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  2. This is somewhat of a difficult one to answer. I mean, I don't mind making my own because I can add whatever I want. But at the same time, there are classic ones like Double Dragon, Sonic and Street Fighter that I loved playing as a kid and wouldn't mind getting my hands on them again for the nostalgia.
  3. I usually do the second one before bed. That way, if I eat anything after my dinner, I don't have to brush again.
  4. What instrument would you like to play? Or you haven't decided as yet? I mean, I'm pretty good at telling jokes and coming up with them spontaneously but some of my humor can be extremely dark.
  5. Glad to hear your okay, mate. You should probably get some Beet Root to help rebuild your vitality and build up your blood again.
  6. That's me some days. I feel like the energizer bunny.
  7. Mine is around 7 and 1/2 but I usually go to bed early and my body wakes up naturally. I have to agree that proper rest is really helpful in helping you to stay awake and energized the whole day.
  8. Fair enough. I've been craving a lot of Irish Sea Moss since two years ago. I love making a smoothie out of it as it gives me loads of energy.
  9. I have always had a high metabolic rate so I can eat a lot of food and burn it off almost as quickly. Before you know it, I'm hungry again, lol.
  10. I'm not really on Snapchat anymore either. Haven't been for years and I'm not on Tiktok either. Too many braindead people on that app. I agree. Social Media is a good tool to communicate but in it's current form, it's nothing more than a toxic place where all kinds of weirdos and idiots gather to share their bizarre and idiotic views.
  11. Exactly. Can you imagine take $200 off something that cost $10,000 and calling it a discount? I mean, it is but that's not really helpful.
  12. I used to download music off of Limewire in the mid 2000s and burn them onto CDs. I used to have tons of CDs in a case holder.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Silent Hill the original along with the series as a whole, may have been commercially underwhelming in terms of sales patterns, but they have always been scarier games than the Resident Evil titles. Even those that were somewhat scary back in the day were nothing compared to what Konami pulled off in the Team Silent era in terms of being so frightful. RE just ain't scary any longer, as the villains are generally stupid or rather tarty looking. You know? Ones like Lady D, or they have you playing as boulder knocker Chris, or knife deflecting Leon. The heroes are generally quite overpowered these days. Jill even flips around like a ninja. They are just way too tough, so the games end up being too action oriented, which I do not welcome in horror games. It comes across as ridiculous when a horde of zombies suddenly enter a room, right, and they swiftly kill them all, doing these dumb stunts and stuff with their guns. Am I watching a John Wick movie or playing a horror game? Really, now. I can hardly tell anymore. But really, though. The knife parrying is so dumb. A chainsaw could easily have gotten through that cheap ass dagger. What mushrooms did Capcom find out there in Japan to start smoking outside their HQ? Seriously. I get that RE is cheesy at times. But that's some anime stupidity right there.
  15. All of the new RE games are pitch black. Ahem. 😆 Silent Hill, obviously.
  16. Musk has lost his most richest man in the world title. And how much money did he lose from buying Twitter??? Even Tesla is losing sales. Where you been man??? Musk is just another fraud businessman just like Trump, who is an actual convicted fraud. The only way Trump can actually be better than Musk is that Trump didn't torture monkeys in experiments.
  17. Mainly Japanese/Chinese shows/ movies. I mean, I watch lots of anime and those mainly come from Japan and a few from South Korea and China. There's also those old Chinese Kung Fu movies that I still love.
  18. It's definitely Batman. The guy is such a monster and the fact that he's one of the few heroes who has no Super powers and yet he's incredibly dangerous. He's gotten Darkseid to surrender more than once. Something, even Superman couldn't manage. Not to mention, he's saved man of his fellow Justice League members countless times.
  19. I was trying out a new game named Stumble Guys which was a very fun but toxic experience. I managed to win all the games in single round eliminating everybody else. I had some fun. I mean, it's a direct ripoff of Fall Guys which I'm not sure how that's legal but I did enjoy it.
  20. It depends how good a lyricist the artist is. So someone like 50 Cent, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Tupac, Biggie etc. drop a diss track, I'll look forward to it unlike someone like Quavo who uses ad libs, mumbles and repeats the same lines the whole song.
  21. Most times, I do because I don't like to have everything pile up in the sink. I mean, I do have a dishwasher but sometimes, it doesn't wash some of the plates, pots and pans properly so I have to do it.
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