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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I used to play Silent Scope in the arcade here all the time when I was younger. All it is, is camping. It's a sniper game, so I guess that's to be expected. But if it's a game like Modern Warfare or CoD, then I think that's a bit cowardly. If you're going to play a game, then play the damn game. I could hide out in a corner of the training grounds in Balamb Garden in FF8, and wait for a monster to walk by. Where's the fun in that?

  2. Around here, good gaming PC's usually run around $1000--$1500. Consoles are a lot cheaper. Also PC's are built and designed to do many different things other than gaming. Whereas consoles, are designed to focus on the game entirely without other distractions. This in my mind makes a console superior to a PC.

  3. Are you meaning games similar to what you might see on a console, or games that actually have been released on console?

    If it's games that actually have been on console, get Q*Bert. It's a classic since Atari, and more fun than most people give it credit for. Mahluk is another good one. The controls are fairly sensitive, but once you get the hang of it, it's worth getting. Both are free downloads, so you're not losing anything, whether you like them or not. if you like them, great. If you don't, delete it and move on.

  4. The only time that even the slightest bit of consideration for getting a PS5 is if/when a series I'm a fan of comes out and is only playable on the PS5. For example I'm a huge GoW nut. And I'm sure that eventually there will be a GoW on PS5. But it all depends on whether it holds any interest for me. GoW on PS4 was not, in my opinion, worth the money. It just wasn't a good game to me. So I'll be extremely wary of the next few releases.

  5. I feel like such an idiot here. What is camping? Is it anything like I'm thinking? A tent in the woods, or is it something else? Remember, this is a question coming from a classic gamer, so don't rip my ass apart too ferociously.

  6. 9 hours ago, Crazycrab said:

    In this day and age the only way that PC gaming is cheaper that consoles is if your pirating.

    Very true, and while I'm a console gamer almost exclusively, you're ignoring the fact that consoles can be pirated and hacked the same as PC's. You can take any recent console and hack the system and install 300+ games on it if you want to, that you never payed for nor will you ever pay for. I usually don't care if it's an old system and the companies have moved on and are no longer making money off of it. But games now in the current systems and the upcoming systems shouldn't be pirated. Whether you're loyal to one platform or another is irrelevant.

    Pc gamers, play your hardest.
    Console gamers, play your hardest.

    Just be fucking honest about it. I hate liars and general dishonesty in all forms. I may be a sociopath, but I won't sugarcoat anything, and I damn sure won't kiss your ass.

  7. I almost bought AC3 for Switch today, but decided not to. It was only $20, but I want to spend that on another game. I'm looking at getting Cuphead for Switch instead. Same price, only difference is the game itself.

    It's midway in this video.


  8. 11 hours ago, skyfire said:

    When it comes to sounds, 90% of the fixes are specific with the driver. 

    I figured as much, and would take care of it myself, except I don't know how. If this was Win98, then I could do it easy. But Windows has changed and evolved so drastically since then, that I don't have the slightest clue. Hell I'm having trouble getting this damn thing to run a screensaver. It just doesn't want to do it. How pathetic is that?

  9. Everyone has to have been there at least once. You get to a spot in a game, and spend possibly months trying to advance with no luck. The path forward is hidden so well that nothing is giving you any clue forward. I've been there. As I'm playing FF8 right now there's a spot on disc 1 that made me think of this topic. Quistis, Zell, and Selphie have just gotten back to Caraway's mansion to apologize to Rinoa and are now locked in. There's a painting in the room that is supposed to be a clue, albeit one that is not any form of good. How the hell are you supposed to know that taking a glass off the shelf and putting it in the statues hand will open a secret passage? If I hadn't had a guide in the beginning, I would never have made it to disc 2. There is no possible way that someone would look at that and instantly know what to do.

    A guide was required. Also some of the GF's are so well hidden and the items needed to get them are so well hidden that you're shit out of luck without a guide, unless you're the luckiest person alive.

  10. Something along the lines of the computer trying to use the wrong driver or speakers that didn't exist. I couldn't really follow them as I'm not exactly all that tech savvy.

  11. Actually he doesn't have a good economy. Formerly American made products have been outsourced to other countries. Our economy is collapsing. As for the balance of parties in the senate, it's pretty even. He won't get reelected. Republicans are dumping him, as it's proven that he's a felon. 


    With WW3, he has achieved his goal when it starts.

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