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Everything posted by m76

  1. Sounds like a load of BS to me. A model portrays a soldier for a photographer then she is not allowed to dress up the same way for others? LOL. This is a weak case. So by the same standard if an actress does a photoshoot in a swimsuit then appears in a swimsuit in a movie then the photographer can sue the movie producers for stealing his character? This should be thrown out without wasting court time on it.
  2. Madden NFL, NHA, NBA Nowadays I'd not buy any sports game especially EA's "surprise mechanics yearly ripoff" version, but I'm especially not interested in these sports.
  3. https://www.pcgamer.com/there-are-more-epic-store-exclusives-coming-over-the-next-2-years-than-have-released-so-far/ So you thought the 3rd party exclusivity shenanigans will stop once they had a foothold in the gaming market? You were wrong.
  4. i've had enough of remakes. I think they'd ruin any game they touch.
  5. Almost nothing, I do not obsess over achievements and completion meters. I only do what I enjoy in games. And it's very rare when a game has no activities or collectibles that are a total bore to 100%. I think I 100% completed, or close to it Gran Turismo 1, Gran Turismo2, Gran Turismo4, Test Drive Unlmited, Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2. That's about it. Maybe Mass Effect 3 I'm not sure about that.
  6. You sign it by accepting their eula. Which you must accept when installing the client or the game. Or in case of consoles you accept it on the first start or when you join the online service.
  7. I wanted to try that but zwift is expensive besides you need to buy a proper bike to put on it, so I just got a regular exercise bike without any digital connectivity for 1/5th the price.
  8. Link Then he realized he went over the line and swiftly called a retreat. The rest of the story
  9. Except they ask full price and a subscription fee for what constitutes as basically renting games. No, they'd need to completely rework their sales model for it to be commercially viable.
  10. I'm not exactly sure if you are asking for my favorite or most hated bossfight 😄
  11. The only thing that would've kept stadia on life support was first party exclusives. Without those they have no legs to stand on.
  12. I pre-order games that I'm sold on. What difference does it make if I pre-order or buy it on release day? As for which version that depends on the extra features and costs. But recently most digital deluxe and gold editions were just not worth the price. They only include a few useless in-game items and a season pass. And I hate live service games so a season pass is of no use to me.
  13. Short answer: NO There were segments in Beyond Two Souls, that could've easily been made like a regular action game, but it was still implemented as a qte infested mess. Don't get me wrong, I love Quantic games stories and characters, but absolutely hate the way the games play. Although there is some improvement. Heavy Rain was fully QTE driven, Beyond was a bit less heavy on them, and Detroit had very few actual QTEs that would be annoying. It was more based on actual wilful choices than reflexes. I think Detroit would've worked all the same on an emotional level if it was more open world. It doesn't need to be this restrictive. I don't know if they are incapable or uninterested in making their games feel like actual games instead of interactive movies.
  14. I'd say a good session needs to be at least 2 hours long. For this reason I don't even bother starting gaming after 10pm, because I know by 12 I'll probably be too tired to go on. And I don't start gaming unless I Have a completely clear agenda for the day. If I still have tasks or need to be somewhere later that day, it's all ruined for me. For example when I was in college there was a day of the week where I only had to be at school by 11:50. Which meant that my morning was free until about 11:00. I usually woke up around 7:30, so that meant I had over 3 hours. I've tried gaming a few times, and it was an awful experience. Every 2 minutes I'd check the clock whether my time was up or not.
  15. Depends on the game of course. Some games no matter how amazing they are I never replay. Others I start again immediately after finishing for the first time. I'm currently on my third Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough without any pause in between.
  16. I haven't been to that many. And most were really bad experiences to me. Even if the music was good, the crowds ruined it. The only gig I've been to where everything was perfect was Laibach. The most respectable and well behaved crowd, and the show they put on was absolutely mind blowing. Most underrated band in history.
  17. So I figured it out. Despite wanting to create a poll you still need to fill in the topic title and text on the content tab otherwise it will throw an error. I thought the two tabs were mutually exclusive. But instead there is a master - slave relationship. You can create topics without filling in the poll tab, but can't create polls without filling in the content tab.
  18. I don't remember which game, but in one game it was implemented that flags would wave in the direction you need to go. Although I'd prefer no guidance at all, as in the need to use the map. Games are more immersive if there is no built in gps.
  19. I'm not comfortable buying games even at $60 only a very few select titles do I spend that kind of money on. For the rest of the games I usually wait until about $45.
  20. Different people get offended by different things, if we didn't allow anything in games that offends someone somewhere, then no game would ever be made. You are trying to be the arbiter of what is in good taste and what isn't. That's eerily similar to being a censor. You should give more credit to people. They can make up their own mind about what is in good taste and what isn't. And believe me good people will recognize when a game is in bad taste. There is no need for gatekeeping.
  21. Battlefield franchise I don't understand how can this series exist in the same universe as COD. I'm not a big fan of COD either. But when it comes to comparing the two battlefield is complete and utter guano that makes COD look like a masterpiece. Burnout series And by extension any game developed by criterion, as it is the antithesis of physics. Their motto should be: "We look at how cars behave in the real world and make sure our games don't resemble it in the slightest"
  22. What you describe is censorship. How does that help? Say you can't have a stereotypical depiction of a trans person but you can have a stereotypical depiction of a redneck? That is the double standard that drives hate. I think most people who are transphobic don't actually hate trans people, but the fact that they are treated as sacred cows, off limits to making fun of or depicting them freely. Politicians have been arguing that videogame violence makes kids violent, when in reality the opposite is true. But here you are arguing that depicting transphobia would make people transphobic? No chance. If you drive an idea underground it will fester and spread, if you put it out in the open then everyone can see how ridiculous it is.
  23. I think getting offended by videogames shows that people can't separate reality from fiction. Nothing in a videogame can offend me because it is not real. Offence is taken, not given. If you choose to get offended by a work of fiction it is on you.
  24. Yes. There are a few I'd particularly wish every game would adopt that it can apply to. Realistic difficulty setting - This means NPCs, enemies and the player characters should be as resilient and durable as you'd expect in real life. As in a humanoid with no special armor should be disabled by one limb shot and killed by headshots instantly.Or when there are machines or monsters, they should not be immune to damage, at least no more than what their armor would suggest. Hardcore mode - The need to eat / sleep / drink in role playing games / immersive sims. Soft Body Physics - Most games still use the archaic rigid body physics for most things. Despite of having computation power to simulate soft body physics. Developers are reluctant to adopt it, probably because of its relative unpredictability and higher computation intensity. But in reality nothing is completely rigid, every common construction material have a certain internal stress and flexibility, this is completely ignored by rigid body physics as it assumes objects are completely rigid as the name suggests. Soft body physics however takes into account the springiness of materials. Resulting in leaps and bounds more realism. And it's not like it is brand new technology. I first saw it in tech demos in the mid 1990s and by 2000s there were games using it. Changing half empty clips means loosing the ammo in it. Not many games do this, probably for the sake of player convenience. Some games offer it as an option which is the best solution. Per character based reputation system as in every key NPC has it's own unique view on you
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