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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I had a dentist appointment at fucking 9am today. Loads of fun for me. I was supposed to take my hedgehog and conure to the vet for a checkup, but wasn't able to make it. But I got that rescheduled for next Tuesday.

  2. I picked up Assassin’s Creed 2 the other day. I’ve hated the series for a long time, which always bugged me because it’s the type of game I gravitate towards. The problem I’ve had with it was trying to get through the bullshit at the start of the game. It was so much of a pain in the ass that I eventually just said “fuck this shit”. But the game was only $2.99 at GameStop, so I figured what the hell. At that price I wasn’t really losing anything if I still hated it. And if I ended up liking it, then I got a steal on a game.

  3. FF8. I get on to the 3rd disc, power up my characters, get the last GF's, and that's it. There's not much left to do. The 4th disc is so short and boring, that I don't even bother with it anymore. I know how and where to get the spells and abilities to make my characters virtually invincible. But once that's done, and I have all the GF's and all their abilities learned, there's not a hell of a lot left to do. Collect items to teach different GF's so each character has the same abilities like Recover, Revive, and Treatment. Stock gil, max out their HP so you don't need magic junctioned to it to have it maxed. There are some games that you play so much that you can get to be TOO GOOD at them. That's when you start getting bored with it and burn out.

    If you add them all together with old memory cards for PS1, and my PS3's, I probably have 15 different games going because I reach that point.

  4. I'm laying out a solid white outfit to wear just to piss people off. Everyone says you're not supposed to wear white after labor day, so that's all I'm going to wear for a week after. Nothing but white. I do it every year, and it's always fun as hell.

  5. Sociopaths can be trusted: to an extent. Unlike psychopaths, we're not pure evil. We may be unfriendly, and somewhat abrasive, but if you leave us alone, we will usually leave you alone. But we tend to take revenge to an extreme that most don't even want to try to imagine. That's where our malice comes in to play.

    In a nutshell, sociopaths are just not the "people person" type. You don't need to waste your time being afraid of us. Just give us space.

  6. I would make a fully immersive virtual reality horror game like Silent Hill that encompasses all of your senses. Every last one. Your curiosity, fear, paranoia, and literally everything else.

    Unfortunately, due to the cost to actually achieve such a thing, it would most likely be so damn expensive that no one could afford it unless they shit quarters.

  7. Do this after you get Tonberry so you have the haggle and sell-high abilities, or you won’t make as much. But you can do it any time after getting Carbuncle.

    Buy yourself 100 tents, and 100 cottages. The cottages will cost a total of 135k, and the tents will cost 75k for a total of 210k. Next use the Recov Med-RF ability and turn them into Mega-Potions. Then go sell them. They will sell for 562,500 gil which gets you a profit of 352,500 gil. It’s a hell of a lot faster than waiting on your salary if you need money. And it’s not hard to max out.

    Also Mesmerize Blades can be used.

    The item transfer rate is 4-1 tents, 2-1 cottages, and 2-1 Mesmerize Blades.

  8. I had a Disturbed song on my Myspace page. The song was Hell. It wasn't officially released until they released The Lost Children. That album was the songs they recorded that just never made it on their previous albums.

  9. Escorting the milk cart out of Romani Ranch in Majoras Mask. That was always such a pain in the ass, especially after having to shoot the fucking aliens all god damn night, just to keep them from abducting the damn kid.

    To hell with this! You aliens can have her! I don't need that damn milk right now! Screw the song and horse too! I'll do something else!

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