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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. You would probably have to find one of those 250 block memory cards, format it to a completely blank memory card not arranged by blocks. then download games to it digitally and load from there. Other than that, I have no idea how you could do it.

  2. You would love it here then. there's a shitload of deer farms around here. People raise 5-6 bucks, and around 30 does on average. They let them breed every year, to keep their numbers up, and sell off the fawns when they're big enough. Some people want the meat, others want to try to keep it as a pet, and probably 100 other reasons. It's expensive as hell to raise them, and as a result it's expensive to buy one. But they're there. There's even a few elk and moose farms. It's crazy lucrative.

  3. 1 hour ago, TheSteelyardDweller said:

    i think reward-based parenting is ideal. encourage good behavior with rewards, or deny the rewards. not to say discipline has no place, but it should be about positively redirecting behavior, not making a child feel scared.

    I grew up in an abusive house as well, but my family took it probably further than most. My father beat me daily just for fun, and my uncle even tried to kill me when I was 2. So for people that grow up that way, we don't know how to encourage good behavior. The way I have always shown affection is through violence, because it's all I saw growing up. If I like you, I'll hit you. Not a beat-your-ass kind of hit. Just a "thump" kind of hit. I honestly don't know any other way to show any kind of affection. I guess that's why so many of my relationships have crashed and burned.

  4. I’m mostly curious to see what’s going to replace Facebook and Twitter. Anyone remember Myspace? Remember how huge it was? Now think about this:

    When was the last time you heard anyone mention it?

  5. 9 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Days of funny comedy is gone in my opinion also.

    If you're referring to stand up comedy, then for the most part, you're right. Comedians have to have their acts watered down so much, they almost have to scrub all their original material and stick to telling knock knock jokes. Make one racial comment, regardless of if it's about your own race, and you need to be jailed for life. It doesn't stop there. Take music for example. Rap is getting it too. Black rappers have used the word "nigger" since rap as we know it today came about. The snowflakes and SJW's are going ballistic on that as well. Look at NWA. Guess what the first word in their name is. Then you have Three 6 Mafia, 2Pac, Dre, Tech N9ne, Snoop, and so many more. There's even a few white rappers that use it. Freedom of speech is gone if they get their way. Freedom of expression is already gone. I had a Need To Impeach sign in my front yard. Last night some cock sucking piece of shit mother fucker stole it. Individuality is illegal now. It has always been frowned upon, but now it's flat out illegal. Thank you very much Adolf Trump.

  6. I picked up the first 3 Devil May Cry games today. I'm looking forward to trying them out. I just had a few questions about them. is this the type of series that you need to play them in order to really get what's all going on? Also which one does everyone say is the best of the first 4 entries? Why do you say it's the best? Is there anything specific I should know before I dive in head first? I'm sure I'll like them, as I really like DMC4. I can't say I'm particularly good at DMC4, but that doesn't stop me from liking it. If there's any other info I should have to really get me ready to take on the entire quadrilogy, let me know.

  7. Is anyone else into this? I’ve gotten into BattleBots like crazy here over the last couple months. Also has anyone had enough interest to try to put together a team and get a bot together? I do. I even have a design for a bot that would be pretty lethal in the arena. I just don’t know anything about engineering, so I don’t have a clue how to build a bot. If anyone has enough interest let’s hear it. Maybe......... who knows?

  8. One thing that helped turn me off from online gaming happened when I played WoW. I had been logged in for the first time ever for a total of 10 seconds and a guy who was a level 57 challenged me to a duel. I declined, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He followed me everywhere and kept challenging me over and over and over. That was the end of my time with WoW. Can’t play the game without some asshole stalking you, it’s not worth playing.

  9. The group I work with all tests our own games ourselves. I’m a thinker on subject matter. Since I’m an amateur author, I bring a strong imagination to the table. As for programming I’m useless. No clue how to do any of that. And I’ve got too short a temper for the testing, so I stick to the idea part.

  10. Is there anyone else here that hates the social media craze? It seems that anyone who doesn't use it is living in the stone age anymore. I'll admit that I used to use it, but it never made any useful contributions to anything, for anyone in my eyes. It seems to be just a place for people to bitch about anything and everything. And if someone hurts your precious little feelings you can just block them. Wah wah wah. I deleted my Facebook and Twitter long ago. I still have an Instagram up, but I rarely use it. It's all just pictures of my pets anyway. Either way it still doesn't make any sense to me. It's useless when there's forums and message boards that a person can sign up for that cater to their specific needs/interests so they can chat with like minded people. I'm signed up on a forum that's all about hedgehogs. Another one that's all about pitbulls. I'm also on one that's all about astronomy.

    I just' don't get the social media thing. I never did to begin with, but had decided to check it out due to sheer curiosity. Now I'm sorry I did.

  11. Scary Stories TO Tell In The Dark


    It took forever to get the story going, and it completely fucked up the few stories it took from the books. It's not worth seeing in any way. A complete waste of money. It only got a 1 because I had previously been wanting to see it because I have always loved the books. Literally the only thing the movie had correct as far as the stories were concerned was the title of each story.

  12. Blaster Master (NES)

    Legacy Of The Wizard (NES)

    Legend Of The Mystical Ninja (SNES)

    Blackthorne (SNES)

    Hexen (N64)

    Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)

    Final Fantasy 8 (PS1)

    Diablo (PS1)

    God Of War (PS3)

    Dantes Inferno (PS3)

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