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Knight Plug

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Everything posted by Knight Plug

  1. I've not seen them for a long time, but they're generally regarded as being among the best movies of the eighties. I can also recommend the Best of the Best films. Wax on, wax off. 😉
  2. So Capcom had a new game shown off on Wednesday just past there, concerning dinosaurs in a city, which people assumed was a reboot of a certain series, especially after seeing the red haired woman. But there is still nothing about RE8 DLC. 🥴 At this rate, I wonder if they are even working on it anymore.
  3. RE4 and RE8 are practically similar games. You go through a village, then end up in a castle. Later on, you are at a reservoir and then a factory. It's basically just the same type of places per each game. I think Capcom wanted everybody to buy RE8 because of the fact they virtually copied just about everything from RE4, and I reckon they did that because it is more hype for the upcoming remake. 🤑
  4. Something I find weird, is that how come nobody knew the village was there all along? Surely people would pass through that region. They're bound to know it's a real place. Despite the werewolves, the vampires, and Duke of course, that's just so odd. But whatever, right? It's just a game. 😅
  5. OK. So perhaps I haven't gave up on the series. Maybe I can just say that I have a personal preference for the ones released before 2005. Or the "ones with the zombies" as others jokingly point out. But I suppose with the landscape of the series changing all of the time, that's all up to Capcom in that they have that say more than we may want to admit it. People often say to me that if Capcom incorporated things into the games like vampires and lycanthropy, that's their decision, because there isn't any "rules" that object to that, just because earlier games had different enemy types and gameplay styles. To them, it means nothing. However, I think fans will probably think they ran afoul of changes that don't necessarily suit the tone or the establishment up to this point in history, or whatever it is supposed to be. I think with some franchises, people mistakingly believe that the first entry of anything then sets the bar, and that everything has to remain similar for fear of it selling-out, being not as good as it used to, or something to the effect. However, I do think in some ways, that's what they did, but then everybody says it needed to make these changes, to adapt to the marketing target. It's a hard pill to swallow, but the series may not be around today if they didn't do the decision making they underwent years ago. When was that? In 2004?
  6. Sadly, I've received the sad news that my mother is in hospital, severely ill. I will keep you updated as I learn more. 😟
  7. More or less. You cannot 'trademark' a punk with ginger hair. It's a standard baddie. 😁
  8. Well, I hope so. Ada hasn't been in any mainline games since 2012. And I worry that some of the characters don't get prioritised by Capcom anymore. You know? Like Jill.
  9. Sometimes, I will hear a great song, having never came across a promo clip before. Next thing I know, I later discover the track has a music video after all, and I can see why some bands find them embarrassing. It must be the record company making them do it. 😆
  10. Yikes. The last mainline game was out in North America on 13 March, in 2012. So that's almost an entire decade ago. Those stories over the last few years about the franchise coming back, didn't amount to anything other than just being somebody's idea of trying to take the Mickey. At one point, Abandoned was said to be a secret Hideo Kojima project. But that was debunked as well. It looked nothing that was reminiscent of the series anyway. Yet people like myself were hopeful it was genuine. As the years go by, it looks as if Konami just doesn't give a crap about reviving Silent Hill, or any of their other famous games.
  11. The DLC for RE7 was meant to come out 2 months after the base game. There was quality concerns, so Capcom postponed the launch of it by 9 months. We didn't receive it until December of 2017, when it was supposed to be released in March of that year. In this case, they are doing it from possibly scrapped content. So whatever was intended to be in the main game, will likely be going into the post release stuff. But as of yet, nothing has been verified about what it is, exactly. Some news got around before that Ada Wong was going to be disguised as a plague doctor and be sent on a mission to retrieve something. Because it was an odd fit for the story surrounding Ethan Winters, they didn't go ahead with that at the time. It probably would have felt too much like RE4, in which she also got sent to a village, where as you know, she was reunited with Leon Kennedy.
  12. They announced it at E3, in June. I don't think they intended to have DLC from the beginning, like they did with RE7. It was more like a request from the fans. Surely, it cannot be too much longer now. The game is nearly a year old.
  13. Was Streets of Rage just copying this? The punks and whip wielding ladies are the same.
  14. The mainstream movies by Paul Anderson are not really related to the games, besides the ideas being recycled to a degree. But the animated movies are in fact supposed to be connected to the events of the games, in a sense. They still feel like they are purposefully self-contained, as if they are intended as spin off, James Bond style adventures. They technically are. But anyway, this long ass wait for the DLC for RE8, is boring as hell.
  15. Well, I have kind of realized that the entire Resident Evil community is just awkward and hard to please, in general. This is why I don't talk about it on YouTube anymore. Besides, it's difficult to get noticed these days, with forums being mostly dead, and YouTube having shills with bigger, more widely promoted content. You're just gonna be buried. But it is boring having no sense of community online in this day of age. However, I do occasionally find a person on YouTube who speaks from the heart. These are the people I appreciate. But with the large channels, you can tell they just act optimistic, for to gain free merchandise. The Residence of Evil channel has the voice actor for Duke in RE8 doing advertising for them. Talk about being loyal lapdogs for Capcom. I could honestly care much less about view counts and the amount of subscribers, AKA the sheep that keep telling Capcom that doing bland remakes with cut content is the way to go. But I care about what I hear in the video or broadcast, way more than the popularity of the individual. Not how many people are present. It's just not how I see the digital world.
  16. For RE in particular, I'm not sure. They had some things at E3 and they've been updating their site a bit lately, but I think this is one of the absolute most boring times to be a fan. You see, I don't play a wide range of games. In fact, I have a big collection of horror themed games from over the years, but I just never feel motivated to play games as much as I used to. I suffer from anxiety and depression a lot now, too.
  17. There's a PlayStation event next month. I hope they have RE news, as it has been such a quiet time.
  18. See me in a cameo, as a tourist at a castle. 😲
  19. I am in this, as a nazi. 😀 I hope it is out soon... Will be a good laugh to watch it from start to finish.
  20. This was pretty bad. https://letterboxd.com/film/things/
  21. There are "rules" to be followed... https://screenrant.com/scream-movie-horror-rules-broken-explained/amp/
  22. You can hear Jackie Chan swearing in this, saying "Give me the effing keys!" 😆 You also see the late twin towers of the World Trade Center. 😟 And nude women, walking around in a drug lab. 😘
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