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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. The first Mortal Kombat , as to what I understand it was made like in 10 months
  2. Trauma center on wii and on NDS its pretty good actually
  3. Dont Look up, great movie, made me laugh a couple of times and it gave me goose bumps at the end 8/10
  4. Persona 5 strikers, I didnt like it... I played it for 3 hours out of the which im pretty sure half of it was text and cut scenes,the gameplay is great, the graphics are good and I loved the anime cutscenes but there is so much talking on it.
  5. But GTA trilogy is actually just a remaster of the original games, even though its their latest relase GTA5 is still the latest installment in the series.
  6. But is there a final boss or level you had wish gone differently? like if the boss wass to easy or if mission itself was generic ?
  7. Okay so unpopular opinion here. First of all I agree with @The Blackangel "No one has the right or privilege to tell a woman what they can and cannot do with their own body" men have zero saying on abortion laws. There should be a law that allows women to get an abortion if them deem it neccesary. Also just in case I want to be clear im pro abortion if the reason is because of rape or any type of medical danger to the health of the mother or if the fetus is diagnosed with any type of severe malformation. Growing up disabled is horrible and some people have it worst than others. Regardless of what my opinion is Im not going to protest on the street against abortion like an idiot because I cant get pregnant therefore I have no saying on the subject. Now back to unpopular comment xD Through my life I was taught that we have to take responsability for our actions, if we didnt want to have the responsability of a baby we had to practice safe sex or in my dad's own words "chop your balls off" (he meant vasectomy but till this day I dont think he knows how it works) So taking responasibilty for a pregnancy is what I think is correct and not just brush it off simply because you can have an abortion. Not that people actually take abortions like it was getting a hair, that doesnt actually happen, some may be pro abortion and never go through an abortion during their life time. Now Im going contradict my previus comment xD In the words of George Carlin "Conservatives will throw themselves at the fire for an unborn baby, but after the baby its born they dont want to know about it" I dont know if thats the actual quote thats just the way I remember it. What this means is that there are millions of children in poverty or born under horrible circumstances, and people dont care about them, not just the goverment. They go full battle mode against abortion but if the baby is born under a difficult situation like disability, poverty or violence they will not care and will blame it on something else, rather than approve an abortion law that could have prevent the child to be born under those circumstances. Anyway long stort short, abortion, I personaly dont like it but its something that is needed in our society , its a right and its a women decision, and if we want to avoid an abortion or a pregancy to happen the best way to do it is by teaching our kids values rather than making it illegal.
  8. My answer to this is Psycho pass xD or if you dont watch the whole season watch Minority report with Tom Cruise Its moraly wrong, maybe you can prevent some killings but you may also cause another. For example lets say that an individual is accused of being capable of killing somebody, so if they were to try to capture him and ultimately killing him that could led him to kill somebody to defend himself, either a law enforcer or an innocent just because he was told he was cabaple of killing and the fear of being killed.
  9. Is there any final mission or final boss you wish they had made differently ? Like for example I always hated that on Halo the final mission was always like escaping in a car or ship. Or like with Bioshock 2 and Bioshock infinite the last mission was about surviving instead of a boss fight like in Bioshock 1, same thing with Deadspace 2, it just seems lazy to me.
  10. Yes exactly why on earth do they do this, I like these games they are good but sometimes you have to take a piss or answer a phone a call and you cant do that in the middle of a fight or a boss fight. In mortal shell I lost a fight to a boss which I was close to defeating all because somebody was at the door and I couldnt pause the game. I uninstalled Remnant: Rise from the Ashes for the same reason. I dont see the reason to this, and souls games are not the only ones who do this. For example like wolfenstein Youngblood or monster hunter world
  11. Yes metal gear solid, the first time I ever played a MGS game was Ground zero way back when it first came out, which is actually part of the last MGS game made by Kojima. I liked it so I went back to playing MGS1 and 2. I still cant get my hands on MGS 3 or the psp versions or the ps3 games, and dont really want to buy a ps2 or a psps just to play them. I have played MGS3 but I was way too young to care for it back then.
  12. Visceral Games, the first two dead space games are great games but I blame the failure of the third instalment on EA
  13. I have a lot but the first one that comes to my mind would be Zelda's song of storms
  14. Back against a wall that way she doesnt get you from the bahind but always stay moving and save some big weapon or explosive for when she gets closer to you
  15. First time normal or standard, if thats to easy I will for a harder difficulty setting but awlays normal or standard if its my first time playing a game
  16. The first thing would be privacy, I enjoy my privacy, so becoming a public figure in this case a profesional gamer that would affect that lifestyle. Second would be the stress, I play videogames to relax, I wouldnt want my paycheck to be held just because we lost on an online videogame.
  17. Silence or low volume background noise but every time I will prefer silence for the same reasons described above
  18. Token no fungible (Non-fungible token) no idea what that exactly means but as to what I understand basically is that you can own a picture. Not sure whats the purpose of owning an online picture if anybody can screenshot it.
  19. Yep the Fractured But whole is not as good as the first game, its a good south park game but The stick of truth was miles better. I dont mind if the make another rpg but I would like to see something like the Final fantasy games from snes with random encounters. Also I hope this time they go for a scfi theme like starwars or some space/futuristic event
  20. The Angry video game nerd is probably the best out there, he's been making videos since 2006, he mostly reviews retro games and consoles mostly 70s-90s and from time to time a more recent game or a rare or weird console. Most of the stuff he reviews are actually bad video games thats his bread and butter
  21. Both are good games but dont expect much out of the main story but the gameplay is awesome Black flag my all time favorite, its called an assasins game but you are going to be spending much of your time at sea raiding ships and escaping or battling the marines or exploring islands looking for treasure. AC rougue was fine, main story was short, nothing special about it really, some costumes were cool. Great game, I played it all in one playthrough. the atmosphere is scary but its not a horror game, it has cool puzzles, some are simple others took me a while to figure them out. The game reminded me of lord of the flies. I got bored playing the first unravel game by myself but unrave two is very good if you play with a friend, the puzzles are easy enough and its a nice story Sorry I have only played 3 games out of the whole list, wish I had that many games hahahaha but good list
  22. I agree Boderland and resident evil dont need to be in that list. Resident evil already had a reset with re7 and 8. Never played a farcry game so I dont know about that one. Assasins creed has a soft reset with every release. I 100% agree with cod, they either need a break or a hard reset, MW 2019 was good but the formula didnt work again with BO in 2020. Borderlands is okay as it is I guess, its a simple game so if its not broken dont change it.
  23. Well there is john wick hex but im not sure in what category or genre this game fits into. I would love to see john wick game with gameplay mechanics similar to the arkham games
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