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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I ended up having to get Geek Squad involved. They remotely logged on to my computer and after about 7 hours of work they fixed the issue. It cost me $40, which sucks, but I had to get the thing fixed. I do a lot of things on here that require sound, so I can't have a computer that isn't letting me hear what the hell I'm working on.

  2. 3 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    I dont like me consoles to be stored away, so most of the times I sell my consoles. Right now I want to get rid of my old xbox 360, I dont feel like I'm going to play the games on it again anytime soon, it is going to hurt me to get rid of Skyrim and GTA V but I think I have played enough with those games over the years.


    I've got a feeling that if you get rid of all of it, that you're going to regret it.

  3. I always thought it was funny that in Link To The Past, Link has to have a magical glove to pick up a rock, yet he can rip a bush out of the ground and off its roots at the very beginning of the game unaided.

  4. My computer quit putting out sound last night. I have checked everything on the computer from seeing if it's just muted or the volume got turned down low, to the diagnostics. I can't find anything wrong. I can't unplug them because my comp is an all-in-one. My virus scan has turned up nothing. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?

  5. I noticed that very same thing in Castlevania SOTN. There are thousands of candles all over the map, and I have wondered many times just who it is that goes around lighting and replacing candles all over the castle. I wonder about nonsensical things like that all the time.

    In Zelda OoT I've often wondered where the gold skulltulas came from and why they only cursed that one family. Also that was the first appearance of the Gerudos, Gorons, and friendly Zoras. Where did they come from? Zoras were always shooting fireballs at me in previous games, but Gerudos and Gorons didn't even exist.

    In Blaster Master Jason's pet frog jumps down a hole in his back yard that he just happened to never notice that led to a complete other world and a fucking tank that he instinctively knew how to use and what the mission was down there.

    There's also a bit of a goofy thing in Zelda: A Link To The Past. How the hell do rats get so much money? Killing them is a gold mine.

    In DKC on SNES, explain to me exactly why a crocodile would be interested in stealing an apes banana stash?

    Is Bowser in love with the princess or is he just an asshole? But then why is everyone so friendly racing go karts?

    In what universe is Sonic a fucking hedgehog? I had a pet hedgehog. Trust me, Sonic is not a hedgehog.


    Some of these things are more out there than others. I've also wondered off and on who invented things like bread? Where did cookies and cake come from? How did steel come about? It's a man made alloy, and not natural like iron. In the beginning Earth was pretty much a ball of molten rock and nothing else. Where did water come from? And speaking of water why isn't it flammable? Before you call me an idiot think about it. The chemical composition of water is H2O. Two atoms of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen. Hydrogen is a flammable gas and fire requires oxygen to burn. So why isn't water flammable?

    I'm weird, but at least I have an inquisitive mind.

  6. I tend to think it's better to hang on to your old consoles, even if they become closet ornaments. You never know when you'll get that itch to play an old game that is on an old console. If you didn't hang onto it, then you're gonna lose your mind. I rarely touch any of my PS2, Game Cube, or Wii games. Mainly because I really don't like the systems, but they have a couple good games that I enjoy. So I have kept them, but they're not hooked up anywhere. They're in a box and have been there for years.

  7. Trump has used his own personal prejudice to guide every last thing he has done and tried to do since his campaign. He lied on the entire campaign, and it's a proven fact that he lies more than six times a day to the American people. At this point there are even republicans that aren't supporting him anymore. We've had some worthless presidents in this country, but this bastard will go down as the worst in American history. I swear to the Gods, if somehow it happens again, then I'm officially Canadian.




  8. He wanted WW3, and he fought hard to get it. This impeachment has been a long time coming. Even before Putin got him in office. He is a disgrace and nothing more. It has become beyond crystal clear that when he said "Make America Great Again" he was referring to the Great Depression. There have been more mass murders, school shootings, and racially motivated killings in his first three years in office than there were in the previous 30 years if you don't count wars. That's pretty fucking pathetic, and sickening at the same time. But the worst of it is that there are actually people stupid enough to think that Trump has actually done even one good thing. And there is no sense showing them the light. They will just close their eyes, run into a closet with their fingers in their ears and scream "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

  9. It depends if I have duplicates or not. Typically I have more than one of every system, just in case one decides to be an asshole. If I have more than that, then I bundle them together and resell them, or trade them. Otherwise I hang on to them. I've said this before, but at the moment I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 PS2's and I think 4 PS3's. As far as Nintendo consoles, I have no clue. Too many to count.

  10. I'm going to go over a few systems, but I'm not including any handheld systems on this, even though several have separate controllers.

    I'll start with a quick one. PlayStation kept an identical controller from PS1-PS3, so I can't pick one of them over the other, but in the PS realm I have to say that the PS4 controller is the most comfortable. Possibly the most comfortable controller in console gaming.

    Xbox, I have never been a fan of, but their controllers were always comfortable, and the buttons easy to land the fingers on.

    Sega Genesis had an interesting controller. It was my first experience with a 3 button setup. The controller fit rather well into the hand, but the button setup I wasn't a fan of. Also I was coming from the Nintendo world, so I was used to a completely different system, even though they shared several game titles. I never really had any kind of interaction with Dreamcast, so I can't comment on its controller.

    Atari was a good one. They didn't screw around with bells and whistles. A joystick and a button. That was all that was needed, that was all that was made. I liked it then, and I like it now.

    Colecovision was an odd one. I never fully got what the point of the numerical pad was until I was older and found out that there were cards you could slip onto it that lined up the buttons you could use in your games. Also the rotary dial was entirely unique, and something I personally have never seen on another system. So it gets points for originality.

    Now the big one. Nintendo. With the NES, it was simple and basic. 2 buttons, a D-pad, and Start/Select. You didn't need any more at the time, so they didn't offer more. I like that.
    Then SNES comes along. Four new buttons that would be the base for every controller design from then on out. Not only did you have A & B, but now you had X & Y, plus the two shoulder buttons L & R. Very innovative design.
    N64 changed things up a bit more. They got rid of X & Y, and replaced them with the C buttons and a trigger button (Z button). I was a big fan of the trigger button. I loved how that all worked out. The one thing that never made any real sense to me though was the D-pad on it. There were only a handful of games that had even the slightest bit of need/use for it. So, I'm left wondering why they kept it instead of replacing it with something that there was intent to be used.
    Game Cube, I absolutely hated. It was extremely uncomfortable, the C button was now more like the joystick on the N64, and the trigger button was in such a messed up spot that it was useless. It was hands down the worst controller design I have ever seen.
    Wii didn't, in my mind, have a controller. The system was set up so wildly different, that I just look at it as having a goofy Power Glove more or less.


    So taking all that into consideration, I would have to say that my favorite controller would be the SNES controller, mainly because it introduced us to just how much a video game controller could be capable of. Especially since it was only a 16 bit system.

  11. I'm going to head out pretty soon and pick up some supplies for my rats, and pick up some groceries. Nothing big. I'm also thinking of getting a new gaming chair for my best friend since her birthday is coming up soon.

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