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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I haven't followed the releases of AOE, but if the latest one is AOE 3, don't waste your money. 3 was an abomination. One of the saddest things was that there were way too many expansion packs, and they didn't actually add anything to the game. I had the War Chiefs expansion, and it did nothing for the game. I 100% recommend going with AOE 2 and getting the Conquerors expansion. A great game, with a simple expansion. The best in the series so far that I'm aware of.

  2. Tell Me Why (Xbox One)

    Paper Mario (N64)

    And one that my team is working on that we hope to have ready by this time next year. It’s a post apocalyptic survival game. But it’s a lot different than others. Believe me. I can’t go into detail about the plot until it’s finished, but it’s pretty  unique for a post apocalypse game.

  3. I think I’m a prime example of video games not causing violence, being that I’m a clinically diagnosed sociopath. I play some of the most depraved, gruesome games imaginable. And I derive pleasure from picturing people in more pain and suffering than most can fathom. But never once have I acted on it. The game Hatred doesn’t give me the thoughts that I should try it just for whatever reason. I don’t care enough about people to waste the time and energy on them. All the planning and time it would take to set up a location to do it isn’t something I care to waste time on either. I can do it in game, and dream it up even worse in my mind, and I’m satisfied. It takes little energy and I get to experience what I want. The only time I would express any of these desires is if someone broke into my house. I’ve gone on record with the cops that anyone breaking in will not leave alive. It is my 100% intention to kill them. And I will succeed in ending a human life.

    Did video games have anything to do with any of this? Not a god damn thing. Actually the opposite. They actually STOP ME from acting on my desires. The violence I get to experience in game keeps me in check. So I can straight up tell you that violent games can actually be a good thing.

  4. On 2/22/2020 at 5:08 PM, Joshua Farrell said:

    those historical figures you pointed out, did not have access to violent games

    Exactly my point. They weren’t violent because of video games. Also Ted Bundy isn’t a historical figure. But if it’s recent people you want then explain away Aileen Wournos, Gary Heidnik, Andrew Cunanan, Sante Kimes, and the two shooters at Columbine. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. None of them had an issue with video games, and had access to many of the same games we have today. Not the current entry of a popular series, but still the earlier entries which were still violent.

  5. I'm a part of a team the makes the occasional ROM-hack, but mostly originals. If I had a job title, it would be "thinker". I think up scenarios or stories that I think would make decent to good games, and give them to the guys that write the software. If they like it they work on it. If it's just a quick thought or they think it could be the next major franchise they have me work on storyline even more. Sometimes that damn near turns into a novel, other times it's a bad case of writers block. It's not a paid job unless we start having a paying demand for games. But at the moment it's just something we do for fun. I got the job by word of mouth from people talking about my writing abilities. So I have fun with it. I get to see my name in the credits under "Story By" so that's always really cool. I don't remember exactly who it was, but someone got the cheapest Switch cartridge he could find to erase it so he could put one of our games on it. I don't think he's been successful yet. But that's the ambition of the team. When they want something new they call me, let me know the type of game they're wanting, and I get to thinking shit up. Whether it's a children's game or an adult game, I write up what I can, and away we go.

  6. That would be when I was a kid. I sat down and started a new game on Zelda A Link To The Past on SNES. And with the exception of a couple bathroom breaks, getting a cold soda, or small things like that, I went straight through from nothing to defeating the game with every heart piece and powerup in the game. I didn't stop to save or die. I wanted a perfect score of 0 and got it. At the time being a kid, I wasn't the best at video games because of a few reasons I'm not going to get into. But it took me almost a full day to complete. 10 hours or so. After that I was burned out on gaming for almost a year.

  7. I never used a guide for an NES or SNES game. The only GB game I used a guide for was the Oracle games. I used the guides for Zelda OoT and Majoras Mask when the games first came out, but to be honest I initially only bought the guides because they were limited edition collectors guides. Later when I got stuck trying to find items like gold skulltulas, and the big goron sword etc, I used a cheaper guide to figure out what the hell I was supposed to be doing. When I started playing FF8, I had no choice but to use a guide. I mentioned it before about the point on disc 1 where Zell, Quistis, and Selphie are locked in Caraways mansion. There's no way that anyone would figure out that you need to take a glass from the shelf and put it in the statues hand to open a secret passage. I was stuck there for almost months before I said "fuck this" and got a guide. Also I wanted all the GF's and some of them are hidden extremely well. I also have a guide for Skyrim, but that thing is so in depth and physically heavy that I haven't even begun to read it. Also a weird thing is that I have absolutely no clue where it came from. I found it in a box in my garage a few months ago. The same thing goes for a hardback copy of a Dark Souls II guide. I have no idea where they came from, but I have them. I have other guides that I'm at a loss for where they came from, but those are the two that really throw me. I may have possibly had them even before I had the damn games.

  8. 7 hours ago, skyfire said:

    LOL so if there are evidences of violence by video games and shooting incidents that supporting it. now the study is funded. Nice reasoning and argument. I can see where this would go. And I am not your servant to post evidence when you have yourself closed your mind to searching the evidence especially with argument such as "NRA funded". As if bunch of commies and SJW socialist shite wont be writing liberal crap to deny the opposite. especially oxford, Harvard type of cesspool of SJW universities. Yeah cry me river. 

    If you are such a hardcore believer that game violence is a direct link to real world violence, then why are you still playing games? Aren't you at a risk of being corrupted by the games you play and going postal on your area?

  9. I’ve used a lot or players guides. When I approach a new game and have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing, I’ll give it a look. Or if I’m hopelessly stuck I’ll crack one open, but other than that I typically don’t use them.

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