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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I've never been a big Star Wars fan. The only time I can remember actually playing one that I enjoyed was on Atari. I wasn't the biggest fan of the movies either. But then again, I didn't see them until I was in my late 20's. Also, the whole sci-fi genre just really doesn't hold much interest for me.

  2. 6 hours ago, skyfire said:

    NFS and few bike specific games were good. But after some time you get pretty much bored with them. 

    That's the downfall of racing games. With a handful of exceptions, after a while, they all end up looking the same.

  3. 5 hours ago, MeowsePad said:

    I don't think I've ever gone past 16-18 hours. I guess I'm just a casual. I know people who have played for days on end without stopping.

    I highly doubt I could game that long, even if I switched up the games. I tend to shut down the system when I've gamed so long that particular day that it becomes boring. That's how my body and mind tell me it's time to at least take a break for a few hours minimum.

  4. I've never once played a Metal Gear game. And to be honest, I don't really even know what kind of game it is. I've never looked into it. It's just never in my mind when I'm game hunting.

  5. It's a personal preference. I grew up on Nintendo, which is where the whole of Castlevania started. Hence, PlayStation isn't my first choice of platform. I'm not knocking PS. I'm just more Nintendo oriented. PS is a great system, with some of the best games in the world of gaming. But everyone has some little bit of brand preference/loyalty. Mine just happens to be Nintendo, and I would love to see a really great Castlevania game available for Switch, and later consoles. But if Sony buys it, there will never be another one released for any other system.

  6. This is bugging the hell out of me. I'm having an issue with my Switch. Obviously I'm online with my PC. My phone has internet. I downloaded a game that I got here from @DC in the bid for rewards board a couple hours ago onto my Xbox. My Switch however, will not connect to the internet I keep getting the error message "Could not perform DNS name resolution." I don't know what the hell that means, and I've also never had this problem before with my Switch. I've been troubleshooting all damn day, and can't figure out anything. I can't download any kind of update because obviously that requires an online connection. It connects to my network device (router?) but won't connect to the internet. I have entered and reentered my password about 30 times so far. I have also restarted, and just shut it off for a while several times. No help there either. I'm completely at a loss.

    Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

    Ugh. KMNP.

  7. I hope they don't get Castlevania. I always loved that game. The entire franchise really, and like seeing it on different platforms. As for Silent Hill and Metal Gear, they were never really my thing, so I don't care there. You can bet your ass that if Sony gets them, they will never see life on any platform but PlayStation. Guaranteed fact. PC exclusive gamers will be fucked unless they can get their hands on a hack.

  8. 1 hour ago, Juneberry said:

    I've never actually spent an extended amount of time playing from start to finish. I'm more of a casual gamer who plays lackadaisically. I think the longest I've sat playing a game is somewhere around three hours.


  9. 1 hour ago, Juneberry said:

    I'm not big on notably violent video games, honestly, but when I do play them... I like them because they let me blow off some steam. That's honestly the only reason I like them at all.

    I'm curious. I just read your post in the thread about what tells you that you won't like a game and you mentioned violent games there as well. So I'm curious as to what you consider violent? Everyone here interprets violence in their own way, but how you interpret it really has me interested now.

  10. 19 hours ago, DylanC said:

    It’s a terrific 2D soulslike metroidvania with dark religious themes and imagery. It’s one of the best games I’ve played for a while. The boss designs are super eye-catching too. I really recommend it! 

    The whole religious part is what's kept me from picking it up yet, as it seems to draw from Xtianity exclusively.

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