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  1. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Fallout 76 tips?   
    Good point. OOC, you on PC? Guessing Fallout 76’s not cross-play:/ 
  2. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from Katri Marcell in Favorite Fighting Game?   
    It's on SNES, maybe on Genesis too. There was also a NES version but it's obviously inferior. Very similar to Street Fighter 2.
  3. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in Fallout 76 tips?   
    I'm pretty fresh myself so I don't have many tips to give, but mainly you should try to find people to play with. The game is a lot more fun in co-op.
  4. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Is anyone enjoying Fallout 76?   
    Just picked it up on PS4 and waiting for it to download atm.
  5. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Is anyone enjoying Fallout 76?   
    Will post a link to it. It'll most likely go live on VGR's main site.
  6. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Is anyone enjoying Fallout 76?   
    Really glad to hear this (remember to post your review in the forums as I’m looking forward to checking it out!) I’m VERY tempted, man. Got a feeling I’ll really like it despite the negative backlash it’s getting.
  7. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in Is anyone enjoying Fallout 76?   
    I am very much enjoying it so far.
  8. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in What concerts have you been to?   
    I wish I could see Muse honestly. I hear they're one of the best live acts ever.
  9. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    Oh, nice! I didn’t know that it was the first COD to allow you to pick your gender. That’s an interesting factoid!
  10. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    Ghosts I actually really enjoyed, at least the campaign. The multiplayer was kinda meh but it was historically significant in the series as the first CoD which allowed you to pick gender in multiplayer and customize your soldiers.
  11. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    Never got around to playing Sunset Overdrive but I did like Infinite Warfare. It's better than Ghosts, which I think is the worst modern COD imho. Thanks for commenting!
  12. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in What concerts have you been to?   
    Oh and I've seen Muse as well. Honestly, I could go on and on, haha. I love going to see bands live.
  13. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in What concerts have you been to?   
    Apoptygma Berzerk
    Front Line Assembly
    Skinny Puppy
    Icon of Coil
    The Human League
    Alison Moyet
    VNV Nation
    Those are probably the highlights for me
  14. Like
    Alyxx reacted to Alexander. in Favourite Games of 2018   
    Even though, I haven't personally played any of the video games listed above I have been watching YouTuber's Gameplay, so I'll base it on what I think I would like to play on PC or Console. There are so many great games that have been released this year so this will be a hard decision to make. (Top 3)
    Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4
    Battlefield V
    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  15. Like
    Alyxx reacted to Yarik in Favourite Games of 2018   
    Just voted too. As I love the Tomb Raider games I have voted for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It's an awesome in my opinion and deserves to vote for.
  16. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DC in Favourite Games of 2018   
    Just voted. My favorite games from this list (in no particular order) are RDR2, BO4, BF5, GOW, and Spider-Man.
  17. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from Matt Morgans in Favourite Games of 2018   
    It is that time of the year again, and here at VGR we want to ask YOU guys one question! What are your favourite games of 2018? The 10 games with the most votes will get featured in our "Top 10 Games of 2018" feature, so this is your chance to pick what games you want to see on that list! This poll will run until December 21st, so bare in mind if you haven't played some of the games yet, you can vote for them later.
  18. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Favourite Games of 2018   
    I wanna give Spider-Man a shoutout as well. Really impressed with it so far.
  19. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DC in Favourite Games of 2018   
    It is that time of the year again, and here at VGR we want to ask YOU guys one question! What are your favourite games of 2018? The 10 games with the most votes will get featured in our "Top 10 Games of 2018" feature, so this is your chance to pick what games you want to see on that list! This poll will run until December 21st, so bare in mind if you haven't played some of the games yet, you can vote for them later.
  20. Like
    Alyxx reacted to Shortie861 in Favourite Games of 2018   
    There have been so many awesome games this year and way too many to be able to get them all but I would say my most favourite out of the list would definitely have to be 

    Call of Duty Black Ops 4
    Battlefield V
    Pokemon Let's Go
    Forza Horizon 4

    Monster Hunter World was another I picked up, however, I never played much of it so I do need to get back on that.
  21. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    Yeah, what a trainwreck. Loved the goodies though.
  22. Like
    Alyxx reacted to DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    I forgot about Aliens Colonial Marines! That game freaking sucked! Yep, I regretted that one, for sure. 
  23. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from DylanC in Games you regret buying?   
    1. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Collector's Edition
    I mainly bought this cause of The Longest Journey. I was a huge fan of TLJ but found myself immensely disappointed by Dreamfall. Long story short, I ended up selling the game itself and kept the goodies. Not sure where they are atm but probably somewhere.
    2. Into the Dark
    It tries to sell itself as a "so bad it's good" game but it's just bad. Janky programming and douchy developers who tries to excuse the lack of polish as an intentional style. Stay away.
    3. Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition
    Needs no explanation. While I didn't hate the game entirely, in fact I enjoyed a lot of it, it was still disappointing compared to what I was expecting. That being said the goodies that came with it such as the Powerloader statue, the patches and other nice stuff was really cool. Still not worth what I paid for it though.
    4. Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online
    An online FPS set in the Ghost in the Shell universe shouldn't be that hard to sell and it wasn't. But holy shit, this game is janky as f***. And the amount of hackers is insane too. Not recommended.
    5. Defiance
    It later went free to play I think, but this MMO shooter is probably one of the most disappointing experiences I've had. Tied in with a mediocre TV show the game feels like a bland ripoff of Borderlands with less likeable characters. And some weird censorship going on, using "shtaco" instead of shit etc. Huge amount of glitches and just all around not very fun. Definitely regret paying for it.
    Those are probably the only games I regret paying money for.
  24. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from StaceyPowers in First Person Shooters   
    My go-to genre honestly.
    My top 10 (in no particular order):
    1. Doom
    2. Duke Nukem 3D
    3. SiN
    4. Borderlands 2
    5. Quake
    6. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
    7. Blood II: The Chosen
    8. Deus Ex
    9. Black Mesa
    10. Forsaken
  25. Like
    Alyxx got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Has gaming helped you develop or express your identity?   
    As a more indepth extension on what I stated, games have helped me develop my female identity, what makeup I want to use, what clothes I like wearing etc. I often have very specific ways of expressing myself in games, especially MMO's and such and the more customization options I have the better. That's why I am always a bit bothered by lack of customization in multiplayer games. It's a personal reason but a reason nonetheless.
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