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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I read an article here at GameIndustryBiz discussing exactly this, and figured I'd make a topic about it. Why isn't it that we haven't gotten a true to form 007/Bond game? You'd think we'd be seeing more 007 themed games now days, especially with how popular the Bond franchise is. Maybe they're waiting for a new Bond to be announced. We all know Craig isn't going to be around much longer, as I think the next film is his last. So maybe when a new Bond is selected, we'll get a new game to coincide. What do you guys think?
  2. Oh for sure, anyone who hacks/cheats in games are a pain in the ass. I don't understand why they do it. I know they do it for the laughs, but it's just pathetic really. I remember playing COD 4 on the 360 years back, and I caught a guy switching teams somehow mid game. And bear in mind, we were in a ranked match, and that's not supposed to be possible. He was literally hopping back and forth to each team. He did it to, I guess, keep his win streak going. I chewed the guy out, but there wasn't much I could do. It's always fun to report hackers and cheaters though. Because MS can easily look into it. I don't know how many times I've gotten that MS message saying "Thanks for your report, we took action on it, etc". I love that, because it means one less hacker/cheater out of the equation for a while. But yeah, hackers get on my nerves for sure.
  3. I don't think we have a Call of Duty discussion topic here, and I figure with Black Ops - Cold War releasing tomorrow, I figured I'd make a topic for the games in general. I'm sure we don't want a topic for every COD game, as we'd be here all day lol. Anyway, who's getting the new COD? I am not getting it yet, in fact I completely forgot it was releasing this month. I think I'll eventually get it, but money is tight right now, so I'm not going to be spending money on games for a bit. Anyway, discuss the new game here, or discuss any of the games in the franchise if you want to. 🙂
  4. Well that's kind of a given with CD Projekt Red, their games are usually pretty big, and 2077 will be as well. Hmm, I didn't think of them, but I suppose it's possible they could make a massive game. I just have no clue what they would do. I'm all for studios doing new things.
  5. Well, more news is coming out of console problems for the Xbox Series X. Originally it was overheating and smoke coming out of the console, but that was verified as false. But now there seems to be some reports of disc drive problems. According to Polygon, some people are reporting that their disc drive is making clicking sounds when inserting a disc. One video even shows an Xbox Series S making the same noise. So I'm thinking it may not be a disc drive problem, but something to do with the fans maybe. idk. Some people are reporting that their Xbox won't take discs at all. Some are reporting that when they try to insert it, it'll make like a grinding sound. Check the story at polygon to see the videos. But I hope this is just a small portion of consoles affected.
  6. idk, those phones were powerhouses back in the day and lasted quite a bit. But, gradually the hinges on said phones do go, and down the road, these hinges in the smart folding phones are bound to get damaged over time too. I think once these phones get down in price, it won't be too much of a problem. Because if these become cheap enough, it won't be a problem to buy a newer one at some point. But as they stand now at those prices, I don't see people jumping at the opportunity to own one, at least not yet.
  7. Did anyone here ever play the Where's Waldo game on the NES? I remember hating it as a kid because of how boring and annoying it was. Trying to find waldo was a chore because literally every character was the same color. As well, the level where you have to find Waldo in the dark, and the various other dumb levels, I just never understood this game. Does anyone remember it? How far did you get?
  8. Hey guys, I think most in here are forgetting the purpose of this topic. Sharing videos is fine and all, but let's try to stay a bit on topic and try to explain why we like the games we're sharing as well. I would love to hear your thoughts on the games you enjoy, as a video doesn't really tell me why it's a favorite of yours. Just seems kind of spammy to me when it's just videos with no explanations as to why they're your favorites, no offense. Anyway, back to the subject at hand Hmm, I didn't even know it came out on PC. But then again, SEGA is known for releasing some of their games on PC, so I suppose that makes sense. The character I liked to play as in the game, was the dude who was drunk all the time, I think he was a play on the drunken master or something, because he did similar moves that Jackie Chan did. Just always thought he was fun to play as. Anyway, another game I have fond memories for, is Spelunker for the NES, I think it's what inspired the likes of Spelunky, which is also another good game. But Spelunker was what kind of started it. It's a game where your goal is to find treasure at the bottom, all the while you have to traverse this cave and fight off enemies. I never got too far it in sadly, but I had a ton of fun with it. I haven't played it in years sadly, so maybe it's time I change that soon. 😄
  9. Source - Know Techie The PS5 does not have a web browser, do you care? I personally don't care, as I haven't used a web browser on a console in years. I tried using it on the Xbox One, but I just feel it's not right for browsing the web. As well, it never seems you can access every site you want to. At least when it comes to the Xbox One. I feel that everyone these days, can just check their phones for anything they need. Jumping to a web browser on a console is slow and annoying, imo at least. What do you guys think? Is a web browser really needed?
  10. idk, I don't normally eat while gaming. I will sometimes have a snack here and there, but the majority of the time I will have something to drink over food. I mostly have lipton diet tea to drink, but other than that, no food really. If I have some candy left over, I tend to snack on that though. Maybe chips too, but not often as I hate getting my controller greasy. 😄
  11. Kane99


    This game looks good. It's a launch title for the PS5 and will also be releasing on PC. I get a lot of Dishonored vibes from the gameplay trailer below. From what the trailer says, you're continually playing the same time, and can alter time to even move two targets into one location. The trailer below explains it much better though. I can see myself playing this.
  12. Source of story here - The Gamer So according to The Gamer article above, it seems that the rumors of Xbox Series X consoles overheating, with smoke coming out of the console, might have been fabricated. I guess owners are possibly vaping inside of their console to make it look like smoke is coming out of it. Let's be honest, if there was real smoke, it likely would be much blacker, considering it's housed inside a plastic container. That's one reason that tipped me off on this. As well, the article also states that one video shows the console's dashboard still up while the console is smoking. So take it with a grain of salt. I'm suspecting it's fake, but we'll know more if more people come forward with issues.
  13. With the Xbox Series X and S out now, and the PS5 coming out tomorrow, it got me thinking. Currently most games are releasing for pretty much every console. But, I suspect the Xbox One (Xbox One X as well) and the PS4 will soon be obsolete and will not work with future games. Eventually they'll wind both consoles down just like they did with the 360 and PS3. Soon enough there won't be any new releases on either console. But, when do you think that will be? I'm hopeful that new games continue to come out for all consoles for the time being. I'd be okay with the downgraded versions. That's perfectly fine with me.
  14. There are a lot of studios out there iching to make it big, some have made ambitious titles in the hopes if striking it big. What are some studios that you think are capable of making a massive game? And I mean studios that are known for being somewhat small, or indie in general. Games these days are getting easier to make, so an indie studio could potentially make the next best sandbox game for all we know. What small, indie, or somewhat decent sized studios, could you see making an open world game? I would like to see Crystal Dynamics make a more open world game. Tomb Raider is fine and all, but I wouldn't qualify it as open world, as it's more linear than open imo. But you get my point, they could easily do a massive world if they wanted to. What do you guys think? What studios would you like see make their own open world games?
  15. When it comes to a menu for a popular console, which consoles menu do you prefer? I'm so used to Xbox's menu or shall I say, Dashboard, but I imagine the PS4 and 5 both have decent menus. I think the original Xbox 360 had the best menu. That original menu was my favorite. From the colors to the ease of use, it was perfect. But everything has to be so blah these days. What's your favorite console menu? Which one would you say has the best menu system?
  16. Yeah it certainly does not. I think maybe what happened, was that Crystal Dynamics had a game already set up and made, and Square Enix maybe asked them to scrap some stuff and get in microtransactions. I bet that Crystal Dynamics had something special cooking, but then Square Enix got involved more and probably pushed for certain changes to be made. A good 200 million dollar game wouldn't turn out to be like this game. They could have made a quality game, but they went wrong somewhere and came up with the game we got today, and it was a disappointment for most. I would have much rather had them make a single player experience instead, where you can have the option for like 4 player co-op or something. Not this loot shooter type game.
  17. I'm just going to get it when it gets on sale. I figure I haven't purchased a new AC game in years, so I won't be doing it anytime soon. Plus, I'm still kind of played out on the AC series. Just doing the same thing got boring after a while. And since I hear the game has kind of been a buggy mess, maybe it's best to wait on purchasing it for a bit, until they problems are ironed out abit.
  18. I need to get Dying Light one of these days. I hear such great things about it, maybe it's time I play it. Anyway, my favorite open world games would probably be GTA Vice City, San Andreas, 5, RDR1 and 2, Just Cause 3 & 4, Sleeping Dogs, Skyrim, and so much more.
  19. My first console was the NES, back in the early 90s. It was the console I was pretty much born with, as we had it since before I was born I'd say. Anyway, the first console I got as a kid though, was probably our first Sega Genesis. After that it was the PS1. But yeah, NES was the one that started it all for me.
  20. I 100% agree with ya. There is more than enough games to go around for everyone. Pre-ordering was intended to be a picture of what to expect, but stores will have more than enough in stock.
  21. May not be of interest to a lot of you, but I am super excited about this. Wrestling games haven't been the same in years, especially when it comes to the WWE games. WWE 2K is no longer worth anyone's time and the new WWE Battlegrounds game isn't faring too well either. Anyway, it looks like the wrestling organization are working on two games. One I'm suspecting is a true to form pro wrestling game, and right now we need that. I want good wrestling games again. As well, there may be a smaller, mobile like game on the horizon as well. Read more about this news here - IGN
  22. Can't go wrong with some WWE 2K20 glitches, but the last 5 years worth of games were glithcey messes, so there's bound to be many glitch vids on them. 😄
  23. What are some other gaming peripherals we can use on a smartphone? I figure we got the VR headsets. We also have those controller adapters and controller holders, but are there other peripherals that work on smartphones? I figure with newer phones, a lot of devices can connect to the USB C connection on the phone. Are there any cool adapters, devices that can be used for gaming means? Sadly I don't own a phone that uses USB C, but I will be upgrading my phone eventually.
  24. I had the first Virtua Cop on the Sega Saturn years ago. Had the light gun for it too. I remember playing it a ton with my brother. Such a blast to play. As well, I remember a few other shooters like it on the Saturn and the PS1. I had a Judge Dredd game, but it wasn't good. Anyway, may as well stick to the Saturn. I also had Virtua Fighter 2. It's a really decent fighting game, but doesn't look super great on the Sega Saturn. Either way, I had a ton of fun playing it on the Saturn. I haven't really bothered much with the sequels after though.
  25. I am part of a few discord servers that I use for gaming, and for meeting people who're also into video games. Do you guys ever use Discord for any gaming reasons? I think it's a great tool to bring gamers together. Plus I find myself doing voice chats a lot more with people because of discord, which I normally don't do otherwise. I also like to utilize it more with my close friends too, or I've been trying to get them to use it for voice chat. I prefer it to using facebook or instagram messenger like I used to use. Also, no sharing of discord servers here. I figure advertising them is against the rules, so I won't bother. This is just towards discussion of using it towards gaming means. 👍
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