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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. The more you fix them, is the more they still get faulty. I have experienced that over and over again even with my smartphone.
  2. The thing is that I have used the wired controllers more than I have used the wireless ones. So you understand why..
  3. Yeah, I do get that a lot of time because it's also among my favorites when it comes to Final Fantasy games especially the FF7 Remake.
  4. Even in the game's name, it's stated league. So, it's very obvious that it's more of a soccer game than racing game.
  5. It's not about feeling comfortable with it but a kind of special feeling and connection to the controller.
  6. Do they do that kind of thing at all? I don't really think so but they just up and copy all the trash they see other companies doing.
  7. That's the point. It's even better to call it a soccer game with cars and not an outright racing game.
  8. Ever since the discussion on the wireless and wired consoles controllers, I started having more connections to play with my wired ones.
  9. If that's the case then, it's better to move further up to the game's series. At least, from Final Fantasy 11 upwards.
  10. I have already began my lessons on how to get good at playing the game with using the bow and arrows. It's still challenging but I will definitely get used to it.
  11. Personally, I'm not really a fan of repairing controller because it's not going to last longer after the repair.
  12. Everyone have a very particular way they enjoy playing their game and it's not right to impose otherwise on them to change or accept.
  13. That's very understandable my friend, it's not a bad thing to mix up your gaming preferences. I do that all the time.
  14. Seriously, I hope that they do it my friend because it's going to be a major statement to other game companies.
  15. You remember that I had a friend who was dismissed by his boss as a result of playing games at work. It's never a good idea at all.
  16. You haven't been here for a while I guess right because I recently started seeing your chatters and they are huge.
  17. Yeah, it's their normal mode of operation now and it seems like they don't make enough money unless they use it.
  18. Rocket League is not a racing game per say if you really are a racer. Their game plays isn't the same thing at all in my opinion.
  19. Seriously, discounts are very important to any customer no matter how small they are. I'd dump a site for another that gave me %3 discounts on the same product.
  20. Seriously mate, all of your feelings towards EA's FIFA games are completely understandable to me because I feel the same way about them.
  21. For games that are particularly very difficult, it take far more long time and effort to master it unlike the easier ones.
  22. It's a very normal thing that people feel choked up at home having been locked in for so long. Having a good game time outside would be very nice playing with smartphone.
  23. It's been very long that I played this game Deus Ex Machina. It's the Deus Human Revolution that I played more recently.
  24. It's called manipulation and I believe that it's something that's very possible in real life football. Yes, there are consequences for doing that, otherwise it would ruin the game.
  25. Seriously, the Captain America set is my favorite there and it looks very lovely. I might be tempted to get it for myself although I don't have much use for it yet.
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