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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. Why all of a sudden are so many men ditching their jeans for kilts? I'm seeing it all the time and just about everywhere. Including some shows that I watch on Hulu. If it's your heritage, that's one thing. But most of them don't know their heritage, or just don't care. I'm not trying to complain about anything. Dress however the hell you want. If you want to go out with nothing but red horns glued to your forehead and a plastic tail shoved up your ass, go for it. I'm just confused why and when this became such a phenomenon. These guys wear more open bottom clothing than I do. I know it's leaps and bounds different. It was just the best analogy that I could think of.

    Maybe it's because I'm female that I don't get it. It's interesting, and I have no problem with it. I'm just confused.

  2. 3 hours ago, Empire said:

    Then in that case there parents should think about what is right and wrong when being at that young age you know, my parents did not got me into gaming when I was over ten years old and it was not even a FPS game

    What the hell are you saying? I couldn't follow your post at all. So much inconsistency in your post with the run on sentence makes it almost impossible to follow. Try slowing down and making sure your posts are easier for people to follow.

    20 hours ago, DC said:

    Recent news posts are reporting that there is a study showing that certain video games may trigger heart problems in certain children that suffer from arrhythmic conditions. It’s always upsetting to read something like this, but knowing there is a problem is the first step to dealing with it. Has anyone here ever met anyone affected by this issue?

    Now to reply to the topic at hand, what kind of games would cause issues? I can see horror games like Outlast and Layers Of Fear causing issues as they tend to get the heart racing depending on the level of fear you feel. Games like Doom, I can kinda understand being in this too, as it's loosely a horror game. They also tend to include jump scares too. But if they're playing Pokemon or Mario, I don't see how that would be a problem.

  3. It's the conservative right wing. They want to destroy us so that we no longer affect their tiny little bubble of protection by simply existing. They've been destroying the country for the last several years, mainly starting in the 2016 election. I've also never seen a group of losers commit terrorist attacks simply because they didn't get their way like a bunch of toddlers. They want the entire LGBTQ+ community outlawed and made illegal. The few rights we had are rapidly being taken away. So the inclusion in video games is going to spark protests demanding it be removed from shelves. It may even have already happened.

  4. My computer cost about $1800. The laptop I bought for @Rain Dew was $4000. I use a desktop, but she doesn't like them, and wanted a laptop. I got a refund on some things which put $31k in my account. And I wanted to do something nice for her, so I got her the computer she wanted.

  5. This is kinda gross, but I would get something sturdy that you have little to no chance and put it close to a bathroom. I live in a 3 bedroom house, and have converted one of them to an office. The desks that you have been shown so far are great, but don't look particularly sturdy to me. Also if you're getting a PC for work and not for gaming, I suggest an all-in-one as they only take up the space that you're monitor would take. I have an all-in-one for those kinds of things, and I love it. It's never hooked up to the internet, and is strictly for things like my writing and whatnot. They're light weight, compact, and a dream come true if you're just wanting it to work from. I also strongly recommend you go with an HP, as they're simply the best for computers like this. This is a pic of one in case this is confusing.


  6. On 8/21/2022 at 11:37 AM, NightmareFarm said:

    I don't know why there are still shortages since the pandemic is over but it is what it is.

    That's not entirely correct. Some countries have come out of it, but it's far from over. There are many nations with lacking medical care that are still in the midst of it.

    On 8/21/2022 at 6:28 AM, Justin11 said:

    I wonder which of the political matter slowed their business down and the production of their PS5. Are they trying to say about 'Russian - Ukrainian war? It might be a major excuse too, since they are based there, but their are other countries who aren't overshadowed with war, and political matters, they should move over there and continue their video game project. 

    If you're talking about Sony in general, they're based in Tokyo Japan. The PlayStation is made between China and Japan. They have no bases in Russia or Ukraine.

  7. On 8/11/2022 at 1:16 AM, Kane99 said:

    I don't recall how many sales the PS1 had

    I don't recall the exact numbers, but I do know that the PS1 heavily outsold the N64. One of the main reasons was Nintendo's choice of keeping cartridges instead of going with discs. And the N64 was monumental to the point that just about EVERYONE wanted one. For a long while, it was like the PS5. Almost impossible to find one. But very quickly, everyone lost interest in it.

    I highly doubt that any console, past present, and future will ever outsell the PS2. The PS5 is selling at an extreme rate, and I'm not surprised that it has outsold the Game Cube. The Game Cube wasn't all that popular. One reason was the controller design. It was wonky, hard to find the correct buttons at times, and just flat out uncomfortable. Their decision to go with mini discs was weird also. I heard that the reason they did that, was because they thought that would stop piracy. Whether that's true or not, I don't know.

  8. I don't bother. I still buy DVD's and only worry about watching them when I feel the interest in watching them. I don't really see a point in keeping track. There are some movies I've watched hundreds of times. Some that I know by heart. It just doesn't make sense to me to keep track of them.

  9. This is what led to Rick Rolling a few years back. It was all about click bait. Click bait is annoying as hell to me. It's used on YouTube all the time. A video looks good from the thumbnail, but sometimes it has nothing to actually do with the video. And some I've seen are all about jump scares. You're watching something soothing, then all of a sudden some zombie looking image flashes up at you and screams.

    So to sum up, I hate click bait.

  10. 7 hours ago, Empire Of Sight said:

    as a pornstar you doooo use your body / back quiet a bit I would imagine....

    That's the problem I have with porn. The positions among other things, are something women don't do outside of porn. I don't know a single woman who actually enjoys the pile driver position. No blood flow = no orgasm. And no woman I know likes having a guy cum all over her face. I've also never met a woman willing to take a guy at both ends at the same time. And not all women are bi or lesbian, so don't expect us to all eat another woman. Also, anal is not common.

    I'm not attacking porn as a whole. I've enjoyed adult entertainment from time to time. But the positions and stamina it takes to keep going are things that an injury can put you out for years to come, or even retire you. If she's having a rod put in her back, I'm sure she is going to have to look for another profession. You have to be flexible in ways that a rod in the back would keep you from doing. She's probably having to look at office jobs now.

  11. Palen Music is a good place to check out. I bought my electric guitar there. It's a Fender Squire. Their prices are great and they have a hell of a lot of equipment and instruments. I really recommend them. You can also check around local pawn shops. Most will let you test out the instruments and equipment before you buy them. You can also check out sites like eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist. You can often find good equipment there.

  12. I know for a while that gaming will still be a multi billion dollar industry for years to come. But a curiosity came to mind for me.

    How long will gaming last? 100 years from now the "ancient relics" of gaming could be a major antiquity market. Look at the Atari 2600 and NES. They're already nothing but collectibles to the majority. Yes there are some who still play them. Myself being one. But I won't be here in 100 years. I was born in 1982. I wont see the age of 118. I'm 40 now, and with all the medical issues I have to deal with, I doubt I'll make it to 60. The type of MD I have is actually terminal.

    I'm sure a lot of you have watched Futurama at some point. @Rain Dew and I love the show. But in that time video games were full on VR. There were no actual consoles. So I'm wondering what the life span will be for gaming. Gaming (as we know it) began in 1977 with the Atari 2600. Yes there were games before then, but I'm not counting them for this discussion. That's 45 years of gamers, and includes a crash in 1983. So games have survived a lot. But how long can they keep that up? I'm sure at some point, gaming will become obsolete. Just when is my curiosity.

  13. I found one that actually DID pay out. It's called Solitaire Clash. It paid me $7 for coming in third place on a game. So if you're willing to pay the ante, you can actually make a bit of money. It's by no means a replacement for a real job, but it can't hurt.

  14. I grew up playing Atari 2600 and NES. I remember people freaking out about how realistic the graphics were on the NES. Everyone wanted one. Then SNES. Same thing. There was a kid in my math class that was selling off all his SNES games and system, to get money for the N64 when it came out. People were more than blown away by the graphics. It was the first system that offered full 360° game play. Those consoles, while completely innovative for their time, are all but forgotten these days. They are retro, or "classic" as I call them. There is also a large part of gamers that prefer the old stuff, me being one of them. I play a tough of modern games (RDR2 nut), but aside from that, I'm strictly a classic gamer.


    That rambling aside, all consoles will become retro at some point. As time goes on, consoles will be built bigger and badder until we just put a small chip to the side of our heads and are flashed into another world of complete immersion.

  15. On 10/11/2022 at 1:03 PM, Kane99 said:

    I wish I had a switch as well, but my nephew has one and he has often brought it over to my house to play. I wish I could afford to pick one up myself, because I wouldn't mind a handheld system I can take with me around the house and enjoy. But it'll have to wait one day. 

    You can get them for cheap on Craigslist. They're going for half price compared to stores like Walmart quite often. It's where I got my first Switch as my dog ate my first one. Well, not "eat" in the literal sense, but decided that it was a chew toy nonetheless.

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