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Posts posted by StaceyPowers

  1. 2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    The game gives you that option but the Dragonborn was always a Nord and also in the lore, the Dragonborn's voice could level whole cities but he is completely nerfed in Skyrim.

    Have any reference links to share? I'd like to learn more.

  2. I'm so far very much enjoying my first playthrough of RDR, but I keep thinking about all the awful crunch time stories I've heard about Rockstar (and other companies). It really bothers me that developers are seen as "throw away" resources--and it seems like even game creators often burn out from the high pressure involved with tight release schedules.

    Personally, I don't mind waiting a long time for a really amazing game, and wish that crunch culture would change. What about you?



  3. 19 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    In the lore, the Dragonborn is actually a Nord so I always assumed it was what caused the hostility from the Forsworn.

    I had no idea, lol. That's ironic. On my first playthrough, I was an Argonian, and imagined I was a foreigner. On my second, I'm an Orc, and imagine that I'm (like the Forsworn) another displaced native. 

  4. I wouldn’t say I’m a “bad” gamer, but I’m not really a “good” one either. I suppose I’m pretty mediocre. But as a kid, I was downright terrible, to the point where I didn’t even grasp the appeal of playing. I just watched other people with great interest instead.

    There were a few games I liked anyway when I was younger, but I still remember the day I was playing Quake III Arena in CTF mode online, and suddenly something “clicked” in my brain, and abruptly, I could fight. I started scoring frags like crazy, and after that, a whole universe of gaming was suddenly accessible and awesome.

    Anyone else ever have that sort of experience?



  5. What do you look for in a HUD? Do you prefer them to be super minimalist, or do you like to be able to easily see everything at a glance about your status?

    Initially, I remember really detesting Skyrim’s minimalist HUD, but once I got used to it, I like it just fine. I also like the one in TLOU.

  6. 18 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I do sympathize with their history but at the same time, I think they are too dangerous and unpredictable a faction to deal with. I'd have to think long and hard about it but one of the reasons I think they still attack you even though you helped them in Skyrim is the deep hatred for the Nords and with the Dragonborn being a Nord - well, you see where I am going with this.

    Is it canon that the Dragonborn is a Nord? I always assumed the Dragonborn was just whatever race the player selects. I'm not sure I even assumed the character is native to Skyrim.

  7. Ran into a discussion about review-bombing somewhere else, and was curious what people here think of it. Ignoring the obvious purpose of trolling in many cases (which is clearly downright negative), do you think it is acceptable as a last resort to try and get developers to listen?

  8. Kind of a silly sounding question, but … I started RDR last night, and whether on horseback or on foot, I seem to find it hard to turn while walking or running. It’s particularly awkward on the horse, like I’m trying to steer a grocery cart. I think this may be because the game is programmed with more realistic movement parameters than a lot of others (i.e. Skyrim), but I’m struggling to learn how to move, lol. Any suggestions?

  9. One of the odd things about open world games is when you wrap up most of the major quests (or all of them), and find yourself with little to do, but you’ve finally got an awesome house/family/etc, and all sorts of cool weapons and abilities.

    What do you usually do when you reach this point? Quit completely with that playthrough? Return to it occasionally and mess around?

    When I hit that point with my first Skyrim playthrough, I figured I’d pop in occasionally, and I’ve actually found a surprising amount left to do there. But I just wrapped up my first playthrough in Fallout 3, and can’t see much to do with it at this point (other than start another, obviously).

  10. I didn't actually know this before, but there are rumors that Take-Two is developing a new Bioshock game (I think those rumors have been around for almost a year now).

    It seems hard to picture Bioshock without Ken Levine, since my understanding is that he has always been the series' creative heart. Attempting Bioshock without him seems ... odd, but I suppose it could be done well if it stays true to his philosophical and political spirit. 

    What would you be looking for from a new Bioshock game? Do you think there should be another?

  11. On 1/28/2019 at 6:32 PM, DC said:

    Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

    The smartest. You can't bring the popularity with you when you graduate, but you can bring your smarts.

  12. I often hear fans of retro games complaining about modern games, and longing for games more like those they enjoyed when they were young.

    I definitely understand nostalgia. But setting that aside, if you remember retro games fondly and feel frustrated with games right now, what lessons from those older games do you wish developers would learn and incorporate into modern games?

  13. Fallout 76 has been something of a PR disaster for Bethesda. I know that there are a lot of folks who actually really like the game despite its flaws, but the voices of those who are disappointed with it are definitely the loudest.

    I don’t know what that reception will mean for the franchise’s future—I really hope there will be more Fallout games though. If there is a next Fallout game, what should it be? Where and when would you want it to take place? Would you want it to be a single player or multiplayer game?

  14. Are there any video game characters you have found it particularly easy to relate to in some way?

    I find it easy to relate to Leliana in Dragon Age. Her personality and interests when she was younger remind me of mine when I was young (not as dramatic on my end of course), as does her evolution in Origins (and Leliana’s Song) toward replacing that with purpose and the desire to do right by others. I also love how she is able to reconcile her past in Origins and kind of bring both aspects of herself together in a more focused way. I’d like to be more like her in that respect.

  15. 17 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    That is a very valid lesson actually because a lot of times, you really are your own worst enemy. When you need to get something done but you feel too lazy to do it and you literally have to fight yourself to get it done. Or when you are doing something challenging and you suddenly start to doubt yourself which stops you from doing your best. 

    That's true. What I found interesting is that in Booker's case, the same traits (his revulsion at the evils of the world and his part in them) that drove him toward damnation in one world were also essential to his salvation in the other. It was just a question of how they were directed. Anyway, the game has a lot to say about free will, free choice (not necessarily identical), and some comments on Christianity that I found interesting.

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