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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Interview With The Vampire 10/10
  2. @Shagger is absolutely right. You should encourage him. As already said, he will most likely never be able to make a living of any kind from YouTube, but sharing what he loves on a platform that big, would be great for him. He could meet a lot of people that share his passion, and possibly make a friend or two.
  3. Quite right. It would be a slap in the face of the original game. I have no issue with any other game in the series being remade, especially the most recent ones, but the first one needs to be left alone. I would be really curious to see a Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link remake, but not of the first one.
  4. Points? I assume you're playing online, because there's no point system in the story mode. I would recommend you get an Arabian. While the horse is absolutely stupid, it's abilities, stamina, agility, and speed among other things, will make you never want to ride another horse again. I always go for the white Arabian. Mainly because I'm colorblind, and the red chestnut and warped brindle are a lot harder for me to distinguish. Also I always color my horses tail black since Dutch also rides a white horse, so I can tell which one is mine. I'll include a pic of each of them below. But an important note, if you do manage to catch and break one (easy as hell for me) make sure you immediately put your saddle on it. Like ride to your main horse that you rode to where you find the horse, and switch over your saddle. That will bond your new horse to you and it won't run off like a wild horse. You will be able to call it since it's bonded with you. Do that with any and every wild horse you catch. Also, fully bonded horses (level 4) sell for more than lower bonded horses. Just a note. Also you can catch them any time you want from chapter 2 onward. I always go and catch one almost immediately.
  5. It's the bracelet that Beau Gray wanted Arthur to deliver to Penelope Braithwaite. You can take it to a fence and sell it, but you lose honor doing so. If your honor doesn't mean anything to you, then go ahead and do it. You only get $50 for it, if I remember correctly. She gets confused when all she gets is a letter. I've never sold the bracelet, mind you, but I've seen YouTube videos where the gamers play it that way.
  6. I think just about everyone has heard of the NES Advantage. But regardless of that, it was still an awkward as hell controller. I have a couple, but forego them for the NES Max. It's a better controller all around in my opinion. Especially for the turbo abilities.
  7. I just remembered one. I played DMC4 before the previous 3. It's a great game. I remember it better than I remember anything about DMC1, 2, or 3. Not sure why. Maybe because it was the first one that I played.
  8. In total I have 3 YouTube channels. Two of them are nothing special as I never really post anything on them. The other is the gaming channel that I have mentioned before. @Rain Dew and I are working on getting videos uploaded and taking them live once we're happy with them, and have enough content to make the channel at least partially interesting. The only issue I'm having is that PS4 only allows clips up to 1 hour. I have a couple programs installed on my comp to allow me to record whatever is on the screen, but the PS is plugged into a different HDMI port, so I have to figure something out there. As for your friend, he could just set up a video camera and record his videos, upload them to his computer, get a simple program to tinker with them, and he's good to go. If he's wanting to make a career out of YouTube, he needs to rethink his priorities. That's next to impossible. YouTube can be a great bit of extra income if you get a big enough following and your videos become monetized, but it should never be how you pay your bills. If he's doing it for fun, like I do, then it's worth it. You don't need a following on your channel to enjoy doing it. When I started out, I just used Microsoft Video Maker. The cheap little program that came with Windows. Here's the first video I ever did.
  9. The only traffic I really hate is on the road. I have a real problem with road rage. Otherwise, I don't care. Except here. More traffic = more members. More members = more posts. More posts = more knowledge. More knowledge = more opinions. It's a win-win in every way that I can see, as long as the members aren't shit stirrers, or spammers. If they're legitimately here for a love of gaming, they will most likely only be a plus for the forum.
  10. Just a quick heads up, the Legend Of The East satchel is virtually required in this game, or you'll never be able to carry shit. Three of most of the stuff you can pick up, doesn't last nor does it really help. Also what breed of horse are you planning on getting?
  11. I built my own lean-to shelters, fire, and hunted and fished, and knew how to purify my own water. So I never needed much to take with me. A hatchet, survival knife, and my .410 with a box of shells.
  12. Those kind are definitely being watched for. But if some dev has their panties in a twist on any given day, you never know what will happen. They may just go on a ban trip, banning random players for no reason, and cooking one up later. People are assholes like that. I've seen this kind of thing firsthand.
  13. I'm a paranormal buff. I love the paranormal and the unexplained. Whether real or not is irrelevant, It all fascinates me. Things like the moving coffins of Barbados, or the Big Grey Man. Things that are of a paranormal nature, but happened to developers during game creation. Is there anything that fits this scenario? I personally haven't heard of anything, but if there's something, I would love to hear about it. If there's a situation like the filming of The Passion Of The christ I would be especially interested, as that movie was cursed from the beginning.
  14. Too true. But of all the assholes, Rockstar is the best of a bad situation in my opinion.
  15. Hold the grip in your left hand so your thumb can hit the D-pad, and use your other hand with the palm facing down is the only way I was ever able to use it. I tried to use it with my right palm facing inward towards the buttons, but that didn't help much, if any. So I just boxed it up and kept it as an emergency controller. Luckily I never had to use it again. I wish I knew what happened to it. I guess I could but another one on eBay as they're not particularly expensive. But I'm not all that interested in having another one.
  16. Two that I have that never felt right no matter what are these:
  17. Well, I have to answer this with a couple questions. 1) The first Mega Man game I ever played was Mega Man 3. Considering its age, does that count since I did play MM1 and MM2 later on? 2) Do games you haven't played in years count if you play more recent releases in the franchise? For example, I'm on another run through on Zelda Link To The Past, but haven't played either of the first two in years. Also I have been playing Castlevania Lords Of Shadown on PS3, but haven't played the originals on NES in so long, that I honestly can't remember the last time I played them. If I popped them in today, would that count?
  18. If they start doing that, where does it end? If someone says one system sucks, would that be grounds for a ban from the disparaged company, and thus a ban on all? It seems like nazi tactics to force a full ban from everyone if someone else does it. And how do you prove that foul language is directed at the game? They may have something like their dog chewing up something important and they're hollering at it, but hadn't silenced their mic. There are so many variables to this, that it's just not right in any way.
  19. I'd go back to what I did when I was a kid. Disappear into the woods for a month and live off the land.
  20. Dungeon themes from the original Zelda. They draw you in and mesmerize you.
  21. It would lead to a lot of revenge violence. Killing someone just because they have a tendency for violence would lead to the ones that cared about that person seeking revenge against the ones that killed him/her. It's already prevalent in gang violence. Kill my homie, I kill you. Take someone like me. I have an extremely explosive temper. To the point that I sometimes black out and don't even know what I'm doing. When I'm sitting around I can see people get hurt, and not care. If someone breaks into my house it is my 100% intention to kill them. They will not leave alive. I will use every bullet I own if I have to, just to make sure they are dead. Do I need to be killed for those reasons?
  22. The best days of the week to try to find a new job are statistically Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday everyone is grouchy about being back at it. Thursday and Friday everyone is gearing up for the weekend and in a hurry to get the hell off work. So if anyone is looking for something new, send in your resume's and applications on Tuesday and Wednesday. Unless your dream job is a cook at McDonalds.
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