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Everything posted by Demon_skeith

  1. They may not have much power behind them, but they still make video games. Unlike Sony or MS that mainly focus on shooters and online crap.
  2. I really haven't played enough of the series to be excited, but I am rather eager to get into it with this release.
  3. Bestbuy might, but I know gamestop is struggling too much to really be offering alluring deals.
  4. For me it would be the .hack series, granted it got enough love to get a 7 part game series but just never got to the same heights as Final Fantasy and other big RPGs.
  5. That gift card only good for PSN? And how much does it take to get 1k points?
  6. Anyone here ever play this mobile game? If so what do you think of it?
  7. Never played it but since I want to be an IT person one day this would be good for me. Is it legit in what you're doing reflects real world practices?
  8. Sorry, I wasn't clear in my last post. I was saying that Gamestop and Bestbuy retracted their offers, which is kind of why Amazon is backing away from theirs as well.
  9. Hrmmm, I honestly have never played a boring game. I mean if I play it again it might get boring but never on a first play.
  10. Because the handheld market is simply locked down, mostly by Nintendo. Sony tried to get into it but look what happened to them. Anything that Nintendo doesn't own then its going to the mobile phone market. Besides MS is struggling to keep the Xbox afloat, they can't relocate resources to a second front.
  11. I remember this sometime ago but I never got a notification from Sony on it, not like I have many trophies to get points on.
  12. Only thing I can recommend is just taking different routes and possibly restrict yourself on what weapons you can use in order to mix it up.
  13. I know best buy and a few other stores also offered discounts as well for pre-orders all to compete with Gamestop, but I know gamestop some pre-order promotions which is making Amazon and others retract theirs.
  14. Nope not really, I mean there are times that the game I am playing gets a bit draggy but I always look forward to playing the next game.
  15. Demon_skeith

    Gaming on Linux?

    Its easy enough to emulate windows on linux though to run a game, a bit of an extra step but Linux is just to vast to really develop games for.
  16. Hrmmm, I would say a more suited up engine of what the recent One Piece game uses on the six vs six fight matches.
  17. At least a good year if not two for the pre-order deal. Still if you do a lot of shopping on amazon the $10 credit is good.
  18. I don't stream myself, its too over full for me to really get into. Though I wouldn't mind doing it as a side hobby.
  19. The first one my family got was the NES, the first one I got as a gift was the N64 and the first one I bought myself was the Wii U. A good line of Nintendo consoles.
  20. Not bad for used, I personally would never buy used but if I wanted a better deal I know ebay is a good place to score an excellent deal on used stuff.
  21. Oooh good question, I would say Perfect Dark on N64, I never got tiring playing it since there is so many different ways to play it.
  22. Amazon was an ideal place for getting new games, any new game you got was given a 20% discount but now no longer. I recently got an email informing me that Amazon is no longer offering its 20% discount on any new game pre-orders (which at a typical $60 came out to be $12 in savings) and now will offer a simple $10 amazon credit on any select game per-orders. You can get the full details here: https://www.amazon.com/b?node=17911060011&=vg63_primevideogames_tc_lp_em)_&ref_=pe_6260660_294621830
  23. It depends on the game and trophies. If its something that will require endless hours of grinding I won't bother with it. But if its some classic game and then I will go out of my way to plat it.
  24. Demon_skeith

    Xbox One X

    Nope and never will. Microsoft is lacking a serious library of software to back up their consoles and what do they do? They launch a stronger piece of hardware with still no solid backing of games to their name. It's foolish.
  25. I know they run a buy 2 and get one free deal which isn't bad. But my backlog is just so huge that it does me no good.
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