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Everything posted by m76

  1. i don't think that's exactly going to be a masterpiece. There is also days gone coming out on PC, and Deathloop, but all are kind of meh games, maybe better than nothing but won't make this a great year.
  2. tt will be a very dry season. No new games of any interest coming this year.
  3. Gran Turismo, The Last of Us. That's about the only two games I'd be interested in. Maybe Uncharted, but it always felt like just Tomb Raider with a man instead of a woman to me.
  4. I fully blame EA. If you put gambling in your game, don't be surprised when it attracts low life behaviour. Of course the insiders doing this are selfish scum, but the only victim is EA themselves, so I guess this is at least karma, too bad it doesn't make a dent in their revenue. I wish they banned lootboxes in games entirely not just restrict them to adult only games. That's a start but in the long run it will not make a difference.
  5. In reality perspective doesn't make a lot of difference, an RPG or platformer can be more complex and "difficult" to make than any 3D game. I mean making the basics of a game was child's play when I did it in the early 2000s, the tools only got exponentially better since then. They are gaslighting you. It is a time consuming and labour intensive task to make an AAA game, but difficult it is certainly not.
  6. Yes, I do. But it's not relevant to the point I was making. I don't see any other professionals whine so much about their jobs on social media, or in general as game developers. Their job is made out to be the hardest ever, by people like Jason Scherier. It's not. For starters Movie VFX gigs are much tougher. You don't like the crunch in gaming? VFX is literally crunch for life. As for doors, I think it is a very interesting and fun problem to have, as a coder myself, it's a challenge I'd love to tackle. I feel embarrassed because of these whiny loosers, to call myself a coder. When you solve a problem that is the greatest feeling, especially if you do it creatively and efficiently and not through brute force. Alas since I'm not working in the gaming industry (but use a lot of tools and concepts in common with it) I don't think I'll ever have to deal with opening doors.
  7. This is a whine, nothing more. devs nowadays are whiny crybabies, trying to collect sympathy points on how hard their job is. I just laugh at these posts and view them with utter contempt. There is no unsolvable problem in coding, just incompetent coders.
  8. Well, there were many Star Wars games that were excellent. Of course they are only based on the world of Star Wars, not directly on specific movies. X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, X-Wing Alliance, Rogue Squadron, Knights of the Old Republic etc, were all good games. There were also a few good Star Trek games: Klingon Honor Guard, Star Trek Elite Force I & II Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay was a good game too.
  9. XCOM2: 1111 BeamNG Drive: 433 Train Simulator: 353 (not including the time spent when it was called Microsoft Train Simulator) Defence Grid: 208 Fallout 4: 107 That's the Top5 games on steam. I've probably spent close to 200 hours with Mass Effect 2, but have no exact numbers for that. And countless hours with Transport Tycoon Deluxe, that I've been regularly playing with some pauses since 1995.
  10. A lot of pre-built "gaming" PCs hurt PC gaming, because they are just crap sold by snakeoil salesman. Pre-built PCs were always a rip-off ever since I've had a PC. If you wanted a decent gaming PC and not pay and arm and leg for it, you needed to know how to build your own. And this is unthinkable to most beginners. Especially when it is non tech savvy parents buying a gaming system for their kids. So 9 out of 10 it will be a console that is ready to play oob.
  11. I can't say I'm very excited for any game right now that has been already announced for release in the near future. Maybe the PC version of Days gone. I was excited for Vampire Masquerade, but with the troubles around development, I've lost my appetite for that game. Same for Test Drive Unlimited 3 / aka. Solar Crown, with bigben / nacon being in charge I fear the worst. I'm interested in Elden Ring, but that's nothing but curiosity yet, I'm not convinced the game is for me. I'm pessimistic about Horizon Forbidden West, HZD was already too politically charged, and HFW seems worse, besides I'm not plannig to buy a PS5 for a very long time. Literally the most exciting thing now, are the rumours about the Uncharted series coming to PC
  12. I pre-order every game I'm convinced will be worth playing. It makes very little difference whether I pre-order or simply buy the game on release. I'm not going to read reviews of games I already decided to play, because I Consider everything a spoiler, even things unrelated to the story. And it's often easier to get a better deal on games if I pre-order. For example I could pre-order Cyberpunk 2077 for $40. But I'd have gotten my money's worth even if I paid $60 for it. Despite everyone screaming about how awful it was. Same thing for Mass Effect Andromeda, I was actually lucky that I pre-ordered that game, because based on the backlash it got I'd have skipped it, but that would've been a mistake, it was a pretty good and memorable game. So I've learned to only listen to my own instincts when deciding on what games to buy. Yes, somatimes I've made mistakes, I've bought games that I Didn't like as much, but not pre-ordering would not have helped there, as some of the games I dislike are praised to high heavens, while ones I like are received poorly.
  13. How the heck did driver gave birth to watchdogs? I've never seen that comparison ever made. Half Life -> Counter Strike. GTA -> Saint's Row Dune 2 -> Command & Conquer Car & Driver -> The Need for Speed
  14. It's not that I feel scared of it, it's that sometimes the games have specific mechanics that are not self-explanatory, and I already forgot how things worked in the game then it is hard to get into the rhythm of it again. It happened more than once after jumping back into a game that I did not realize some feature or function even existed and finished the game without it.
  15. Seems to be a very inexperienced and amateurish dev team. I believe this is not a AA title. And I expect a 30-40 price tag on it. Anything else would be highway robbery. It doesn't seem particularly interesting just a simple shoot em-up. The dev commentating in the video is way to enthusiastic about gameplay features that are neither new or very interesting. The funniest bit is when they find a "hidden cache" that is totally in the open. If the game does cost < 40 it might be worth picking up for a few hours of fun, but even then I fear the gameplay gets repetitive and boring fast. Since your characters seem to be locked in to one weapon.
  16. I think the right question to ask is who will Remedy sell out to next 🙄 Remedy sold the rights to Max Payne to T2K (talk about selling out) so they cannot make a Max Payne game even if they wanted to. Max Payne 3 was already developed by Rockstar and it was awful imo.
  17. The masks aren't for the wearer's protection. I'm still baffled how this is still not clear to everyone. The vaccine only means you won't get seriously ill when you get the virus, but you can still spread it around possibly even to those who haven't been vaccinated yet. So it would be the height of intolerance and selfishness to stop wearing a mask after you got the shot. Just keep wearing them until everyone who wanted to take the vaccine already has. The anti-vaxxers, can reap what they sewn, I have zero sympathy for fools.
  18. You are being an elitist. Which is the fault of most devs as well. Assuming you are better than the rest of the people and only you can tell that something is not right but they cannot. If you treat other people as lesser than yourself you already lost the argument and you are not winning anyone over. Counter to what many like to believe that people holding different beliefs are either stupid or evil the reality is that most are neither. They are misguided and misinformed at worst. But they are not stupid, so they can see through your strawman arguments and distortions of reality very easily. All you achieve is reinforcing them in the beliefs you are supposed to fight against. Lizard people are very far beyond the normal arguments that should take place. There is a long distance between "women should be in the kitchen and don't seek careers" and "lizard people actually run the world" I did not say equal footing, but realistic and honest representation instead of distortions and straw man arguments.
  19. Most filmmakers look down on the gaming industry, I say we don't need them. It's already bad enough that now we have hollywood actors take the jobs of voice actors and taking huge salaries for it, we don't need star directors taking millions of dollars out of game's budgets also.
  20. This doesn't happen very often, most games use a caricature of the real world ideology then show that as bad, but that's pointless, OK great, you have shown that your strawman of the real world ideology is bad. They should present ideologies as realistically as possible, and then debunk them, because that's exactly the danger of these bad ideas that they seem convincing on the surface. If you don't think about them deeper. If you just present a highly distorted version that's even counter productive to fighting the ideology.
  21. Yes, westwood was PC only. the rest made games for multiple systems. I only had a PC at the time. Didn't purchase my first console until 2006.
  22. Well they said "bikiniarmor" is removed because of realism since it is not very effective at protecting the wearer. But half the men in the game are naked from the torso up. So it's clear there were political reasons behind the covering of female characters. Evil male gaze and whatnot, I don't have time for that kind of bs.
  23. And how utterly shallow you have to be to think that's all there is to a person? Or if I reverse the question, how utterly shallow you think trans people are that all they need to identify with a character is for the character to be also trans? Skin color and/or sexual orientation are superficial characteristics. I judge characters in games by their personality and deeds. That type of representation matters. Says the person who obviously didn't even fully read my post. So yeah now I feel ignored. Not because of my group status, but because I have a slightly different view. Different viewpoints are much more important than different skin colors, because one actually fuels progress through discussion, the other is a meaningless superficiality. And had you read the rest of my post instead of knee-jerk reacting to the first half of it, you'd have seen that I have zero issues with having the choice in game, I even criticized CP2077 for not doing it very well. There has never been a game that allowed to change the race of the character but then excluded some "marginalized" group. And religion deserves no protected status whatsoever. As no matter how I respect them as people, I'll never respect their ridiculous beliefs. If beliefs would be inviolable that would mean the end of progress and discussion. And you didn't address the question I raised. "The whole idea that in order for people to enjoy a game it needs to represent them is bunk" Again, I might be a white male, but given the choice, I prefer not to play as a white straight male in any game. So by that standard I assume Trans people are complex people too, and they might not need or even want to play characters that have the same characteristics as them. When you say "they need this" you are degrading every trans person, making them out to be shallow and hung up on superficiality. And finally, to drill it in. I have no problem with having the option in games. I take issue with people who say things like "Well, now finally trans people can also enjoy games" You are obviously ignorant of how degrading and vile of a statement that is.
  24. The First three. After that they went kind of bad, there were still a few OK ones later but there are so many iterations now I can't even follow. Besides they outed themselves as the worst kind of hypocrites, so I'm never buying any mortal kombat ever again.
  25. Who I wish was still around? A lot. Westwood : Creator of many classic adventure games and the best RTS games. DSI - One of the first acquisitions made by EA in the early 90s. Developed great racing games. And had a big role in the original NFS renamed as EA Canada. Interplay - They are still around by name, but haven't done anything since forever Gremlin Interactive - Lots of good memories from them, defunct in 2003. Eden Games - Developers of NFS:Porsche and Test Drive Unlimited, the company still exists but only with a skeleton crew making mobile games Invictus - Development company founded by one person who was the first to implement soft body physics in a racing game. Released a tech demo in 1996, later founded invictus and released their first full game Insane in 2000, that utilized the same soft body physics from the tech demo. The company is still around, but the founder left many years ago, I last saw him working at reflections on the driver series. They made some niche street racing games in the early 2000s, that had many forward looking aspects unfortunately they were also underdeveloped and buggy. But I still loved playing those games due to the awesome physics. They had full fluids simulation way back in 2003.
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