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Everything posted by Empire

  1. That's a big fine, until you consider how much Epic has made from Fortnite. Iirc, in the early days of Fortnite Battle Royale they were making close to a billion... monthly. Not sure if they've kept that up though.
  2. This actually looks really good. Very impressive for a mobile game. Google play has a new app in beta that lets you play mobile games on PC. I hope this game will be supported on that because that's where I'll be playing it if it is. Let's hope it's not riddled with Diablo Immortal microtransactions. But whoever is playing this in the footage clearly doesn't play video games, or the touch controls are just garbage.
  3. I hate the current direction of gaming. Everything is right in your face all the time. Single player games abuse waypoints and MMOs have done the same. It's interesting looking at games like World of Warcraft and comparing the quest text from the Vanilla days with the current quests. The level of detail and explanation has dropped significantly, to the point where I don't feel I can complete the simplest gather and kill quests without the helper arrows and blue blobs on my map.
  4. SOMA is a fantastic underwater sci-fi horror that delivers on both the 'sci-fi' and 'horror' fronts, and has a genuine emotional punch as well. It IS a walking simulator, but a very high-end one that feels rich and detailed.
  5. I think some of the most surprising events that can ever occur in a game are those that happen in Dwarf Fortress. But that lead me to stop playing right away and that's all I can remember to why I do not even know.
  6. I'm slightly concerned about losing access to my Steam library, but at this point I trust Valve with my games more than I'd trust myself to maintain physical copies. Unlike you, all the old game carts and discs I bought when I was younger are long gone, but I can still play Half-Life from 1998 thanks to Steam. I don't own a single physical copy of a game anymore, but with rare exceptions, I can play most any game I've ever purchased by downloading it.
  7. Nothing can beat that PS2 dive when you start a game up, but as for actual UI’s, I really liked the Xbox 360 layout. Very easy to navigate
  8. I only do MSFS2020 and if I end up doing two or more short flights then time does go by. I just did two 30mins flight to and from the same location and taken me over 2 hours to complate all up. WIth ATC network and whatnot
  9. Time Killers The Arcade version of this Fighing Game was complete Uncensored. But thanks to the Blood, Gore, & Dismemberment, it never made it to a Nintendo Console....Although if you owned a Sega Genesis you got the game in all it's Gory Glory.
  10. If the screen had a built in battery to power the Xbox then yeah that would be cool . I'll just pay for gamepass membership and play on my galaxy Zfold with a gamepad connected through type C and when I'm done just disconnect the gamepad and close the Xbox app and can fit in my pocket .
  11. Right, People need to remember that sometimes older games source code is lost and it being a common problem, Its why there isn’t remasters for everything. For Square Enix in particular they themselves have said they’ve lost original source codes for games which has slowed the process of making them and sometimes you just gotta do what you can.
  12. I really see the potential this game has in terms of its impact on future 3d sonic games. I truly believe this is a step in the right direction and I'm excited to see what Sega does with this formula. review has made me a tad bit disappointed in quite a few things though as I thought this game was really gonna be really really good, but it's just good enough essentially.
  13. Who has not played it 😛 And who wants to start playing it now 😛 Good old days 🙂I think the great weakness of packman was it just didn't empower or offer an immediat or even long term reward for playing well, the world was just empty, but this is a staple feeling from games of that era.
  14. Man I miss the MW2 days good times back when they actually cared about the community put out a good product and had passion put into the games they made now all they care about is making the most money off of u and selling u stuff in the store etc etc
  15. The only driving games that I do, with my G29 is ETS and or ATS 🙂 I have got F1 games but not really into them, in fact I can't get the settings right to able to do a race...
  16. Avengers campaign was fun as hell, come on people. And so based on that alone, and childhood love of all things Marvel, I bought GotG when it went on sale. And it was fun as hell despite not being a pure action game. And ran into one glitch where the huddle broke and froze the game. But otherwise, one of those games I'd recommend to all game lovers to remind us what a fun game is like.
  17. It is a well paced, complex and highly refined game. It has aged very very well... like most JRPGs, its depth and charm increases as you become enfolded in the plot, characters, battle mechanics and music. There are a lot of fun cinematic moments, beautiful boss battles and philosophically reflective scenes.
  18. Empire


    my fondest childhood memory, i've been finally able to play it on a ps2 ive gotten this month via popstarter. i remember looking at the vampire gex picture in the hub and actually turning into a vampire back then, i was so spooked. love the game
  19. Not everyone has that amount of cash to even afford to do that 😛 I mean not like that person will be using it everyday and watch Netflix at the same time when you are done playing 😛
  20. Well, I say wait for the reciew now and also save your money before buying. It's not cheap buying games outright you know 😜
  21. In-game, I mean I brought things for the games but was not in-game store if that even cunts 😉 Last item that I got was called "Flow Pro" and that was around $44 for MSFS2020 😉 replace the toolbar and opens the book more
  22. I watched some of his stuff a while ago. I think his content is just funny and extreme challenges with a load of cash somehow involved. This guy really markets to kids who think he’s super charitable but makes more money than he gives away. I mean he gets so much money a day
  23. Why not just build a control panel, attach it to a painted base cabinet and attach a TV mount and you basically have the same thing and probably for cheaper. I mean I thought about that once but then why would I even bother doing that nowdays.
  24. I don't know if I'd really call it an accessory, but I've been gaming all my life with the cheapest monitors I could find while sparing no expense for the rest of my rig. I recently upgraded to a Asus Tuf gaming monitor with all the bells and whistles. 165mhz, 1ms response time, G sync, etc. Its like night and day the difference. Colors look better, motion looks better, everything looks better. Its like a new PC almost. It wasn't cheap at $300+ bucks but it was well worth it and I'll never cheap out on a monitor ever again.
  25. We're watching Ocean's 12 and 13 on Netflix while playing Burgle Bros last year XD. I mean that's all I can say. End of the day GTA as fireworks and RP that on any server hahahahahhaha
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