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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. A lot of them are losing value. But the original ones from the 70's and 80's are holding their value. A rare few, if they're mint condition are slightly gaining value. But they're not worth their weight in gold. Pretty much anyone with the space and a little bit of disposable income could afford one.
  2. Use the Print Screen button, then paste it into paint and you can then edit it however you want. Also, I didn't realize how filthy my keyboard was until I took this pic. So I'm going to be doing some cleaning today on it.
  3. People have their head full of misconceptions about Satanism. The word "Satanism" is one of the biggest reasons people make up their own definitions and ignore reality. I'm a member of The Satanic Temple if you want to check it out. The Seven Tenets would be a good place to start.
  4. Different people, different reasons. It's easier to wash up with a shower chair, but it also takes up a lot of space.
  5. It was supposedly thought up t be like a Wii controller with motion reaction. I think it was mainly for racing games like RC Pro-Am. So that you could in essence "grip the steering wheel" to drive the car. It never worked. It could be used to attempt to play any game, but there were very few games released that were specifically for the Power Glove.
  6. Now I'm starting to wonder if I should just leave the internet behind. Also I'm glad I use a simple TV as a monitor and don't have to have a hackable webcam. I choose when to have mine even hooked up and when not to. It plugs into a USB port, and I set it on top of the TV. When I'm done with it, I unplug it and put it away.
  7. Cynical, not over exaggerating. It was simply my own choice of metaphor to express that the taste of Red Bull is ungodly disgusting.
  8. Ok, I've never been much into games that were based off movies. But I'm now of the mind that, I GOTTA GET THIS ONE!
  9. There are tons of games based off Lord Of The Rings. Shadows Of Mordor is one of the more popular series. As for Arwen's horse, she rode a white Andalusian.
  10. Red Bull tastes like goblin piss. Also energy drinks affect my heart. It starts getting into an irregular rhythm and racing extremely fast. My whole body starts shaking, I get dizzy, and my equilibrium is completely gone. The only thing I can do is lay flat wherever I'm at and have a seizure. Oh, and as for Red Bull, since the one time I tried it, I still haven't grown my wings. Anyone think I have a lawsuit for false advertising? As dumb a lawsuit as that would be, there have been some that were a lot dumber. Like the jackass that tried to sue himself for I don't know how many million.
  11. I've listened to my voice on a few game recordings and I sound like a stoned man. So I would welcome a mic that would allow me to sound like a woman. I'm not a guy, I don't want to sound like one.
  12. I know how to repair controllers with ease. Depending on the console, I can repair them as well. NES and SNES are easy as hell to repair. The cartridges are easy to repair as well. If a solder point has come loose, that's a pain in the ass, but an easy fix for a steady hand. Some game carts, I can't fix because I don't have the tools to open them. Some are put together with rivets instead of any kind of removable screw. But anything else is easy.
  13. I highly doubt that there ever will be a Bully 2. The first one didn't garner any kind of real profit for Rockstar. It's sales were abysmal, and it wasn't particularly popular. It's been 16 years since the first one, and no talk has ever been made since then. It saw a brief revival on the Xbox One, but still didn't sell well. So all that in consideration, I don't see a sequel ever being made.
  14. An atheist wouldn't really fall under either, as it's more a denial of religion. Atheists believe there is no god, so there is no religion there. They're kinda off in their own group. They're alongside Agnostics. They don't deny the possibility, but at the same time say there is no proof. Satanism is a bit like Atheism, but instead is an actual a religion with practices, holidays, and traditions. I know this because I am Satanic.
  15. If I had seen it in time, I would have said something as well. But after reading the response @Shagger gave, there was nothing left for me to add. He summed it all up perfectly.
  16. I personally gave up on blizzard with WoW. It was a horrendous game in my opinion, and was showing me just how far they were sliding down the shit pile. The last game they put out that was even worth consideration of buying was Diablo II. While they obviously have other titles, Activision seems to almost focus on CoD titles exclusively. I understand that it's a wildly successful franchise, but their attempts to branch out with Tony Hawk and Skylanders is sub par at best. And for those of us who can't play war/military games, they don't have much of anything to offer. If Microsoft thinks they can make a dollar and/or save Activision/Blizzard then I say go for it. It may come back to bite them in the ass, but either way I hope they learn from it. And with the monopoly discussion, I do have to agree. It seems they're trying to get as close to a monopoly as they legally can. They'll never get their hands on longtime exclusives like Mario and Zelda. Nintendo would burn them to the ground before they would let anyone else have them. They already made that mistake with disastrous results. PlayStation isn't going to release GoW without one hell of a fight either. My biggest worry here, is that at some point they will acquire Take-Two, and thus Rockstar. My thoughts on Rockstar as well known here, and I don't want to see one of my favorite franchise's end up as an Xbox exclusive.
  17. It's a decent art style, but fails to grasp the old way of drawing cartoons. There's too much digital editing in it for it to look truly authentic. That said, it does look like a good show. I'll definitely be tuning in to watch it.
  18. I'm so glad my channels are so obscure. After seeing this, I'm also deciding that I'll never show my face in a video. It's going to be strictly an audio reviewing channel. And it may be set to private so that only approved people can see the videos, with the exception of videos that don't feature my voice at all in any way. Oh! By the way, does anyone want to buy 3 seconds worth of nothing? I'll rent you a pretty picture of absolutely nothing to mark your place in line.
  19. I've tried 12 step programs, and absolutely hate them. If it works for you, then more power to you. But it's something I personally don't have the ability to tolerate.
  20. Organized religion typically refers to religions like Judaism, Islam, and Xtianity. Religions that are rigid and exclusive to all others. "Unorganized" religion isn't an actual term. But for the sake of argument, we'll say it is. It would refer to religions that aren't major powerhouses and are more widely spread without any hierarchy or "headquarters" (think Vatican for Catholicism) of any kind. Buddhism is a good example of an "unorganized" religion. Satanism is another one. We're all over, but we don't advertise ourselves. Organized religion does advertise itself. Xtianity does anyway. But I found a way to keep the converters away.
  21. That's like praying away AIDS. It's pure bullshit.
  22. That image has made the rounds in Satanic circles for years. Here's a few other popular ones.
  23. I can't answer that, as I don't know them. But the look on his mothers face tells me that he hears it at home, but is not supposed to say even "heck" or "dang", let alone "shit".
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