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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I think for the most part, most GTA characters are meant to be disliked. Considering we always play characters who have done bad things and still do, it makes sense you wouldn't relate to them. I think that's the way GTA works, in that your character is usually just as bad as the people you're killing in game. Who wants to relate to Trevor or CJ or any of the main characters in the series? And that's why I think we take control of our own avatars in GTA online.
  2. I just think, if they drop support for online, including fixing issues, then maybe it's time they just let people mod the online side. I think it would make a lot more sense if they just drop their support. On top of that, if a game no longer has support, why should there then be options to buy currency? Like I feel that is wrong when the online mode is barely popping.
  3. Might want to post in the mobile section here - https://www.vgr.com/forum/forum/36-mobile/ I know Razer has their own phone model, and may have even made a new one. I heard from someone who owned one and I guess they are really good for gaming. Could even be good for streaming of games like on Xbox and nvidia. But, these days a lot of the newer phones, from Apple and Samsung for example, are becoming better for gaming.
  4. Kane99


    Yeah free to play is not always a good sign, but from what I saw so far, I have some hope in it. Then again I don't see myself playing it all too much, never been a smash fan, but with it being free to play, I can get more of my friends to join in and play. But there's always time for them to ruin things.
  5. It just doesn't make sense for video games. It kinda is counter-intuitive, because if you want to teach people about climate change, you probably wouldn't use something like video games because it in turn is bad for climate change. Think about tech in general. Any piece of tech we use, puts off pollution and other junk out into our atmosphere. Like I said before, maybe to teach people, but you'd be better off teaching them the normal way instead of a game, at least imo.
  6. Yeah it was a mess at release I heard. It's bad that even fans aren't picking the game up as they used to. Back in the day Battlefield was huge, and many played it. But when they started to slack on the series, is when things started to go bad. I think they jumped to the yearly releases and that's what really hurt it. Then again, Battlefield has been known to have some big bugs, but 2042 was a big drop for them, because they took a lot out, and it came out a broken mess.
  7. Graphics is one thing, but for the most part, these yearly released sports games are much of the same. They may change the graphics to be more pretty, but you'll probably notice they don't change the controls/animations or much of anything else. If they just took time each year to release updates instead, I think sports games would be a lot more regarded instead of hated.
  8. To each their own I say. If you really want to get that updated version, I say go for it. But for me, I just can't see myself paying $60 or more for a remake of a game that I already paid $60 for. I'm cool with a cheaper price tag, but full price doesn't feel fair to me. But, I just don't buy it. I vote with my wallet, even though it's not much. I just wait until a sale pops up and grab the game then. I won't pay full price anymore. I'm patient. 😄
  9. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't use it. If you enjoy the 3D aspects, more power to you. If it makes your experience even better, awesome! Just for me, it didn't really give me much. Yeah the first time playing in 3D was pretty dope, but the effect wore off so to say. But, if it's still an enjoyable experience for you, more power to ya bud. 🙂
  10. Yeah I think I heard a while back that the PS5's OS takes up a decent amount of space itself, that's probably why there's less storage. Each console has a small portion of the HDD space reserved for the OS and some other functions. Sadly, these new gen consoles should have come with a lot more storage, but I think that's why they made it expandable so you can upgrade the storage if you want to. These days the storage these consoles get aren't nearly enough for our needs. You'd think they would have released these consoles with at least 1tb of storage or even 2tb. That would go over a ton imo.
  11. I absolutely love this trailer. From old man Ezio, to that awesome song. This is how you make a top notch cinematic trailer. Then again, Assassin's Creed has been known to produce some great trailers over the years. But hands down, this trailer is the best AC has ever had to offer. At least in terms of trailers. Honestly I'd say it's Ubisoft's best trailer of all time.
  12. True, but I never found them super trustworthy because of how people have hacked leaderboards in the past. Every COD I played resulted in hacked leaderboards with people that I don't think belonged. And even these days I can see some games having hacked leaderboards. So in some way I think it would be a good idea to keep stats yourself just in case they have some graphical glitch that cuts out your total or something. With tech you never know.
  13. I feel like esports players are becoming more popular these days, especially with esports starting to grow into a massive thing. I can see some people not wanting the stardom, but I see a lot of teams out there who are becoming popular because of their skills and history gaming in tournaments. I think in the next 5-10 years esports is going to be at the best its ever been and I can see more people jumping into it. Hell, I may have to eventually.
  14. I used to have an okay KD ratio in the COD games back in the day. MW3 I think I had like a 1.54 kd, nothing impressive, but it was one of the best KD's I had in the series. Most of the time I was a little over 1.00 kd. These days I don't really much care. I prefer to just have fun with the game. I like to play with friends anyway, so if I can game with my friends, I will enjoy the game even more.
  15. I was catching some stuff on Facebook a while back about streamers who cheat in game and get caught while they're streaming. I've wathced The King of Kong I think it was, and honestly loved that story. Billy Mitchell is a fun character though, he made that movie. In order to post links, I believe you have to meet a certain amount of posts. At least that's what I imagine. I see you have 20 posts, I think you may need to reach 25 in order to post links, but not 100% sure. I saw a video a while back about people catching someone hacking in a tournament. I guess the crew figured it out, and while they were questioning him, he was attempting to delete the hacks. I could see a bunch of people hacking in tournaments if it's tough to catch. Makes you wonder how many use cheats to get ahead.
  16. That makes sense I suppose, considering that all of that content is readily available after streaming. I guess I didn't think of that before I started the topic. I'm sure more pro gamers don't want their tricks revealed. Yeah I game a lot, but I don't know if I want to play for 8 to 16 hours a day. Then again if I didn't have other work to do, I would probably be into gaming that long. But, on another side, I wouldn't know what to play, considering I'm not a pro at most games these days.
  17. Yeah I imagine the profits differ depending on the type of tournament or event you're taking part in. I figure most major tournaments pay pretty well. But I can see the smaller, tournaments & events dishing out less and less money. Still though, if I can win $100 here and there, it may add up.
  18. Do you ever deal with players who like to argue and talk smack? I can see a lot of these esports leagues having players who act high and mighty and act as if they're the best players around. I have a friend who has that mentality and he thinks he's one of the best gamers out there. Always cringe when people proclaim they're the best. Bugs me so much lol.
  19. I'm tempted to give it a try, maybe I can find some tournaments near me I can enter. I just wouldn't know where to begin in terms of searching in my area. As well, I figure there's not many esports leagues in my area just yet anyway. But yeah, color me intrigued now.
  20. To be fair, it has gotten vastly better since its initial release blunder. I remember the problems Bethesda and company had dealing with the constant problems at release. Not only that, they didn't release the exact duffel bag that was promised for the collectors edition. It was just one thing after the other with them. But, after years of fixing, things have gotten a lot better. It's still a glitchy mess where a lot of stuff still hasn't been sorted out. Give it a go if you have a group of friends willing to play, because it can be fun.
  21. Yeah it's all rumors at this point and time, a lot of it is just false hope if anything. Konami could still make a Silent Hill game, but if they don't have Kojima or the original Team Silent on board, I honestly can't see a Silent Hill game being good. We all know their track record with the last few games in the series, it will probably end up being much of the same with a sequel.
  22. yeah not even close to athletes who play football, basketball, soccer, etc. It takes some skill no doubt, but the most unhealthy of people could still compete in the esports side and still come out as victors. Professional gamers don't need to be fit, or fast, or good at actual sports. All they need, is to be able to do good in their games. And that takes hand eye coordination and mental skills if anything. But I wouldn't pair esports players with actual people who play physically demanding sports.
  23. Yeah, I don't see Microsoft stopping the train. I initially thought they were joking about stopping the yearly releases, but so far we're getting a new COD this year and haven't heard anything else about other ones being stopped. So I'm calling BS on their claim of taking a break. I have no idea where they would be going next, considering that they have done pretty much everything. Korean war could be a good option, or we could even go further back into the Civil War, but I doubt we'd go there. I could see an attempt with future warfare again, but who knows.
  24. Oh yeah, getting stuck somewhere when there's no clear path. I've been there with many games. I hate having to get out a walkthrough for a game to figure out what to do next. But if it's something I just can't figure out on my own, and I have sat there for a while trying to figure it out, I'll use a walkthrough just to get to the next point. But then I always find myself relying on the walkthrough for the next parts too.
  25. Some people released a single player story mod for RDR2 single player. I guess it includes new story missions and new locations as well. I don't remember what the mod was called, but it sounded cool enough. I am tempted to download it when I 100% the main game, just to extend the game. Because we all know Rockstar wont. Also with the recent news of RDR2 online NPCs and animals dissapearing, and Rockstar being done with RDR2 online, maybe modders can work on the online to restore that too.
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