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Everything posted by Dannyjax

  1. You're very good at the game for going this long without getting fired. The same thing can't be said for my brother.
  2. Nintendo Switch is just as portable as smartphone, although it's a little bit bigger but it's got a lot of more games you can never play on mobile phones. I enjoy playing some of my online games like Donkey Kong Jr, Ninja Gaiden and Solomon's Key.
  3. If it's possible for you to share his streaming link, I would be interested in watching him play too if you don't mind.
  4. Most people make that mistake and it's not something they should be doing very often because there's always a possibility of such password getting leaked which makes it very easier for hackers to strike.
  5. Lack of control on some of gamers part is what leads to everything they pass through. They can't help it when it goes beyond the ordinary.
  6. You can't get bored of that PS5 controller easily especially when you look at all the perks it comes with. It's not an average controller.
  7. I still enjoy playing Uncharted : Drake's Fortune like it's still a new game and it's that good. It's been around since 2007.
  8. Do you know if any other of his songs got featured in any game or was it just Future Days?
  9. I just managed to play The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt on my Nintendo Switch for about an hour today. It's the only thing I'm playing today.
  10. The challenge and difficulty Bloodborne comes with is what I savor so much whenever I'm playing the game.
  11. You should take the rest of the day off and sleep if you can. It will help and stop the headache. I have only managed to play just 1 hour today and I'm not sure if I would be playing more.
  12. It's just a new game, there are bound to be a few issues with it here and there but with a few patches, they will have everything working fine.
  13. I would suggest that you start cleaning your game's by yourself from now henceforth to prevent such from happening again.
  14. As it stands, you're very convinced that there's nothing that's capable of bringing you back to the game?
  15. Dannyjax

    Road 96

    I will follow your footsteps as well and get more of my own information on the game. No amount of information is too much.
  16. Happy birthday to your brother and congrats to his new age. It's been a long time since I had gone to any gaming complex. It was before the pandemic of coronavirus and the lockdown that I had gone to any of them.
  17. I would rather play the game or just dash it out to a friend instead of trying to resell it only for me to end experiencing that sort of nonsense.
  18. My interest lies in Age of Empires Console Edition and Scorn. Generally, they are all interesting games.
  19. You can't be able to make use of eBay? I have never had such experience with eBay.
  20. It takes a way the commitment one have in playing such kind of games because the only motivation option there is the money and once that's removed, it's over for the game.
  21. I think that it's not going to be all of them that are going to be bad at gaming. There are still some of them that loves being a game journalist and they might have been involved with games way back.
  22. I have already given you more than just what I can even add to it through the video. It's a first person shooter video game and it's set in the underwater dystopian city of Rapture. You get to fight splicers in the game and it comes with a story-driven multiplayer mode.
  23. Those old consoles are worth a lot more than they used to because they are rare now. It's not advisable to put your own functionality at risk.
  24. The guy is to blamed for what happened to him. Not that I'm supposed who snitched on him but he he had not exposed himself to that, he would have kept his job.
  25. I'm still trying to get more better than I am already. It helps me so much with my PC gaming. It makes it a lot easier.
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