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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2021 in Posts

  1. Patrik

    Long or not?

    Sometimes i get that feeling that i should rush games and finish them because they took so much time and started getting boring, but when i finish them, i wish they were longer. sort of a paradox, am i the only one who's feeling the same?
    1 point
  2. blueblur98


    Hey. I'm Blue. I like playing video games, and my favorite genres are platforming and racing. I also make reviews on YouTube sometimes. Hopefully we can get along well.
    1 point
  3. I wont say unprepared, they are known for overengineering and the people who do the business from engineer mindset. that's why they are not much successful apart from ads and the search.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, that's fair. Some of the eBay prices are exorbitant! I especially hate those cheeky sellers who are selling PS5s for ridiculous amounts, only to send the buyers a photo of their own PS5! Absolutely scandalous!
    1 point
  5. Alcohol is accepted by the populace because it is legal. With the exception of the prohibition era, alcohol has been the go-to intoxicant for centuries. People are only opposed to other intoxicants like marijuana, cocaine, and heroin because they are designated as illegal. What people won't accept is that marijuana actually is much less dangerous than alcohol. They won't accept that hospitals use cocaine as a numbing agent. They won't accept that heroin was successfully used by 19th century doctors the way methadone is used today. To get people off drugs like laudanum. Something people don't know is that "heroin" is actually a brand name, like Pepsi, Sony, Zippo etc. But it's used generically today. People accept alcohol because it's legal, and reject other substances because they are designated illegal. Even though alcohol is by far one of the most dangerous and destructive drugs known to man. I won't lie. I enjoy a drink from time to time. But I keep it in check. I'm predisposed to alcoholism as it runs in my family. So I am very careful about it. I don't have an issue with alcohol, but I think my past as a drug addict helps me keep it in check. I have a medical marijuana card. But I only use it as a last resort, even though I smoked it off and on recreationally since I was 16. From the years of 18-22 I have no memory because I was drugged out the entire time. I did anything and everything. If someone passed me something and I was either too high to recognize it or was unfamiliar with it, I only had 2 questions. How do I take it? How long until it kicks in? It's an internal war that no one will understand unless they've been there to stay clean/sober. I know where to get these things. Every day I want to go out and get some blow, angel dust, acid, rock, or tar. I've even gone so far as to hit an ATM and drive over to a pharmacist. But I changed my mind as I was looking at him. @Reality vs Adventure knows what that urge and fight is when he drives by liquor stores and bars. He has to fight a war so violent that it would scare the shit out of the average person. And those who have dealt with addiction are 100 times more likely to fall back into the addiction. It is harder for us to stay clean/sober than the average person. We have to find strength we didn't know we had to say No.
    1 point
  6. Shagger


    Welcome to VGR. If there's anything I can help with, just ask. Can you leave a link to your YouTube channel?
    1 point
  7. DylanC

    Any Pick up lines?

    "Fancy grabbing a coffee?" has worked a few times for me. Just be yourself - that's key!
    1 point
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