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Everything posted by Alexander.

  1. What's the price difference? Which Anti Virus is better and offers more features? Thank you.
  2. My favourite or are you looking for recommendations? Either way, My favoured is still Smash Hit. If your interested, please then read my reply in this discussion about the mobile game. Hopefully this post will help you
  3. What checkpoint have you reached up too? I managed to complete the game in a couple tries. It took a lot of practise and patience, though.
  4. I might consider completing some of the unplayed games on the steam list. I can't say for sure as I haven't decided yet. Although, I'll have to wait to see how much free time I have after my commitments are fulfilled
  5. Honestly, I don't know. I think PC's popularity will always be maintained despite consoles and androids and so on. I'm a PC fan boy myself.
  6. A very hard question to answer. I think he's going to be proud and surprised. It's hard to say, to be honest.
  7. I've got a suggestion for the Bid for Rewards section. Most of the Expired, old auctions have been recently locked. Why not create a sub forum in The Big for Rewards area where these topics can be moved into?
  8. Probably Grand Theft Auto Five was the most expensive piece of kit that I've ever paid for. At the time of the release, the game was £50.00. This was many years ago, though.
  9. I've never purchased any Merch and never will. I'm not that bothered about Gaming Merchandise as I just see this as another way of businesses generating profit. Most of the accessories are expensive in price anyway. Do cosmetics really matter?
  10. PC, mostly. Occasionally mobile. My circumstances will determine which of the two platform I'll choose to play.
  11. Computer all the way. A larger variety of video games are available on the PC market. If your like me, constantly on the move, a laptop comes in handy for portable gaming.
  12. No, I haven't. I'm waiting until I get paid for the start of May to ensure I have enough money to pay for some new gaming equipment. What about you? Have you played any new video games? If you have, would you be inclined to recommend them to me? I'm too looking for suggestions.
  13. Yes. I would say I'm a bargain hunter and have roughly done couponing for at least 3 years now. I'd estimate that I've saved at least 1,000 pounds since I've started. I'm from the UK. I look out for deals and offers, loyalty programs, freebie vouchers in magazines, samples and more!
  14. In the December month, I like to wait until the third Sunday of Advent before I start decorating the tree and house with decorations. Oh the twelth night, January 5th is when I will take them down. That's my tradition. Although, yes I do agree with your statement to some extent.
  15. Why? What do you enjoy most? What's the concept of the video game?
  16. 30 hours?!?! That's more than enough time. I'm going to ask a few questions if you don't mind. 1. Do you remember how fast your WiFi connection was when you were downloading? 2. What was the file size just out of curiosity?
  17. Why didn't I ever think of that? A great idea. May I know who the best retailer is to purchase a canned air spray? Would you recommend Amazon? Thank you.
  18. I would recommend Last Pass if your still looking for one. It's free and extremely secure. Hope my suggestion helps you!
  19. Good point. How else would you remove or reduce Dust from the ventilation though? Do you whether static energy can stil be generated if the power supply is turned off?
  20. I liked how you talked very professionally about the topic above. Subbed to your channel and I'll be sure to tune in to future podcasts. I have to say this is a great addition to VGR!
  21. No. I don't see it as a red flag. It's nothing to be worried about as some employers are keen and effective at their job.
  22. According to the United States Annual report from Mint 2014, a penny's current cost is 1.7 cents per coin. With almost 8 billion pennies minted in 2014, the U.S. spent nearly 132 million dollars producing less than 50 million dollars of circulating currency. In answer to your question, yes the country would benefit from eliminating the penny.
  23. Months have passed since you said that. How much have you lost and what's your ultimate weight loss goal? Hopefully it's going well for you!
  24. I can't what so ever. Love watching people who can Dance professionally and I'm wishing I could. In fact, the only way I could achieve this is practice, practice and more practice. A lot of hard work has to be done!
  25. Would you be able to complete the test again on 10FastFingers? How many words are you able to type per minute? Self learning is a good way to enhance your Typing Skills, too.
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