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Everything posted by egghead

  1. Communism is worse than dictatorship. Communism leaves a legacy, where as the dead of the dictator could be the end of dictatorship. Look at North Korea, Cuba, China they have institutionalized dictatorship.
  2. We threw monarchy in 2006. Interestingly, we ended the rule of dynasty who founded out country. The recent monarchs were not being very good for the people
  3. Putin is surely a thug. However, even in our countries more than 90 percent politicians are thugs.
  4. South Korean hatred for Americans (based on your posts) might because Americans occupied Korea during World War II and the US armies are still stationed there.
  5. I don't think Putin would be ousted. I think the war will continue until Putin has a heart attack.
  6. If China invades Taiwan, why should the US do anything. Before Taiwan announced its independence, it was China territory. Since it is an island, it had been occupied by foreigners time to time.
  7. I support the Congress party in my home country. However, recently they have formed an alliance with the communist to go into the elections and I very dislike this.
  8. I am free to dislike fat people or thin people but this does not give me the rights to discriminate fat or thin people. (This is just an example, I don't dislike people based on their features, color or creed).,
  9. Gambling is banned here, but there are casinos in the country opened only for the foreigners. Act of gambling is punishable by law.
  10. Even though we say this happening this during Trump's time, I don't think they are infiltrating the entire party. I find more problem with democrats like Ilham Omar than the republicans.
  11. I agree. War in Afghanistan and Iraq were different. The moment the US forces left Afghanistan, Taliban stopped women from appearing in the public, they even banned women in schools. Putin wants Ukraine, he wants to Russianize Ukraine.
  12. Abortion can be really painful (physically, emotionally, and psychologically) for women; use pills, implants, or contraceptives to stop pregnancies. You can use emergency pills for accidental unprotected se*
  13. There is a discussion going in scientific communiti4s that time has a beginning. If that is true, what existed before time, how what made the time to begin.
  14. Just like Islamic militancy, Christian militancy is also very dangerous. Extremism is bad in all religions.
  15. How do you decide in which category a transgender should be playing. Its this about biology or about how they identify with a particular gender?
  16. Russian leaders have always been very bad for the world. There is no difference between Stalin and Hitler, the only thing that helped Stalin was he fought long side Allied forces.
  17. Everyone is racist these days. United States that represent about 4 percent of global population consumes over 20 percent of global resources. United States outsource products from China and India, and tells China and India to cut carbon emission. Don't you find racism in this.
  18. Why should you go to the extent that you need an abortion, why not practice safe sex and stop unwanted pregnancies.
  19. It can be good for the company because Jeff Bezos has been often criticized for how he is running the company. Sadly, labor unions have completely destroyed industries in our country.
  20. That's ridiculous. We don't have presidential or prime ministerial debates here but there is a discussion in the media that the political candidates should debate to make the public aware about their policies.
  21. Based on the image shared above, I think gun ownership does not heavily influence. For example, a lot of countries allow gun ownership but have 0 mass shootings.
  22. I understand why some people dislike gay marriage, but child marriages how can they allow this to happen?
  23. He is a business man and everything is a business for him. He talks about green energy but not many people realize how the production of batteries in electric cars is degrading the environment in Africa.
  24. I can't say if it can be called best ever but I think Dying Light was pretty good game.
  25. The game is already released on mobile platform, but it is not available in my location
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