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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I’ve seen a few soccer games, and a lot of football. I’m not particularly a fan of either. But from my perspective, football looks a lot more dangerous than soccer. I’ve never seen soccer players intentionally tackling each other to the ground. As for the mention of cleats, they wear metal cleats in football too. And if a tackle goes wrong the player can end up with severe spinal injuries or worse. I don’t know of any athletes getting a broken spine in a soccer game. But I do have to mention that soccer fans are the only ones I know of other than us hockey fans who will riot and get in physical fights with each other.

  2. When I was able, I loved playing sports. My interest in playing waned quite a bit as I got older, and now I couldn’t play if I wanted to. But I love watching hockey every chance I get.

  3. What part of the south are you in? Dallas has the Stars. Tampa Bay has the Lightning. Carolina has the Hurricanes. Florida has the Panthers. There’s several teams in the south.

  4. OMG, Atari was running 24/7 with me. I stuck to a few more than others.




    Dig Dug

    Donkey Kong


    Grand Prix



    Mario Bros



    Space Invaders

    Swordquest: both Earthworld and Fireworld



    I also played on Colecovision a ton. Ladybug was my favorite. For those that don’t know, it’s a variation of Pac-Man.

  5. I have asthma as well, and due to MD I already have a compromised and weakened immune system. So I have been advised to stay home unless I have no choice but to get out, and to have as little human contact as possible for the foreseeable future. That doesn’t really change anything for me as that’s how I have always preferred things and chosen to live. But still, it’s a pain in the ass.

  6. 3 hours ago, MeowsePad said:

    I've never seen any compelling studies linking video games to violence. They showed Jack Bauer stabbing a person in the neck with scissors on primetime television, so I don't see why there is such a fuss about video games.

    There was an episode of Law & Order SVU where a girl did the same thing to her father. Not because of video games, but because he was a shitty father and she had finally reached her breaking point due to all his broken promises.

  7. 3 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    Oldschool 3D platformers like Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64. And horror games.

    I play both all the time. I have actually gotten all 120 stars on Mario before. Banjo Kazooie is an odd game, but still fun. My problem is that I always forget all the abilities that I learn from the mole.

  8. Zelda always bugged the hell out of me with this. For example in the original it’s an untamed wilderness with no order of any kind. Then in Zelda 2, there are towns all over the map, and you no longer have items you can use, but spells instead. And all dungeons look identical. Then on SNES, the towns have disappeared and the only one in Hyrule is Kakariko, which never existed previously. On N64 they mix it up even more with the introduction of new races, and a complete 180 on others (Zoras no longer attack). After 7 main consoles Zelda has gotten wildly different in every single game. I would like just once to see a true sequel. And I’m not including portable systems in this like GameBoy or DS, with the exception of the Switch.

    This seriously drives me nuts. It’s like approaching a game you have never heard of each time.


  9. I'm not all that interested. But that may be due to me being a classic gamer. VR would also probably be extremely difficult for me, because it's my understanding that you have to be mobile to play it. And being stuck in a wheelchair and having limited mobility, doesn't exactly give me many options to play it and enjoy the experience.

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