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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. As long as it's on Playstation 5, the use of VR headset is definitely going to offer an awesome experience.
  2. It's something that can't stress you at all by getting to YouTube and watch the trailer all over again for more insight into the game.
  3. Some years ago about 10 years ago, forums used to be very popular more than Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and I really enjoyed my time using them.
  4. No one ever believed that PES would fade away in the game industry the way they did and the same thing would happen to EA too if they aren't careful.
  5. Some gamers do enjoy the chaos and it's why they keep on being in such online gaming community, otherwise they would have all closed down.
  6. I believe that most online merchants stores do that and it's not surprising that Steam offers discounts on their game products.
  7. A lot of gamers have experienced lots of backsliding with getting entangled with online gaming community and as such they caved in.
  8. It's something that's likely to happen with the kind of polices that they are making and they will join the line of fallen game's company.
  9. The original Gran Turismo is my favorite of the game series. I also love the Gran Turismo 6.
  10. This is all you need to know about the game Elden Ring. I don't think it's out yet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elden_Ring
  11. If that's the case then, it's not really a very good option of game to play at work. It will definitely interfere with one's work.
  12. I have always been a Captain America's fan ever since I started watching Marvel movies and their games too. My display picture says a lot about it already. I'm definitely sharing this link on my social media handles to see if buyers are going to come in. The chairs look marvelously good.
  13. When you set up a game on how you want it to play, how in the world are you going to blame the game for being as you set it?
  14. That's exactly what I feel with playing Mario games on mobile phones. It's not meant for it in any way in my opinion.
  15. That's seems like a great idea. I would definitely do that and see exactly what's wrong before making any decisions.
  16. It's extremely sad that such a thing is happening now all down to the adverse of the pandemic of Corona virus. It's why I'm still stuck with my PS4 till date.
  17. Jobs are different and it's most likely the determining factor if such games can be a good fit for one at his own work. Depending on one's schedule, if it's free enough, I'm sure they can be able to fit in the game without much stress.
  18. Wow, since you don't play on consoles anymore, it means that you're now strictly PC gamer?
  19. That's totally agreeable to some extent. But looking at it on the other hand, when someone who isn't an introvert get hooked too much on games that he or she doesn't want to socialize anymore, what then?
  20. If you know how to take care of your DVDs, it's definitely going to last but truth be told, the digital copies are always less stressful to make use of.
  21. Never give into scalpers mate because they are the main reason for what a lot of us are facing now with trying to get PS5.
  22. Yes, during the 4 years I have played the game, I have relegated three times and I actually did it on purpose.
  23. If Ghost of Tishusma Legends ends up coming out with no form of nicro-transactions in it, I would definitely pre order the video game.
  24. It's very important in one's life to exercise once in a while. So, as much as you play games, it's very necessary to go out and burn fat.
  25. Apex Legends is another PC 💻 game that I can also recommend someone can play at their workplace.
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