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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I learned that I'm not that good when it comes to MMOs, and probably never will be. I've played some MMOs in the past, but for me, I never really got too into them. I always wanted to, but could never see myself getting too into it. Also I learn I have no patience with most MMOs. 😄
  2. Ones that don't alienate their audience, and ones that are more chill and don't force players to play a certain way. Most MMOs for me, have been pretty good, but I have had issues with people in the past. The audience can sometimes be a pain to deal with when it comes to MMOs in general. A good MMO community is a community free of gamers who make trouble. A community that helps one another and all that fun stuff.
  3. I swear I thought this was already a thing, but it sounds like Xbox will be making it possible to share game pass accounts with family. I guess in a couple countries they've already been given access for family sharing of game pass. Honestly I'm for this, because I believe I could share my subscription with my nephew maybe, so that he too can take advantage of it. Do you think this will be good for Xbox? I think so. You can read more about this news here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-is-testing-game-pass-family-sharing/1100-6506173/
  4. Yeah it sucks, especially if you get their health bar nearly all the way down and then bam, they kill you with an OP attack or something. With Dark Souls that always seems to happen. You get super far into the battle, and one poor move you get screwed over. I can't handle games like that for too long, because I just get tired of being destroyed lol.
  5. Sure, but a they like to cancel a lot of those series, at least lately they have. It seems like every day I hear about a new show from Netflix getting cancelled after a season or two. They've been losing a lot of money, and that's why they cancel so many shows. As well, I noticed they've been slacking on the quality of programming. Some of the movies and shows they release aren't that good. But then again, there are other services out there that have poor catalogs of movies and tv shows and do just fine. Like Amazon Prime for example. But idk with Netflix, they seem to be losing a lot more money these days.
  6. Oh it'll probably still get some service packs here and there. But gradually it will start to lose support. If I had the money I'd love to be able to update every 3-4 years. I'm probably closing in on my third year owning this PC, so it's probably due for an upgrade. It still gets the job done for me, but I know some games are going to be too powerful for me to run.
  7. You're allowed to post links, but there may be a limit to how many posts you have to make first before you can. But I don't remember to be honest. I thought it was 25, but maybe it's 30 posts. Maybe mods like @Shagger, or @The Blackangel can shed more light on that? I think you need to complete a certain amount of posts to be allowed to post links. I'll look into some of that as well. I'm kinda interested in hearing all about the corruption, especially if it's so rampant in the esports community. Kinda don't want to try to get into competitive gaming now because of how corrupt it sounds.
  8. Yeah I suppose. I've played many games early on for just the fun of it, and I would often get good. Like Gotham City Impostors, a FPS that I played a ton of. I remember being pretty decent in it, but I don't think it had anything like a competitive following. It would have been wild to try to play this game competitively. Just wish the game was popular these days, because it's a fun FPS multiplayer game imo.
  9. I would never gamble for real on those mobile games. So many of those games are predatory and pretty much steal your money. I think a lot of these apps are forced to give out a disclaimer about gambling, at least I would hope they do, because these games are so horrible with the predatory practices they take to get your hard earned cash. On top of that, there's got to be many scam apps that get by on these mobile stores. It makes you wonder how many people have gambled through these mobile games and never won a thing. Or got anything good in return. Oh and people who gamble for digital items that can't be sold or redeemed for cash, why you do dis?
  10. I really want to play the Horizon games. I heard Zero Dawn is one of the best games on the PS4. When I heard it dropped on PC as well, I immediately put it on my watch list for when I can buy it. Has Horizon Forbidden West also been added to PC via Epic Games? I hope so, because I would like to eventually play both games and finally experience this rich story and gameplay.
  11. I don't really count it so much for Guitar Hero and games like it, because it's meant to be a rhythm style game. I think it works fine for that type of game, but I don't like it when it's used for fighting games, fighting during a mission, to advance the story and so on. Give me full control of the scene so I can actually experience it. That's how I feel anyway.
  12. That's a good way of putting it. I feel like for me, it does bring me back to my childhood of first experiencing games. But I think it's more than that. We shouldn't view video games as something only we as children enjoyed. For me, they're no different than movies, tv shows, books and so on. Essentially it's just another escape from the troubles of life. If anything, I still feel like that teen kid who enjoyed video games growing up. I just got older, that's it. I may be an adult now, but I don't feel like one haha.
  13. Heard about that, I really hope this whole NFT craze dies faster than the Beanie Baby craze of the 90s. It kinda feels like something similar to that, in that it gets so huge, and then all of a sudden, people start to lose interest, and soon enough, I can see prices coming down on a lot of NFTs, because once the novelty wears off, I think it's done.
  14. I think with the Witcher, that games characters felt more real and fleshed out compared to the robotic like characters in Skyrim. I could see it being a lot easier to remember a side character in The Witcher 3 over Skyrim, mainly because I feel those characters have more character, does that make sense?
  15. I've haven't played much of the Pokemon games myself, but I can imagine it not being as good on the GBA and Gameboy consoles. Is it just the 8bit music you can't get into? But fair, I've never heard music from the series, so I can't judge.
  16. Elgato would be a good option. I haven't heard a whole lot on Aver media either. I just know they have produced capture devices similar to Elgato, but in the past I thought they weren't any good, so I always thought Elgato was the one to go for. But I guess they're not so bad. Reading some reviews they seem to be a more affordable option as well.
  17. Kane99

    Standing desk

    That's totally fair. Getting up often is recommended if you sit for long hours. I try to get up every two hours or so to move around. With a standing desk, I could just flip a switch, and it'll move up and I can then stand around for a bit to get circulation going proper again. Standing desks can work for just about anyone, techy people, gamers, people who work with crafts and other things too. Standing desks can be used for a lot. I want to eventually get those standing desks that rise up or down. If you want to sit you can, and if you want to stand, that's an option too. 🙂
  18. Yeah it's essentially impossible to stream with one screen. You could do it, but it would be a pain in the ass to figure out. Plus, it'll be hard to talk with chat, pay attention to your OBS or capture program/streaming app and more. I honestly recommend 3 monitors if you have a popping stream. Where you can use one screen for the game, one for the stream (OBS for example) and another screen for just chat and maybe discord if you're using that. But two screens will be a good start.
  19. To be honest, I have been a COD fan for a long time. I still have major gripes with the series, but the thing about them that I like is that they are easy to pick up and play. COD for me, has always been the same in terms of gameplay, so much so that I could pick up each version and do pretty okay once I got some time with it. Yeah the small changes may take a little getting used to, but I usually get used to the changes fast and it then falls in line with your typical COD experience. I know fans who have each game, and just really like playing it. But I also know fans who just get it to play with friends and enjoy the MP experience for a while. And of course the fans who are diehards and wait until midnight day one to get the game, and stay up days playing the MP. I used to be that person lol, but not anymore.
  20. Idk, I imagine there are a few people out there who are masters at most Dark Souls games and can get through them with ease. Of course, those are also probably seasoned vets who have played the games so much, that they have become pros at the series. I know if you have patience for these games, and can handle dying so much, I can see you eventually becoming a pro at it. I just don't have the patience myself lol.
  21. I hope they do, or allow us to set up our own online servers for the game so we can mod as we wish. That would be even cooler I think. But I doubt Rockstar would do that. There's a few mods I want to try, like an improved ragdoll physics, and maybe some character mods.
  22. It's a depressing moment indeed. To know this character is possible bad himself, was a big thing. And to see the moments where he was making rash decisions even though we as the player at the time thought everything was mostly fine, as fine as being in a warzone could be. I love the game for its portrayal of PTSD as its happening. To show that any soldier out there could be dealing with a similar situation. It sucks that it was overlooked as just another shooter at release, because I think if more people played this, we would have been screaming game of the year contender. But, the gameplay isn't that great, and got repetitive fast.
  23. I'll try to pay attention to the dialogue, but if it's just text based with no voice I will get tired of reading it fast. I feel it takes me out of the game when I have to constantly read stuff. But I do try to pay attention when it's important. Yeah I need to start paying more attention with games like this. I guess I'm just lazy when it comes to reading, or when I see a wall of text on a paper I feel like I'm going to get stuck reading this and it'll take me out of the main story. But that's mainly with having to read letters and notes.
  24. I think as we get older, our interests lessen a bit. I don't get as excited for video games as I used to. I still get the urge to game on occasion, especially with RDR2 and Powerwash sim recently, but there are times where I don't feel like gaming. I haven't touched my Xbox one much for games in months now since I got a gaming PC. I used to game on it all the time, but my PC does just fine for me. And even so, I only seem to game at night and for a couple hours. Some nights I don't game at all and just watch movies, tv and youtube.
  25. Kane99


    Oh nice, I'm tempted to buy it, but I think I'll wait. Trying not to spend money on much these days, so will wait it out. Plus it's only $15 otherwise, so I think I can eat the cost when I eventually get to it. And who knows, maybe it'll be on sale then. 🙂
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