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Everything posted by Shole

  1. Yup even if they are not you can turn them into some. Like survivor games can show you some harsh realities of surviving, history games can tetach you history, etc.
  2. Twitter was the only time I connected with gamers through #GamerGate movement. Other than that i don't share much gaming content on my social media.
  3. If I have to get a god damn apple from another city and I can't fast travel, you bet your behind I will skip it until I finish the game.
  4. Not saving constantly on games that were in pre-alpha or alpha, crashing games and losing 3+ hours of gaming/building/resource gathering...
  5. This changed my perspective about the game ending a bit. When it comes to the topic at hand I think Warcraft 3 had some bad choices or worse choices moments, where no matter what you do in the end Arthas kills his own father, Illidan never gets to be the good guy he tried to be, and chaos always comes.
  6. In Bioshock 1 and 2 it was exaggerated, really a game that beautiful and you can't enjoy it because of random spawns all around you... That being said on other games if you didn't have things spawning all the time it would be boring.
  7. Love your take on Cosmetics, I fully agree. It's dumb and I understand if you get some for like achievements and everyone can get them through questing or something, but lootboxes are the worst in any shape or form.
  8. I got for 1$ a hundred games. All cracked on a CD I dunno how or why, but I got it and it was the best. It was mostly old games that I have a hard time now remembering but it was still a great deal, and in the days of no internet it was so good(not that internet didn't exist but it just didn't get to my country).
  9. Nope, I download all the old games from some shady sites lol
  10. The weird part to me is when crowd funded games add such ridiculous prices, don't you want your game to be played. I get it 60$ x 100000 players is nice, but if you do the math 20$ x 1 mil players would be better wouldn't it? If your game is fun people will buy it, but if it's sort of fun and over priced, people will leave bad reviews on it.
  11. This is going to sound silly, but don't judge, I just go by feeling. If I feel like thinking I play strategies, if I feel like chilling I play sim games that are like CitySkylines or some random silly game like among us.
  12. A lot, I can't do without a good companion. Unless it's a dumb one that is annoying. If that's the case I always chose a way to get rid of him or her or it.
  13. I played PUBG for a while, until all my friends switched to free fire. Even tho Free fire is way easier to play it's always more fun with friends.
  14. Only played in China as in Serbia I can't find any unless you are in the capital lol. But oh well it is fun with friends.
  15. It's easy to achieve some good wins if you play as a team rather than solo with someone, it's just crazy how much a little tactic can do to a game.
  16. I didn't play one for a while, but I might try to find a new one, got a suggestion? P.s. to stay on topic, yeah you can't replace something that scars you xD
  17. I played till 11 and got angry XD not because I was losing or couldn't do it I just figured I had better games to play.
  18. They probably will and the thing that worries me the most is that I will enjoy games more than real life (Like I do enjoy games but not to the extent I don't want to leave my room or such). So yeah I hope they will take some measures not to turn me into a sheep.
  19. Soon we will find ourselves in the days of 1TB games and it will be a laughing matter since I remember games that you could store on a floppy disk XD
  20. Cheaper cosplay outfits/weapons would be a thing I'd like to see. I mean I know it can't be cheaper but I'd still love it. As for what doesn't and should, furniture and home decor but like stools and tables and such stuff. I don't think any game merch offers that kind of thing.
  21. IT has amazing gameplay, good controls, camera a bit weird, but all in all I'd say it's one of the best Mafia games out there to date(clearly I am talking about the old school mafia with dons and such, GTA def takes the crime game top place).
  22. Not really, I mean what's the point if most people I game with get a SMS or a WA/Viber message to join me? Social Media ain't what it used to be.
  23. Yup, it's always like oh no I am out of food, and a couple of game hours you are like "damn I need to go to place X again for food/water".
  24. Shole


    Well if you want facebook or instagram in China you gotta use a VPN or else you can't use those apps, nor google or youtube.
  25. Yeah it's sad, since I meet so many nice people from there, but some younger people are just having too much money and opportunity so they just go baby mode. I hate victim mentality especially if you are in a country where hard work really does pay off (If I work as a waiter here and am supper nice and polite I can make a max of 700$ per month, and I think that is easily beatable in the states).
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