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Everything posted by Alexander.

  1. @killamch89and @UleTheVee I would like to thank you for your helpful response to my post. Probably the best option is to assemble the parts and machine together yourself as I know a PC Shop Assistant will charge me A LOT of money for something that can easily be self-taught. I can confirm that I do have a screwdriver kit with various sizes so this is something that I don't have to worry about. Are there any specific tutorials on YouTube you would recommend? Thanks.
  2. I know where to order parts from and which are needed. Although, I have no understanding of how to build a PC. How would I go about learning? What are some of the best free online tutorials/ courses that you would suggest to me? Thank you.
  3. Out of the three platforms you game on, which do you use the most often? Why is that? Isn't Arade gaming expensive nowadays? How much does it cost where you live?
  4. Just out of interest, why did you not expect to like Bonderlands? Bad reviews, terrible game trailer or another reason? Why has it ended up becoming one of your most favoured games? What do you enjoy most about Bonderlands 1? I have never heard of the amusement up until I read your post. What's the concept and would you recommend it to me? Thank you
  5. I don't agree with this statement. I've made some incredible valuable relationships online as well as offline thanks to video games.Not only that, but I also believe that my motor skills as well have improved as a result of gaming. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
  6. I still enjoy Minecraft, although I don't play it as compulsively as I used to when I was a teenage boy. I grew up with the video game and I still love it now! Not especially for the game's contents, it's more about the memories it brings back...
  7. Do you not find that the Android Platform drains your power? Do you feel the selection of video games on the PlayStore is satisfactory? How do prevent the battery from over heating and your internal phone storage from becoming full? Concluding, would you recommend android to others? Why or why not?
  8. Congratulations for achieving 2,750 posts. Only 250 more to go before you reach 3k. I think you've got the most posted content on VGR. Well done.
  9. Oh well, I'm thinking he may just be grounded for a while now. The player who was unskilled and swearing, did he or she rage quit just out off curiosity? Interesting story to tell.
  10. A few years ago I really wanted to raid a Minecraft Server, so I did. Contacting the server administrator, I sent him my application form for the rank of moderator and I was accepted into the role. They may of have had backups - but who knows? It was a pretty small server so I'm guessing the person didn't. I then proceeded to spawn Ghasps and this destroyed the contents of the world. Shortly after, the ban hammer striked on me! A funny story if you ask me.
  11. This is a duplicate topic. A discussion has already been made here. There's no need to make another!
  12. Yes, please - this sounds really cool to me! I have never played Zombie Shooter but this looks like my type of computer game. Once your done, can you please post your review in this topic as a reply? Thank you!
  13. It's all about making money so in my opinion it's actually good because every job deserves a decent paycheck. It's an incentive to carry on - aslong as the reviews are genuine! Sponsored Gaming content is good and bad, depending on the content creator.
  14. Welcome to the VGR Forums!
  15. Easy games are extremely boring. Being rewarded in a game to improve your skills makes the experience feel like an achievement. "Easy Breezes" are boring and there would be no challenge for me to overcome.
  16. Understandable. Although, failing is a form of improvement so how do you plan on enhancing your skills in future multi-player games? It depends on the video game specifically but I would suggest watching and reading tutorials on the internet. Lot's of practice can also help you advance your skillset
  17. I never played a Dreamcast. However my friend adores the console and would contend that the support it is his most loved ever. He's continually guiding me to get one and try a couple of games on it, but I have never got around to doing it yet.
  18. I completely agree with what you said there. Spot on. A idea that may explain what you said - Do you think big corporations are in the process of making 8K tech the standard baseline and letting 4K resolution be a part of the past? If not, why do you think companies are doing this?
  19. I can't say because at first when battle royal games started a couple of years ago, most people never really warmed towards them. However, then PUBG came along and shortly after that Fortnite boosted the genre's popularity. No one can predict the future of any aspects of Gaming. Time will tell.
  20. I suggested we added a Archive (sub forum) in The Bid for Rewards section. @DC mentioned in the topic that this would be implemented - later on Friday. It's now Monday and this is yet to be introduced. Just wanted to know a progress update, that's all! Thank you.
  21. Which game-mode did you choose to play (Solo/Multiplayer)? Did you gain any achievements or any wins? Thinking about the last time you played Mortal Kombat, how long did you spend playing? Seems an interesting Fighting game although I've never actually got around to playing it! Would you recommend this amusement to me? Why or why not? Thank you.
  22. Indeed, I'm surprised by the percentage of people who mentioned a disability here. However, it does makes sense. A disability shouldn't stop you overcoming any challenges in your life. Custom gaming setups including modified controllers and special assistive technology, such as devices that allow you to play with your eyes are examples of modern day technology that you can purchase.
  23. No more than £250.00 which is still a fair amount to spend on a telephone. Some phones can be as much as £2,000 which is a bit ridiculous as you'll be paying for the brand name rather than the device specifications, processor and other important factors.
  24. Yeah that's what I was thinking. We as humans must be restricted on how well we can see our surroundings. Surely, right?
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