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Everything posted by Alyxx

  1. lol, that's a bit of an exaggeration but it sure did have alot of copy pasted space shooters.
  2. Wait you actually had it? I didn't think anyone actually bought that cart.
  3. Yeah they're pretty cool. Personally I really dig the Lotus racers from that era.
  4. I agree 100%. Guns are just tools. Blame the person who fired it.
  5. Weird, seems like something that should be prioritized.
  6. They might be doing select PS1 games on PSN like they have so far.
  7. Yeah of course and they are selling enough consoles to justify it obviously. But I'm calling they'll never see legendary sales figures unless they listen to what people want.
  8. Ugh. Yeah no wonder they're so profitable.
  9. But like I said, if they look at historical sales numbers, the best selling consoles of all time all have had pretty decent backwards compatibility. Not saying that's why they sold so well, but it is a good selling point. If they think backwards compatibility is gonna hurt sales, then they're far too focused on software sales.
  10. I've barely spent money on mobile games at all...
  11. Well, until then we do have Bloodstained.
  12. Alyxx

    Last Game Played

    I assumed, it was a joke ^^
  13. Now I remember WingsOfRedemption screaming how much he hates losing.
  14. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't seem to have much platforming from what I've seen.
  15. As someone who earns money myself I cannot imagine wasting it on mobile games.
  16. The thing is that hardware nowadays is so scalable that emulating older systems shouldn't be that hard either.
  17. Yeah I gathered. I just remember they made a lot of pachinko machines and I wasn't sure what he meant by "arcade machines".
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