mario Party, Wii Sports, Everbody’s Golf, COD zombies and Pixeljunk Monsters are always fun with friends around. Also, Street Fighter 2. That gets the competitive juices flowing!
  4. Don't play Candy Crush tbh, but I'd imagine the game benefits from the bigger screen real-estate of a tablet. Not a huge fan of the game so I'm probably not the best person to ask tbh!
  5. Usually in Call of Duty Zombies, if I see glitchers I just back out as it gets boring. But , honestly, once in zombies, I joined a group of players who were glitching the game by manoeuvring into positions where the zombies couldn't get them and I just joined in to see what the fuss was about. Yep, we got to a high round but - as I suspected - it was pretty damn boring!
  6. Aye, those are damn fine, hugely addictive games that I'm very partial to also. I've put in a ridiculous amount of time into both Call Of Duty and Fallout 4.
  7. Cool, will check them out. Thanks for the recommendation!
  8. Yeah, that's what I'm worried about, too. It's very hard to find a complete list of all the games PS Vita TV supports. If I see one cheap, I'll still probably pull the trigger. Would be cool playing some of the old-school PS1 games on the big TV.
  9. What's the price like on those bad boys? Have you heard good things?
  10. Purely from an addictive I-must-have-another-go perspective, what game/games keep you coming back for more? I'm a massive Faster Than Light, Dark Souls and Darkest Dungeon fan. To me, they're incredibly uber-addictive. What do you all think are super addictive gaming experiences?
  11. Silent Hill 2 changed the way I looked at video games as a medium back when it released in 2001. From a narrative perspective, it totally blew me away and highlighted how awesome video games can be at telling a deep, mature story. The next big one for me was also The Last Of Us for similar reasons. From a mechanical perspective, Oblivion was a game-changer for me, due to how huge in scope the game world was.
  12. Tempted by this one. Loved the original Shadow Of Mordor game. https://www.smythstoys.com/uk/en-gb/video-games-and-tablets/playstation-4/playstation-4-games/middle-earth-shadow-of-war-ps4/p/158330
  13. DylanC

    PS3 worth.

    I agree with Demon above. That’s a pretty fair price for a 2TB PS3 with 2 controllers and 4 games. I think around $130 is right on the money, though.
  14. Charity shops can be a good place to pick up some bargains. Case in point: found an OG Xbox and a bunch of random games for £25.
  15. Cheapest I've seen it. https://www.thegamecollection.net/vampyr-xbox-one/?tduid=efd0247dabb71bded3ee5862353da237
  16. I've been using the PS Gold Wireless 7.1 Headset for a few years and like 'em a lot - especially for the price. I'm thinking of picking up another pair of cans. Any recommendations?
  17. I use Twitter (@dylanchaundy) and Facebook predominantly.
  18. Dragon Age: Origins! I liked the unique stories it offered and the writing was better across the board imho. DA2 felt small in comparison, and I just couldn't get into DA: Inquisition. One day, I will try and get back to Inquisition and give it another shot.
  19. It comes out on November 19 on PC/PS4/XB1 but I think that it launches on Bethesda.net and not Steam, I'm afraid.
  20. If anyone wants some super cheap Xbox Live Gold, this is a hell of a deal: https://www.cdkeys.com/catalog/product/view/id/1597?mw_aref=74dth566
  21. An integrated handheld (like Switch) would be a nice idea, but not super realistic. Really, I think Sony should just double down on power like they did with the PS4. Perhaps have some kind of backwards compatibility with PS4. Way faster load times, boot up times. 16 GB RAM minimum. Honestly, I think they should avoid spreading themselves too thin with VR augmented reality. That said, they're still lucrative markets, I just think they should focus on their strength: hardware.
  22. I much prefer playing on my tablet over my phone. Depends on the game, though. Smaller games like 'Reigns' works well on a phone, but more complex games like FTL, or Darkest Dungeon benefit the nice big screen of a tablet.
  23. I think Fallout 76 is going to be the game I spend a lot of my time on over Christmas. I always associate FO games with Christmas for some reason. Also, tempted to pick up Dragon Quest, and looking forward to Darkest Dungeon: The Colour of Madness DLC.
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