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Everything posted by m76

  1. They are both still around and as awful as ever. I wish they'd go away.
  2. So after the Transporter, we'll have the Transpotter? Sorry couldn't resist. The whole idea that in order for people to enjoy a game it needs to represent them is bunk. I mean if I was represented in a game, I'd probably run away and try to find another game where the player character doesn't resemble me the least bit. That said I think the more customization options the better. Cyberpunk's character creator is quite lacklustre and the whole transgender aspect of it seems like an afterthought, instead of the game being designed with it in mind.
  3. You must be confused. You don't have to do anything. And it's the most REALISTIC, the opposite of unrealistic.
  4. That is a terrible video (I hate whatculture, I think they are tasteless humourless idiots) there is no good reason to play any of those games. Here are 7 terrible games that you actually should play: Alpha Protocol - It is a terrible, ugly, buggy videogame, with poor level design, but it has the best NPC standing system of any game, and a great branching story. Jalopy - It's a terrible game, but offers an opportunity to see what life behind the Berlin wall was like Splinter Cell Double Agent - It's a buggy unfinished mess of a game, but has one of the most thrilling experiences as an undercover agent and has some impossible story choices. Odyssey by Car - It's a terrible car game, but has one of the funkiest physics, that is strangely satisfying to master recommended to steer with a mouse APB Reloaded (aka All Points Bulletin) it is a struggling mmo slightly similar to GTA Online (it was made long before that it was even rumored that rockstar was going to buy it) the game itself is not great, I could say pretty awful, but it has the best chararcter creator of any game, despite being 10 years old, nobody has even come close to this level of customization. BeamNG.Drive - It's hard to call this a game as it mostly has no purpose or goal, more like a tech demo, but one that I've wasted 400+ hours with. While? Because it has the best damn crash physics ever Rigs of Rods - Basically the grandfather of BeamNG, which grew out of the modding community of ROR, it invented the physics principles Beamng is built on. It was once even featured on national TV on how forward looking the technology is, yet no mainstream developer has tried it hands at simulating physics like this, probably because it's high computation demand and unpredictabillity.
  5. As someone who does not live in the US this changes nothing. For me comic con, E3, etc, were always online only. Or magazine only before reliable internet access.
  6. So do I believe in a supersticious urban legend regarding a game series I don't care about. Which is about a sport I don't care about? You can guess.
  7. It adds a sense of accomplishment when you get a rare achievement but I don't mind if a game has no achievements.I never play specifically to get achievements
  8. And talk about indie devs being the good guys. They want to be exactly the same as big AAA developers. If an indie dev has a big break they are usually bought out by a big corporation, and they are happy to sell out most of the time. There are very few developers that would choose to stay independent when someone knocks on their doors with a huge check to cash out.
  9. I'm sick and tired of people calling "indie" the saviour of gaming. What is an indie game really? If we go by the standard definition then it is a game developed by a small independent studio with no corporate overlords. But what does that get you exactly? A game made on a low budget with low tech tools. i'm sorry, but I have no interest in that. I enjoy games on the bleeding edge of technology with proper voice acting and animations. Things that indie titles can't provide. There are a few indie titles I enjoy, but only as niche products, and on an entirely different level than big budget AAA games. So no, indie will not replace AAA titles for me, they can't. For all the hate big publishers and AAA studios get, they put out the most of my favorite games.
  10. In Heavy Rain you control both the antagonist and the protagonist. In Detroit Become Human you can effectively play as a villain, doing bad things with the player controlled characters so basically it's your choice what role you play in it. Guess Bioshock Infinite counts as well,
  11. I'm not a fan of games that require you to do mundane chores. Like fishing hunting repairing and maintaining weapons, and so on. I like however the responsibility you have in say Mass Effect 2 to not get squad members killled. And quantic dream games where lives depend on many of your actions and decisions.
  12. As I've mentioned in the topic Games that were worth it but not at full price? I rarely buy games at full price, so it made no sense to list almost every game I bought. So in this topic I'm asking what games you regretted buying because they were not worth whatever you paid for them. So here goes my list Fallout 4 Season Pass. I bought this in the middle of my playthrough of the base game when I was still enthusiastic about it, but by the time any DLC dropped I wasn't interested in the game, I never even finished the content, I maybe spent 20 minutes with the DLCs. Far Cry: New Dawn. I expected more Far Cry 5 style content from this, instead it got completely revamped and turned into a grindfest with tiered enemies and weapons, I hated it and never finished the game. Rage 2: I was excited for the game because I loved Mad Max, and this was virtually the same game in concept, made by the same developers. Unfortunately I was gravely disappointed, barely spent half an hour with it before abandoning the game.I might try again some time but so far it was a waste of money. The Last of Us Remastered. I bought this for the PS4, but never actually played it. I had hoped they improved the controls over the PS3 version, but sadly it was just as frustrating as the original release. So I spent an hour with it and realized this will end badly. Best case me breaking the controller, worst case throwing it into the TV. Mafia III: Just simply a bad game, that I never got my money's worth out of. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3: I got this really cheap with all DLC included I had thought I made such a deal. Only to find out that the game is actually terrible.
  13. I only had one dog in my entire life, I didn't want a substitute.
  14. Initially traffic was better in the first part of the quarantine, but now I think it's actually much worse than it was before it. A lot of people went back to working in the office except they switched from public transit to cars.
  15. that's roughly in the same ballpark as PS4 launch sales. Except the PS4 didn't have a pandemic driving sales. If they were able to keep up with the demand they could'Ve sold twice that.
  16. I have a strong preference against eastern videogames. Not because I'm biased against the people of the east, but because I did not like any game that came from the East.
  17. m76

    Outriders demo

    I've tried it so you don't have to. You can thank me later. The loch ness monster, chupacabra, bigfoot, the yeti, aliens, what is the common characterstic they all share? That most people assume they do not exist. Today I cross off something from the list of things I didn't believe in: A video game so bad that deserves the 1/10 rating. Not because it is broken, or does not work as intended. Oh, it works exactly as intended. It earns this rating plain and fair purely on merit. You can read my full ramblings on the demo here.
  18. I used to play 2D side scroller platformers a lot, but they can't keep me occupied anymore, I've tried modern ones, and I always get super bored in 2 minutes. The other genre is RTS games, not out of choice, but because there are no good games in the genre, hasn't been in a long time.
  19. I rarely pay full price for games, even the ones I buy new I try to find some sort of deal, so at worst I pay maybe $50 for them, but never more. A game really needs to be something to make me pay full price. I can probably count on one hand the times I Actually paid the full $60 for a game in my entire life. So I could list almost all games I Ever purchased. It would be easier to list the games that were not worth buying even at a reduced price.
  20. If I can stick with a game for a few hours that usually means I can get to the end. The exception was GTA V on the PS3. I had to quit, the controls were so frustrating for me on it, so I waited 2 years for the PC version and finished the game on PC, which I should've done in the first place and not waste my time on the console version. Thief Deadly Shadows. I don't even remember why I quit playing this game, this was in 2004.
  21. I don't but I'd not have bought one yet even if it was available. I usually buy consoles years into their lifecycle when there are at least a few good games to pick up. But with Sony moving towards releasing more and more titles on PC, I'm not even sure I'll buy a PS5. As for XBOX I don't need it, there is nothing and never was any title on that platform that would even remotely warrant the investment.
  22. Since games have so wildly different graphics fidelity it is not possible to point out any specific thing. Some games will look dated some already do when they release, while others will still look fine years on. Where I wish improvements are the areas of animation and physics. The Last of Us 2 made quite big leaps in this, but people barely even notice those. I want all games to finally embrace soft body phyiscs instead of the archaic rigid body, and ragdoll physics that has been the industry standard for 20 years at least. I also wish for characters to have realistic skin and muscular/bone structure, but I guess this is way out there still. Currently they just use jcms or not even those in some instances to animate body parts.
  23. My copy of Fallout 3 was broken, so I had to go to the literal home of the local distributor to get a replacement copy. And then that one broke too. It had some messed up copy protection. The good old days of securom and safedisc. Then I purchased the goty edition. I also purchased Command and Conquer 4 times now. First the original in 1995, then as part of the first decade collection, then as the origin ultimate collection, then the remastered edition.
  24. Can't say there are that many singular moments in video games that I can specifically recall. It's usually the whole experience. Climbing the WWII radio tower in Tomb Raider (2013) Mass Effect 1's ending Emerging from the sewers in Oblivion for the first time The homeless level in Beyond Two Souls System Shock 2's villain reveal
  25. Oblivion Fallout3 Skyrim Fallout4 DeusEx Test Drive Unlimited Mass Effect Mako exploration Ghost Recon Wildlands Ghost Recon Breakpoint Tomb Raider (2013)
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