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  2. In FPS games, having a good aim is one of the most important things to win. Although, how do you improve it? When I was into competitive Counter Strike, I used to train my aim for at least a few hours every day. There was a special map I used to train my aim, reaction time, spray control, and anything else related to shooting. Spending even an hour shooting at bots helps you in a real match.
  3. Which game has the best soundtrack, according to you? The Last of Us: Part 1 won the 2024 Steam Award for the best soundtrack. I listened to some of it. I can say that it's really beautiful, and I enjoy it.
  4. Have you spent any money on lootboxes in the hope of winning something cool? Personally, I haven't spent anything on lootboxes. I see them as a way to gamble, and I usually don't have that much luck with them. I would rather buy the item myself than hope for a chance to win it from a box.
  5. What was the last thing that frustrated you when playing a video game? For me, it was a situation 10 minutes ago when a player on my team decided to teamkill two other players, including me, and then he just left. I really see no reason why he did that, griefing shouldn't be resorted to, even if losing. It reduces the chance to make a comeback and win even more.
  6. I almost always use the in-game chat in online games. I need to communicate with my teammates to secure the win. I don't get pushed away from using the chat because of someone who has decided to be rude. I can handle situations like those.
  7. Well, I can name Civilization 6 as the best world-building video game. I haven't played it myself, but my friend likes it. I actually prefer city builders. I still play the original Cities Skylines games, I might try the second one soon.
  8. I wouldn't say that I waste too much time and money on games. Actually, I don't waste any on gaming. I don't see it that way. Playing video games is one of my ways to spend my free time, a way to relax and have fun. It's a hobby. So, no, I don't waste time and money on it.
  9. I have a lot of video games that I like to play when I want to relax. Some examples I can give are Minecraft, Cities Skylines, The Witcher 3, and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Very peaceful games, and they help my mind relax and just feel good after a hard day.
  10. Well, if there were never video games, I wouldn't be sad about it. But if I knew that there were and that they're gone now, I would have missed them. It's my favourite way to relax and spend my free time. If there is no gaming, I would probably focus more on work.
  11. I like competitive first-person shooting video games, such as Counter Strike. I also like MMOs, simulators, strategies, and RPGs. Generally, I like playing against other players and unlocking new stuff as I progress.
  12. I don't think anything in my habits has changed when it comes to gaming. The only thing that has changed is that I don't play that much. I don't stay up late at night to play video games as I used to. I have more responsibilities now, and I can't afford to not get enough sleep the next day.
  13. I feel like the reason Sony has decided to do this is to stop players who were previous banned from the game for whatever reason on PlayStation from re-joining the game on PC. Given the game is cross platform, I can actually understand this at least to some extent. So whilst I think there was no ill intent, Sony have clearly not thought this through. The fact this might effectively bar people from playing the game because PSN is not available in countries whare Steam is a huge oversight. If this was always the plan, they should have shown people the big, flashing sign with the siren saying "You WILL eventually need to link a PSN account to your Steam account to keep playing" before people bought the game. That's the part that really bothers me.
  14. Mine is Scary Movie 2. No matter how many times I see the same scenes repeatedly, I still crack up in laughter. The Wayne's brothers are absolutely hilarious.
  15. Some people don't know that there are different tiers for animated movies and shows. They just ignorant lump everything into a kids cartoon category just because it's animated.
  16. This is a interesting topic, I think radio stations aren't going to go away because there's so many businesses that have radios set up that play for hours. Maybe when my generation gets older and the younger generations become adults and have their own businesses, radio stations may cease to exist. I know my local barber shop always has it on a local radio station rather than someone's Spotify playlist.
  17. Hopped on Rocket League today and was MVP for every match carrying everyone on my team.
  18. I used to game much more when I was a kid than I do as an adult. There would be times I would play games literally all day, especially during the summertime or on the weekends. Now as a adult, I play games for maybe two hours at the longest. It's even less time if it's a weeknight since I usually just play a game for around an hour before I have to go to bed.
  19. When I tell you that Sony is quickly becoming one of the most dislikeable companies in this space, this is what I'm talking about. I don't know who is making all these crappy decisions at Sony but if they go through with this, they'll effectively kill the game. I'm pissed because I love Helldivers 2 and play it very often with my gaming buddies. What do you guys think about this stupid requirement Sony is trying to implement?
  20. Did anyone watch the Knuckles series yet? It started streaming last Friday, and I already finished it up last weekend. I was going into the show with high hopes since both of the films were great! However, the 6 episode mini series wasn't what I was expecting at all. It wasn't bad, but it could have been much better. I won't go into great detail since I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched the series yet, but all I will say if you're going into this show and expecting it to be based around Knuckles, well you're going to have a bad time. Surprisingly most reviews for the show were positive, with only a few review sites giving it a negative score. There were a few people that appeared in the show that I wasn't expecting to see/hear, and there was a reference to one of my most favorite movies that starred Woody Harrelson. Anyways if you liked the two films, might as well give this show a watch too.
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