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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. kingpotato

    GTA 4

    An incredible game, not even Roman could ruin it.
  2. I heard it was for the PS5 launch, or maybe for both, actually for both makes more sense
  3. Yeah but you know how activision has constantly released a COD game every year and they alternate between Treyarch (blackops) and Infinity Ward (Modernwarfare), this year 2020 is Treyarch's turn to release a cod game by the end of the year
  4. nope...I dont like dealing with puppies
  5. Naa, they should wait for the 2nd version, remember all the problems the original Xbox One had and also the overheating problems of the first PS4
  6. Well that sucks... https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-made-more-than-1-billion-from-microtransactions/1100-6473240/
  7. Just try to be as sneaky as possible, I played the game in hard difficulty the first time, and I still sometimes I had more resources that I could carry.
  8. I'm not planning on upgrading my ps4 anytime soon, even when the ps5 comes out I'm still going to wait a couple of years more. But I never stay with the same console, first I had my ps2, then I jumped to the xbox 360 and they I jumped back to the ps4, what mattered to me was the games, Xbox 360 had halo and the ps4 has god of war and spiderman.
  9. Heavy armor in Skyrim, but at higher level I try to go naked xD
  10. I disagree as well, I dont want to see a movie, but I would be down for a short film.
  11. TitanFall 2 and RDR2 Online
  12. Well I've only been to two, my home country Mexico and the US, and well I guess I like my home country better because thats where most of my family lives.
  13. I'm just going to play RDR2 this weekend and chill
  14. Strangely enough, there is no word yet for a 2020 release
  15. I remember the movie 28 weeks later where they specified that the zombies actually starved to death, but in other games, movies and TV shows zombies can roam forever.
  16. I would love to see more big open battles, invading whiterun and sollitude or winterhold felt kinda boring since it was basically a battle between like 20 people.
  17. The only game I'm planning on preorder is Last of Us 2, I havent made the final decision yet, but thats the only game that I would preorder.
  18. I saw an 8k tv the other day on Walmart , apart from being a big ass TV it looked exactly the same as a smaller 4k tv right next to it, both where playing the same music video. 8K just seems pointless, they should focus on improving the TV hardware instead of the resolution like a slimmer or with more features instead of the resolution beyond 4k
  19. Whatever happened to Skull and Bones ? I remember the hype about this game because it was taking all the good stuff about AC4 black flag and adding more pirate like content and also supernatural stuff like the Kraken, but I havent heard anything else about it.
  20. Fuck yeah it is Bioshock the collection!!! I'm going to be playing Bioshock 2 and Infinite first, I already own the first Bioshock. https://wccftech.com/ps-plus-free-games-february-2020-bioshock/
  21. Actually everyone is pretty nice, except when they are bored...
  22. There is a rumor that the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy will be part of the free ps plus games of February, it seems that Sony is sticking to the remastered trilogies this year, if thats the case hopefully we will be able to get the bioshock collection eventually.
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