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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, I know the complication dust can cause to gaming devices which is why I always cover up my set whenever I'm done playing and do weekly cleaning.
  2. Seriously, there are cheats that are worth it and there are some that are completely unnecessary and absolutely annoying to be used frequently by some gamers.
  3. Seriously, it's something that I believe that over 99% of all gamers would be pretty interested for it to be totally rooted out but it's an impossible task as of now.
  4. It's still among my gaming fantasy that is yet to be fulfilled and hopefully sooner than later, I'm getting it checked off my bucket list.
  5. Seriously, I find it very difficult to believe this survey research result statistics because it looks over stretched to be true. How's that going to be possible with over 80% male characters, it sounds absurd.
  6. From the complaints that I have been able to come up with online, it seems like it's something that's connected to charging problems. You should have it properly checked out to know why.
  7. When everything about them is all about the money they have in mind to make, there is no way EA and Ubisoft wouldn't end up with so many flaws in their game releases.
  8. Yeah I believe that to some extent the video games players opinions should be heard but it shouldn't be the 100% yardstick of what the video games developers should do.
  9. When it comes to my choice of character design, 200% things that are connected to the character will definitely 200% related to what I believe in, how I feel about something and my priorities.
  10. Seriously, it's when the ending of such video games is already predetermined. So, what's the essence of stressing me with the gameplay?
  11. Seriously, even in video games, you even have more control over what happens than what happens with your choices in real life. A lot of unforeseen variables makes it very difficult to control real life events.
  12. I think that I mentioned something about this with blacks being more at the receiving end when anything racist is involved. It carries more wave once it's associated with blacks not that other races aren't abused racially in one way or another. But, I don't really think he was trying to undermine the black race based on his assessment, he's just trying to objective.
  13. If you play the Need for Speed racing series, as far as I'm concerned, you're fully covered when it comes to being into racing games. Need for Speed Most Wanted is among my favorite NFS genre.
  14. Heatman

    When Your PC Dies

    Yeah - it's something understandable especially since it's finance related. Not all can be able to bear the budget of running games on both platforms.
  15. That's my biggest scare with having a weak internet connection whenever I'm downloading any game. If my my network isn't super fast, I wouldn't bother trying to download.
  16. Seriously, it doesn't really matter to me as long as the person doesn't distract me from my gaming session. It's why most of the time, I make use of headphones to prevent me from getting distracted.
  17. Currently, I'm only left with my Playstation 4 console after giving away my Playstation 1, 2 and 3. I even had to buy Playstation 3 twice and still have it taken by my niece.
  18. Most of the time, I don't really take them seriously unless it's a conversation that I started myself. I don't like getting into discussions that wouldn't benefit me.
  19. Seriously, that's a huge gamble on your part, you got lucky that the download didn't crash for you to start afresh when it's 98% close to complete.
  20. A crack in the CD might the main reason why it's not actually working. It's happened to me before with one of the games.
  21. You don't really need to rush yourself with completing the Far Cry. Just take your time and play it that way it won't stress you out with your work.
  22. Seriously, that moment of unexpected spring out of action is a perfect way to freak out anyone who's not on grip for it.
  23. For sure, you're correct with that assessment of how important the use of sounds to impact the intensity of the horror in the game. Sound and lightning is something that can't be eliminated from horror genre.
  24. There is actually marriage course mandated by the catholics which is poised at teaching partners how to live and train their kids but most people evade it.
  25. Exactly, ever since I was a kid till date, it's been known as pickup truck. From my travel experience, it's still the same thing all over.
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