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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2024 in all areas

  1. I'd probably get manifesting any food I think about. That way, I'll never be hungry again. Instant meals all the time and I'll never have to cook - absolutely genius!
    1 point
  2. killamch89

    Valentines Day

    I don't know if it's an age thing but I don't even care that much about my own birthday anymore. Valentine's day doesn't hold that much significance to me or my partner because we always show love and affection for each other.
    1 point
  3. I'm not sure. There's usually a bunch of factors that go into me naming my pets including how they behave. For instance, one of my dogs was named courage because he was expressive as courage the cowardly dog on Cartoon Network. When something was wrong, he'd start pointing, whining and sometimes, grumbling under his breath lol.
    1 point
  4. I'm going to have to disagree with you on a lot of this. First and foremost, I want to make perfectly clear I love PC gaming, I truly do, but it has drawbacks. It's expensive, complicated and not nearly easy or reliable as gaming on console. It is not for everyone, and being a PC gamer doesn't make one in any way superior. True, but it comes at a price. You can expect to pay around 2-3 times the cost of a console to run the same game at the same quality on PC. I'll touch more on this later. This is nonsense. The quality of controls come to individual games and game types. Yes, mouse and keyboard are great on FPS's and strategy games, but they're terrible on games that require precise control of movement pace, like stealth games. Have ever tried to play something like TLOU or Assassin's Creed with a mouse and keyboard? I know that some Bethesda RPG's like Fallout and TES have perks that allow you to sneak while moving at full pace without penalty. Well, I do play those games with a mouse and keyboard and let's just say I can see why they included those perks. As for the part I've highlighted, that's just a straight up lie. With a controller, you push a button, it does a thing, it's not more complicated than that. I don't know what fighting games or controllers you've been using, but they don't work like that. Actually there are emulators that can be used on console, but for most part you're right. The sheer choice of games on PC is staggering, but there is a problem. Now this just my opinion, so take how you want, but I feel consoles have had better exclusives over the years, especially Nintendo and PlayStation. Yes, a PC can emulate a lot of console games, but it's very sketchy in terms of legality. I know emulation itself is not illegal, but downloading the ROM's you need to run console exclusives on an emulator is. Not to mention it's a pain in the ass with reliability and compatibility problems throughout the process. It's one of the great fanboy contradictions that PC fanboys consider themselves "The Master Race" (FYI, you're referring to yourselves a Nazi every time you say that.) for being able to afford thier hyperigs, yet insist PC is cheaper all at the same time. Yes, I know that cost and value are not the same thing, but I'll get to that later. Consoles are so much cheaper to buy than PC's because a console serves as a revenue stream for the manufacturer, so those companies can afford to make no money, or even a loss, on the sale of the hardware. PC's are a very different story. Whether they're sold as a pre-built unit or as individual parts, PC manufactures need to make thier money on the hardware sale, that's why they're so expensive. You could buy a PS5 and a cheap laptop to serve as a utility computer and still not spend the same amount of money as you would do on a gaming PC that matches a PS5's gaming capabilities. However, if you think you can, then I challenge you to try. Go on PC Part Picker and make a mock build that matches a PS5 in terms of gaming performance. I'll even be generous and allow you a budget double the cost of a PS5, so I'll say $1000 (or the equivalent) if you include a UHD blu-ray drive in your build, $900 if you don't. However, you must include a mouse and keyboard because; That is the user interface and is every bit as essential as a motherboard. When you by a console, you will get at least one controller with it as part of the package. In other words, the user interface is included, so you have to include it as well. It's not like PC games are much cheaper than console games anymore either. 10 years ago that was a genuine advantage, but not so much now. And of course, let's not forget the problems with an all-digital set up and no used games like you can get on consoles. Even though console do some shady shit like charge to play online, you can game cheap on a console if you're smart about it, just like PC gamers can game cheap if they're smart about it. And I've highlighted yet another very misleading statement. Yes, you can keep a Gaming PC going for 20 years, but how many upgrades would one have to do in order to keep it playing new games over that time? It would basically consist of a complete rebuild at least once. Buying new consoles and peripherals over 20 years can easily cost a good $1500-$2000 (I'm obviously not including the cost of games, just the hardware), but if you think that the upkeep of a gaming PC wouldn't cost at least as much (but likely more) over the same period then you, with all due respect, are deluded. PC's can offer great value for money, but only for people who are very dedicated to it. One does have to invest a lot of money into PC gaming to get the best out of it, a lot more than one would on console. There is nothing wrong with somebody looking at the two options and deciding that PC gaming isn't worth it to them. It's great that you're happy with what you've got out of what you invested in PC gaming, but just because it's true for you, doesn't make it true for everybody else. In conclusion, I don't think you're ready to admit that console gaming has benefits over PC's in some ways because of some weird loyalty complex. It's just a PC, a load of wires, solder and silicone, you don't need to fight for it. In the end, what matters is games. I'm not a PC fan, I'm not a console fan, I'm a fan of good games. What I'm playing them on matters little.
    1 point
  5. I don't think it takes away from storyline. Destiny has a wonderful multiplayer portion, but they have told a great story in my opinion. Even Call of Duty has a storyline, now have I really ever played the campaign.... no, but I like the idea of the story they have. xD
    1 point
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