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Everything posted by DC

  1. It's time to reflect pm 2022. Was it a good year or a bad year? Did you accomplish your goals and objectives? What new challenges did you face (and hopefully overcome)?
  2. DC

    NYE Plans?

    What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Who will you spend the time with?
  3. Violent Christmas - 3/10
  4. DC

    Community Chat #1

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all VGR Members!
  5. This is the official Member of the Month - November 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points which can be used in Bid for Rewards. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself. Nominations end December 30 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting. Please keep all thread replies strictly to nominations - no anecdotal discussions/comments.
  6. Who was your first celebrity crush? I've never had one, honestly. I find some celebrities attractive, but I've never had a crush on them because I've always known they were beyond my realm.
  7. I typically make judgments based on first appearance and interaction and my judgements are typically correct.
  8. DC

    Gym & Fitness

    Do you fitness? Lift weights or more the cardio part?
  9. Did you ever run away from home when you couldn't stand being around your parents anymore?
  10. @Nebulous What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
  11. DC

    Ask DC

    Anymore questions for me?
  12. DC

    Ask Techno

    @Techno Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?
  13. @Kim Winchester If you could only have three things on your life bucket list, what would they be?
  14. DC

    Ask Kyng

    @Kyng What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?
  15. @Shagger What's the last thing you watched on Netflix?
  16. @NightmareFarm What's the best present you ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?
  17. @The Blackangel Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?
  18. What video games or characters do you find most encouraging when you need it? For me, it is Ellie in TLOU. Her different perspective on life helps me reframe challenging situations IRL.
  19. Are there any video games that you have played that left you with so many questions at the end that months or years later, you are still struggling to fully understand what went down?
  20. DC

    Hi guys

    Welcome to VGR, thanks for joining our community! I'm glad to hear you discovered us via Google search as well.
  21. If you could choose to win a free lifetime supply of 1 item what would it be?
  22. @NightmareFarm Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
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