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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's true though, the best things in life come at a price.
  2. I also watch Upper's videos and I came to the same conclusion. These gaming companies can just release an unfinished, broken game and call it "beta" or "demo" and then some of them release a "day 1 patch" followed by other patches to fix their crappy game which should have been done before the game is released. The worst part is they still charge a premium fee for the game and load it with micro-transactions and charge the consumer for DLCs. To most gaming companies, their titles are designed to be one big cash-grab.
  3. It'd take more than 3 paragraphs to explain why I love both but they are well-made games with replayable content, interesting characters etc. I'd give DMC 5 the nod because I am a huge fan of the series since the first game launched on the PS2. As far as I know, I don't have any more favorite games that were recently released.
  4. I use a can of air to spray away dust particles and other stuff and I use a dry cloth to wipe away any remnants and as far as I am aware, that is the safest route I know.
  5. I'm completely at a loss for words - what are these people smoking?
  6. Cyberpunk 2077 for me. Bethesda has not even started working on the Elder Scrolls 6 yet so be prepared for another 2-year wait.
  7. It's a pretty interesting series - I haven't played it in ages but you'd probably enjoy it. They always make characters with interesting abilities.
  8. Unless I'm tanking, then I will go for mage as well. In extreme situations, I'll try to make a tanky mage.
  9. I tend to avoid the drama on social media nowadays because most of the time, they are complaining about ridiculously petty issues when there are more serious issues that could use that kind of effort and time.
  10. Modern music, in general, is so lame nowadays. I find myself listening to songs from the early 2000s and beyond. When musicians actually put a lot of effort into the quality of their music.
  11. You probably should have used the Shia LaBeouf meme...
  12. I hardly listen to any of the songs released nowadays unless it is from established acts. They just keep pumping out this crappy, lifeless, talentless shitshow and call it music - I'm starting sound like my parents complaining about the lack of original music nowadays.
  13. I know right! I was scratching my head when they revealed this.
  14. I'll give it a try when I get other skills I'm currently trying to learn off my to-do list.
  15. It is the reason Microsoft is making that new Xbox One which is essentially an underpowered gaming PC with no drive at all.
  16. I play with my Xbox One S controller...It is an instrument right? 🤣
  17. Knowing me, I would have been charged for public disturbance had I tried to play the guitar - You have great talent! How long have you been playing the guitar?
  18. I always listen to Eminem till' I collapse to pick myself up when I am having a bad day.
  19. What a name! So what was it like cuddling with Fluffy?
  20. You're a lucky one...If only I could trick my in-laws to do that.
  21. I understand man but once you can afford it, you should really get the game - it is fun. A few months back I and a couple of people in my party were betting on a 3-way boss monster fight. It was hilarious how we were about to ambush one and out of nowhere the other two showed up. I was like I think I'll sit this dance out until they're finished 😂
  22. Pretty exhausted having to locate my dog after dropping him off at the vet. I specifically told these people that my dogs are master escape artists and do not underestimate their intelligence...Needless to say, my dog escaped within 2 hours -_-. I had to go down to the complex and keep calling him - he was well hidden until he heard my voice lol. He kept jumping up on me and pointing at the vets. Smart animals can be such a pain sometimes.
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